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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. thegigahost.com and hostchefs.eu are also supporting my donation panel if you want.
  2. you need to make a new zone type in Primival Island and that zone type should have on enter flag at once, on exit start flag exit task not imidietly cause it will be cheat, and you also need to handle on die and on res what happens how to do this search somewhere in this forum how to make a new zone there is a share for acis
  3. speak with @Karahe can at least guide you, if you need donate panel/website with life time support talk to me or https://www.denart-designs.com/ PS: do not expect ken orwen that is not possible this server is open and tested for years to achieve that you need $$.$$$ and anybody who will say otherwise or he has it is 99% here to scam you.
  4. if you want website or donate panel visit https://shop.denart-designs.com if you have questions about it send me a message or tag me here
  5. side note best files are the ones you can work with and make them best for your likings and your builded community through the fixes your community suggests/likes that said means you need to be able to work on any files you got, that most cases means you need source (but since its java for double effort you can work without sources in 2021)
  6. oh shit i found my tester <?php /************************************************************************************* * * Author Nightwolf * Designer Dehnise * Created for Denart Designs that holds the ownership of this files. * * Purchased at https://shop.denart-designs.com/ get updates latest news and support. * * Copyright (C) 2019 DenArt-Designs <info@denart-designs.com>, Inc - All Rights Reserved * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited * This file is part of DenArt Panel. * Parts of the code can not be copied and/or distributed under any circumstances. * * For further questions contact us. * Email <info@denart-designs.com> * Skype <denart_grafistiki> * * Thank you for supporting us and helping to improve DenArt Designs. * *************************************************************************************/ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", true); setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US.UTF-8'); ini_set("max_execution_time", 10); ?> <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Test Web Host</title> <meta name="author" content="DenArt"> </head> <body> <center> <h1>SQL Server Connection Test</h1><br> Detail: if you don't see any "Success" message then you cant use our panel because your web host does not support this kind of connections.<br> You can try to switch the PHP Version and check again<br> Recommended PHP Version 7.3.0+ <br> Using PHP Version:<b><?php echo phpversion(); ?></b><br> <hr/> </center> Curl: <?php echo function_exists('curl_version') ? "<font color='green'>PASS</font>" : "<font color='red'>FAIL</font>" ; ?><br> Array_merge: <?php echo function_exists('array_merge') ? "<font color='green'>PASS</font>" : "<font color='orange'>FAIL</font>" ; ?> (G2A Function)<br> openssl_pkey_get_public: <?php echo function_exists('openssl_pkey_get_public') ? "<font color='green'>PASS</font>" : "<font color='orange'>FAIL</font>" ; ?> (Paysera Function)<br> Simplexml_load_string: <?php echo function_exists('simplexml_load_string') ? "<font color='green'>PASS</font>" : "<font color='red'>FAIL</font>" ; ?><br> <?php // EDIT THIS $host = "CPU\SQLEXPRESS"; // server IP Address $user = "sa"; $pass = "sa"; // ONLY IF NEED EDIT THIS $base = "lin2world"; $port = 1433; $q = 'SELECT top 10 char_name FROM user_data'; // DO NOT EDIT ABOVE $charset = 'utf8'; $options = [ PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, ]; // if you get error message excecution time exceed remove 2 and 4 $methods = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); foreach ($methods as $method) { $message = null; if ($method == 1) { echo "------------------------<br>"; echo "Testing mssql_connect()...<br>"; try { if (function_exists('mssql_connect')) { $con = mssql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if ($con) { echo "mssql_connect() successfully connected!<br>"; $db_selected = mssql_select_db($base, $con); if (!$db_selected) echo ('Can\'t use db : ' . mssql_get_last_message()); $result = mssql_query($q); if (!$result) echo ('Invalid query: ' . mssql_get_last_message()); $Count = mssql_num_rows($result); print "Showing $Count rows:\n\n"; while ($Row = mssql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<pre>" . $Row['char_name'] . "</pre><br>"; } mssql_close($con); } else { echo "mssql_connect() failed to connect!<br>"; } } else { echo "mssql_connect() function is not available.<br />"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "mssql_connect() Failed to connect! ".$e->getMessage()."<br>"; } } if ($method == 2) { echo "------------------------<br>"; echo "Testing odbc_connect()...<br>"; try { if (function_exists('odbc_connect')) { $con = odbc_connect("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=".$host.";Port=1433;Database=".$base, $user, $pass); if($con) { echo "odbc_connect() successfully connected!<br>"; $result = odbc_exec($q,$con); } else echo "odbc_connect() failed to connect!<br>"; } else { echo "odbc_connect() function is not available.<br />"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "odbc_connect() Failed to connect! ".$e->getMessage()."<br>"; } } if ($method == 3) { echo "------------------------<br>"; echo "Testing PDO(all available drivers)...<br>"; $dsn = null; try { foreach (PDO::getAvailableDrivers() as $driver) { if ($driver == "odbc") { $driver = "odbc:Driver={SQL Server}"; } $driver .= ":"; $dsn = $driver."Server=$host,$port;Database=$base"; if ($driver == "sqlsrv:") { $con = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $options); if ($con) { echo "PDO $driver successfully connected!<br>"; $stmt = $con->prepare($q); $stmt->execute(); echo "Results of char_name:<br>"; while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { echo "<pre>".$row['char_name']."</pre>"; } unset($con); unset($stmt); } } else if ($driver == "odbc:") { $con = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $options); if ($con) { echo "PDO $driver successfully connected!<br>"; $stmt = $con->prepare($q); $stmt->execute(); echo "Results of char_name:<br>"; while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { echo $row['char_name']."