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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. True, from my experience with clients they come and asking DONATE PANEL ONLY and most of them (about 80%) asking not to be a UCP/ACP they dont want something like that, it confuses users and makes it hard to find the donation. PS: and to advertise them Donate panels PS: if it surpass atual studio functionalities like random wheel and auction like the l2scripts panel (but l2scripts can be hacked) and fix the vulnerabilities you might go somewhere into success and to make people need of your panel :) PS: always protect your work. PS: that windows activation message is distracting when you advertise something it says alot about you too, bored or not skilled enough to get rid of it, both not good and its disturbing. developer PS: dont use links UserAccount use instead /user developer PS: dont just use white it will burn our eyes developer PS: dont show every kind of statistic at once it will confuse everybody, let them select what they want to see developer PS: your code should be easy to be edited and well commended if you want users to edit it (nobody can guess what your weird functions do) designer PS: show hints in buttons/menus and question marks with help. good luck in any case
  2. when the real java dev comes to kick ass. On to the topic, why you think people will buy all this levels of VIP in first place? PS: @Tryskell what is your opinion you have also years of experience in java
  3. PS: There is no sources for the jar files that have also the same problems as i mentioned here so count 800 warnings + the warnings that potentially come out from the jars is like working for the sunrise owner to sell less shit ... if sunrise was public then your argue could have a point
  4. still we advertise our selfs like pros
  5. Send me your request and website info along with your deadline. PS: that is old
  6. you dont need it since you probably end up with a smartguard, sguard or strixguard they have a packet to use to open url in clients on all chronicles, that being said automatically set entry.dll useless.
  7. Since he is getting paid and using GPL 3 license, he hide resource leaks and errors this pack is trash and make the creator an actual scammer in my book, there is nothing to patch here and fix it the whole pack is shared things badly written that after all this years in their existence did not get any actual fixing, a joke more or less of a project, what you do with jokes? having fun.
  8. dont say such things in public i play dumb too... or you gonna end up with messages please help me fix this and that
  9. did not check it that deep... still worse even from l2scripts.
  10. just rename rank in code query and database column
  11. @LordWinter :O why is that name there :'D database connection failed
  12. https://discord.gg/3TAApxh here you can find designer, an if you agree on price and the request i will be the coder.
  13. mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar HikariCP-3.2.0.jar c3p0- bonecp-0.8.0.RELEASE.jar http://prntscr.com/11sffcd @Kara http://prntscr.com/11sgwnb http://prntscr.com/11sgyl5 http://prntscr.com/11sh2x9 http://prntscr.com/11sh8n2 http://prntscr.com/11shw9r http://prntscr.com/11si8as http://prntscr.com/11si9y3 http://prntscr.com/11sicet why is my server leaking? http://prntscr.com/11sihky this is an old meta: is it warning? hide it before they see it http://prntscr.com/11siont finally to make sepuku https://shitcode.net/worst/language/java
  14. you can just google l2j startup system, if you cant do that no hope. here is the shit you're looking for, also take a note this is the worst code you can find https://pastebin.com/CdxXKNLZ @Kara
  15. i left their channel because i invited a guy from another server in discord into mine but we had in common l2j so he reported me in their staff and kicked me.. that was at least pussy move from the first guy and at least stupid to kick me without warning me why but as project leader he has no power over them its at least i have kids and they do as they please but im still in command.
  16. its called startup system and made by elfocrash many has this system but its buggy and using alot of copy paste codes instead of multifunctions still works tho. you can find the classes fixed from bugs in l2jhellas public svn in old revisions
  17. come at me brah show me your topsite and lets compare them :'( why you banned no fun
  18. i need your event system i have 5 euro now and after donations you get percent L2Raptor broke this record first 24hours. so, all he could do is personally attack me for my english classic "i cant win"
  19. last time i've checked l2j had so many implementations of somany languages and external dependencies i wanted to give up using it, back in time it was just the java the csv/xml/db files a database pool jar and you knew what you had to deal with, now you can see 50 files to add a buffer https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j-server-datapack/commits/ce038fd2d0bbe428c41d2ca370df5bdeb623ae7f#Lsrc/main/resources/data/service/buffer/json/global.jsonT23 is like a competition of who will make the most files and most technologies combined out of one code
  20. why when talking about him you say Zoey its Zoey76
  21. so you avoid anything negative said about him like my question
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