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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. Upcoming update, http://prntscr.com/wmd6tn About your question define what is only for lucera and acis? because at the moment it supports 31 projects, also i will not discuss security.
  2. I believe it will help the forum in general, is is a very positive move for such rule, nobody deserves to get scammed from such tactics, it will also make this place safer to conduct business for even somebody who is not familiar but want to start something this rule will help him see more clear what is going on and not rip him out, sell or re-sell illegal (morally talking) stuff that are other people's work. 100% agreed on adding such rules. Transparency is everything.
  3. if you live in this world you cant accuse somebody for something without having proofs got it? when you go to police to report something the first thing they ask you is can you prove it? so for me nothing happen and you are a liar and liars are punished. if you want to contempt somebody here you have to follow the rules and provide proofs mr smart guy got it?
  4. I believe adding the mobius website/timeline should be more attractive for everyone since the credits goes on mobius project so people can get the official version (in case they want even buy it) seems more legit on a share to me.
  5. i have 0 experience on c++ in your place i would use the vanganth sources from his extender, but maybe guytis have a better solution because his experience is better than mine
  6. Provide more info you say: you try to do something but you dont say where you try to do it. People forgot how to communicate the last years...
  7. yeah i hope he finds the time, it is one of the best free available vote systems
  8. in your place i would start with a vps of 25 euro on contabo it is ddos protected it is cheap and will do the work just fine, no need to start big without reason.
  9. mysql -u root -p ******* after login use l2jdatabase; and delete * from characters;
  10. Yes it has config for everything for each project example FandC https://github.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/tree/master/HighFive/FandC/config plus it comes with sources.
  11. Added Scions of Destiny Lisvus Interlude aCis 394 Hellas Frozen Lucera High Five Scripts Scripts Zaken aVa FandC Remorse Mobius projects Mobius 1.0 Ertheia Mobius 2.5 Underground Mobius 3.0 Helios Mobius 4.0 GrandCrusade Mobius 5.0 Salvation Mobius 5.5 EtinasFate Mobius 6.0 Fafurion Mobius 7.0 PreludeOfWar Mobius C4 ScionsOfDestiny Mobius C6 Interlude Mobius CT 2.4 Epilogue Mobius CT 2.6 HighFive Mobius Classic 2.0 Saviors Mobius Classic 2.1 Zaken Mobius Classic 2.2 Antharas Mobius Classic 2.3 SevenSigns Mobius Classic 2.4 SecretOfEmpire Mobius Classic 3.0 TheKamael Mobius Classic Interlude Updated first link github source and compiled releases.
  12. for those who might want to search about it https://maxcheaters.com/search/?&q=Pawnviewer&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  13. the first looks good, lineage2 servers are not coming with documentation, you just copy paste from something else and edit, for more @`NeverMore
  14. usually is not allowed sharing small codes, also its better sharing a diff or pastebin and say a few things what it is and how it works, thank you for sharing it tho and happy holidays :)
  15. The world is not spinning around you and nobody knows what pack you use, there are so many packs to discuss about the differentiation of each one of them, if you had specified the pack might got an actual opinion by somebody who specializes on specific packs, logic.
  16. dont misunderstood what i write, i fixed classpaths and made it a "project" if you want to work on it and fix stuff feel free to do it, the projects i shared are 'as is' on the shares that already done the rest still need fixing!
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