<br>"; } unset($con); unset($stmt); } } else if ($driver == "dblib:") { $con = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $options); if ($con) { echo "PDO $driver successfully connected!<br>"; $stmt = $con->prepare($q); $stmt->execute(); echo "Results of char_name:<br>"; while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { echo $row['char_name']."<br>"; } unset($con); unset($stmt); } } else echo $driver." Failed or will not be checked<br>"; } } catch (\PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(). ' '.(int)$e->getCode(); } } if ($method == 4) { echo "------------------------<br>"; echo "Testing mysqli_connect()...<br>"; try { if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')) { $con = mysqli_connect("p:".$host.":1433", $user, $pass, $base); if ($con) { echo "mysqli_connect() successfully connected!" . PHP_EOL; echo "Host information: " . mysqli_get_host_info($con) . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "mysqli_connect() failed to connect!" . PHP_EOL; echo "Debugging errno: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . PHP_EOL; echo "Debugging error: " . mysqli_connect_error() . PHP_EOL; } mysqli_close($con); } else { echo "mysqli_connect() function is not available.<br />"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "mysqli_connect() Failed to connect! ".$e->getMessage()."<br>"; } } if ($method == 5) { echo "------------------------<br>"; echo "Testing sqlsrv_connect()...<br>"; try { if (function_exists('sqlsrv_connect')) { $con = sqlsrv_connect($host, array("Database" =>$base, "UID" => $user, "PWD" => $pass)); if ($con) { echo "sqlsrv_connect() successfully connected!<br>"; if(($result = sqlsrv_query($con, $q)) !== false) { echo "Results of char_name:<br>"; while($obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<pre>".$obj->char_name."</pre>"; } } } else { print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true); echo "sqlsrv_connect() failed to connect!<br>"; } //sqlsrv_close($con); } else { echo "sqlsrv_connect() function is not available.<br />"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "qlsrv_connect() Failed to connect! ".$e->getMessage()."<br>"; } } } echo phpinfo(); this will show you if the HOST you are on will make the panel finally work since this tester is for my panel with payment functions ignore the PASS/FAIL messages focus on the connection PS : OVH is not a host for this panel
  7. yeah it has some <<small issues>> if you for example try to pass any other malicious shit other than that public function secure($check_string) { $ret_string = $check_string; $ret_string = htmlspecialchars ($ret_string); $ret_string = strip_tags ($ret_string); $ret_string = trim ($ret_string); $ret_string = str_replace ('\\l', '', $ret_string); $ret_string = str_replace (' ', '', $ret_string); $ret_string = str_replace("'", "", $ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("\"", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("--", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("^", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("&", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("(", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace(")", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("=", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("+", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("%00", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace(";", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace(":", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("|", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("<", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace(">", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("~", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("`", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = str_replace("%20and%20", "",$ret_string ); $ret_string = stripslashes ($ret_string); return $ret_string; } in general: 1) I had to change all classes and functions to the date 2) lost sessions 3) captcha deprecated functions cause errors (i think its not even working) replace with google recaptcha 4) vendor components like smarty not working on latest PHP 7.4+ (even if you update them) 5) there are code violations in almost everything (at some point i was wondering how it even works) 6) Important: cached functions (specially on interlude need critical fixes) 7) this can run on special host they provide (NO SSL) and PHP 5.6 MAX if you try to run the panel with SSL it will refuse 9) if you know how to make a new template DO it codes are missing 10) statistics not working and are big jokes on terms of code 11) statistics functions ASC/DESC not working 12) there is no trace of error catching system 13) if your server restart people can see your database password user name and ip and everything 14) there are some cheat functions that not checking for certain conditions for example if char is online 15) almost all code is dated back to 2010 when mysql_connect function removed 16) images missing the existing ones are extracted by name not by id (thats an easy part) 17) you will have random logouts cause user session is not working correctly at some parts of the website 18) clown custom functions like "main" and "mail" are hazard is like naming a function function 19) all this are the tip of the iceberg 20) PHPMailer was so old i was going high school i think... so after a month i managed to rebuild it and keep only the template structure and fix/test the cached functions in the end thats what left worth.... this is the biggest joke on l2 the price is half it was 3 years ago it was 300+ the guy who coded this probably used internet tutorials and still to this date hates PHP i was selling it with extra responsive template even on phones, payment functions Paypal G2APay and more but it was too much time consuming to sell it cause of the installation since nobody know how to do it even with guides eventually instead of selling it i gave up cause nobody wanted so expensive l2off shit http://prntscr.com/139jbzo http://prntscr.com/139jgwy http://prntscr.com/139jiog http://prntscr.com/139jktn http://prntscr.com/139jlu8 PS the share is an account panel NOT a website PS Congratulations if you end up make it working PS The security is not only 1 badly written function is not even checking for XSS attacks, or utfmb4 (imagine some Chinese character (简 化 字) having sexy time with your database) but as i said what i mention is the tip of the iceberg..
  8. nice design, about cached no, but you use some functions that can be run through cached, overall well done.
  9. no more autographs sorry you choose the worst approach on reading data from the server ( i saw you got it on TODO but you should focus on that. 1) cache database data locally 2) cached server - recommended (unless you dont know how to secure it) 3) live data read from database PS avoid inline styles, override them instead.
  10. since you got free time to spam here maybe you can use it to make your pack worth 3 cents @Elfocrashany comments tho i know you can have an opinion in this subject.
  11. You are showing me an old template on bootstrap 4.x.x, behind the scenes is a new one build on boostrap 5.x.x, also the image is not showing any bad code style or bad practices used, only bad and broken style also still uses all good practices even if its abandoned template written on hand, also here is not a place for you since your website is using wordpress and ready templates that you even remove copy rights so is not a place for you to leave a comment at all. PS: i bet you dont even know the differences of a bootstrap 4 to 5 PS: no comments on my suggested practices only a personal attack that was low as your project is. :s
  12. I think you should be thanking me instead of down voting me, now you know you how to treat your problem with a solution also means that you are a true old school legend.
  13. he admit he makes money from noobs just like that. pure legend https://www.google.com/
  14. i had a client with l2jorion files 2 months ago, and the guy who paid vilmis for orion bought denart donation panel he had no sources so what i propose to him was to add 1 task class to reward the item from donations and send him a new jar, after 2 days of even asking to pay him to add my task class (that was ready and easy to implement) in the source he refused like a kid, imagine you have live server with his files and he do this: 1) 1 day to answer 2) cant communicate properly 3) treat you as garbage 4) refuse to add something 5) accepts to do it with payment and change his mind and refuse again 6) ... thats it you cant do anything about it. conclusion 1) client lost his time and money 2) seller vilmis is not professional 3) you deal with a kid in brain PS: L2JOrion is the best pack
  15. yes but even worse you pay for pre-configured pack not sources last time i knew a guy paid for 400 euro for the sources but now they lower it a lot. frozen had a success back in 2011 but now is just an abandoned project that needs a lot of updates for the lost years, and this is not something this orion pack is done, just added few customs per year and no actual fixing.
  16. its not java files with alot of fixes is java files (that should be the end of it) Trance replicated items, NPC's but the version builded is very old aCis (bugs of aCis + java files not good combination for l2gold server) so unless you want to play with friends this should not be for any serious project i mean nobody would invest on it... at least not any logic person.
  17. l2gold is based on l2off files, not java, anybody who claims to have l2gold files and they are on java based is a liar or own some really old acis sources that probably wont even work
  18. you need to understand what sarcasm is, i want him to understand how easy he can use google...
  19. if your site is wordpress i can sell you, the others can be found if you search proper, for your information there are 3 types of algorithms for l2j passwords.
  20. i can give you a paid developer, paid dedicated and ready website, and about 600+- people to play without advertising nothing, all you have to do is just sit back and watch your paid server grow while doing nothing, i only ask 1 thing from you in return, find a system for this files.
  21. foo spam connections and stress testing the database on live servers time travel back in 2009, thank you for bringing back memories. @Kara you cant write better queries, change my mind. find the differences https://stackoverflow.com/a/8066594 https://stackoverflow.com/q/22671697
  22. well still an unexpected crash while you sleep is 100% damage and reason for your server to die from every perspective, and most codes shared have coded on jdk 6-7 without proper try with resources, people code something and if it works they dont care to go deeper and check for NPE's or empty arrays and you find your self with pants down, personally i dont know any pack that have no memory leaks in java or no crashes, l2off on the other hand if a console crash, you can restore it automatically with "res(surect)" program (i would choose l2off even if its harder to work)
  23. L2OFF all the way, people dont use it because they dont even know how to install it. pros everything runs smooth after you understand how everything works the logic is always better consoles can crash and restart cons hard to add customs hard to make/find/create website language C++ no people available even if you pay them gold to help you write this language if you dont know it by your self. hard to edit extender hard to find components that dated in 2005-2008 L2Java (Emulator of L2OFF Files) pros can do anything write it as bad as you like and will still work easy to find/create website easy to edit and use latest technologies cons alot of people write bad java language consoles crash while you sleep emulate is still try to imitate the l2off behavior without much of success for 10 or more years bad behavior unexpected crashes
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