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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. the class paths are destroyed, and i think i saw something "special" the scripts loading 2 times on jar as .class and datapack as .java files, there are multiple lib/libs folders with scattered libraries, build.xml is a mess and there is a weird error http://prntscr.com/wa5hzr also there is compile issue that can be fixed by swapping the main project into utf-8... i think i wasted my time by only looking at this sources big shame. In general i hope this is due to hand-exchange of the files otherwise l2scripts just scamming people if selling files in this condition. ============================== fixes for eclipse for the 2 packs shared here Zaken Download: here Topic share (L2-Scripts(HighFive-GoD) rev20720(2268)) Download: here what is VDSystem?
  2. 2 years ago other people had problems what you think is fixed now?topsites change links and APIs and shares are not updated, this is one of the shares that hasn't been updated since 2016
  3. https://itopz.com new Topsite add your server

    1. Destorion


      Good luck buddy 🙂 

  4. einai poli palio toso palio pou exw ksexasei ti mporei na ftaiei sinithws einai ta imports... pare kalitero pack auto einai toso palio pou den prokeite na vreis voithia pouthena
  5. 1) use middleman for any service @MeVsYou @PUFA 2) use button every 24 hours (read rules about it)
  6. Kalispera, mporeis na peis perisoteres plirofories opws to pack kai ta onomata twn npc mporei na se voithisei kapios pou ta kserei
  7. VDS Vote Donate System Implementation of vote global and individual system with itopz donate panel task manager. As title says its an auto donation reward based on DenArt-Designs panel and or https://itopz.com free ones A Vote System & Donate System made for a variety of projects ideas and problems send on github! A project with sources and planned for updates to match a bigger variety of projects and topsites and maybe more codes. Full VDS project source: https://github.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/ Compiled VDS Jars: https://github.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/releases/ Developer's Note: the (small) patch its on each project's folder with name Patch.diff Global vote system IP restricted rewards Reward every XX minutes Reward step every XX votes Reward item list will check if item exist Reward item list with chances 0-100% Reward item randomized of min-max values Update console votes and ranking Save votes in case of restarting the server Monthly reset for votes Print response failure message Configured announcement print of server vote statistics Individual vote system Automatically register .itopz command Reward item list will check if item exist Reward item list with chances 0-100% Reward item randomized of min-max values Reward will set as "expired" after 12hours checking server time Reward reuse 12hours Command used after reward will show remaining time (PM/AM) to vote again Check for local ips is restricted Check for response errors Check if player voted Donate Management (upgrade version of https://github.com/nightw0lv/DonatePanel) Player donates through Donate Panel Item will be rewarded in game Configs Fully configured Console Fully configured global reward Fully configured individual reward Console Information buttons Can send global reward in-game manually Prints rewards Prints donates Prints monthly reset Prints database updates Shows server ranking statistics Shows if you use DEMO or API key as mode status Auto scrolling messages Fully configured Revisions Version 1.2 Minimal Requirement on server resources and class consistency along projects. Addition of Thread class. Addition of Random class. Addition of Logs class. Addition of Url class. Addition of Rewards class. SQL independence on tables with vds_individual and vds_global tables automatic install by default Addition of topsites and their configs. Hopzone. L2Network. L2TopGameServer. L2TopServers. L2Votes. L2JBrasil. Gui Addition of Debug on/off button. Addition of Bug report button. Removed Debug mode. Rework on the class to update all topsite statistics. Rework on console size and re-arrange information and console. Fixed Bug that made global with individual rewards conflict. Improved custom JSon parser for wannabe-called APIs on a lot of topsites. Improved Debug with External IP Address. Version 1.1 Refactor on URL to prepare extend Added missing default values on config for console RGB colors Fixed output paths on project dir Updated dictionary and workspace project files HWID Protection fallback to IP that fallback into player name in case of null refactor ips to fingerprint removed ip check added objects null coalesce check on HWID, IP, player name on this order Game console string separator Updated script version Version 1.0 Initial commit Special thanks to Rationale Images https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/1.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/2.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/3.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/4.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/5.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/6.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/master/images/7.png
  8. you just bring up the name topzone, bad advertise = advertise
  9. /** * Adding adena by database * @param sellerObjectId * @param adena */ public void addAdenaToSeller(int sellerObjectId, long adena) { int objId = -1; try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT object_id FROM items WHERE item_id=57 AND owner_id=" + sellerObjectId + " AND loc='INVENTORY'"); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery()) { if (rset.next()) objId = rset.getInt("object_id"); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Error while selecting adena:", e); } if (objId == -1) { ItemInstance item = ItemFunctions.createItem(57); item.setCount(adena); item.setOwnerId(sellerObjectId); item.setLocation(ItemLocation.INVENTORY); ItemsDAO.getInstance().save(item); } else { try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE items SET count=count+" + adena + " WHERE object_id=" + objId)) { statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Error while selecting adena:", e); } ItemsDAO.getInstance().getCache().remove(objId); } } on this part change the id 57 (adena) (its not only 1 change use ctrl+f to find all) in your id and see if it works
  10. @`NeverMore should know more about this, from what i can imagine is some list somewhere that you did not add the skill id to be allowed, maybe hardcoded on eclipse or maybe on some config if this is the case you should look for some kind of skill list to allow on community board buffer.
  11. if topzone did one thing right was banning you. you selling all shares from this forum your servers based on money making you use my donation panel as yours and you even selling it as yours in my book you deserve a ban not topzone, dont forget you are the reason topzone is banning servers that looks like yours, why indeed..
  12. i dont think it is possible without java, try to find some guides on how to compile the server and then try to do it, you need to learn 2-3 basic things first or pay somebody to do it, use a middleman so you wont get scammed too its not easy but worth.
  13. you could be more helpful instead of being "its not my project's problem" just to avoid the acis link with the issue. obviously after running the query it should work but you just say "its not my problem" well guess what he will still have a problem after your observation same goes to the other dude aswel. i will help him so discussion ends here go play with java now.
  14. you know too how to add an sql query if you want to help him... discussion ends there.
  15. nice observations on help section, very helpful. contact me to fix it message send on private.
  16. why you have windows vista? you need to come back in 2020 your pc is old numerous problems can be caused by many reasons old burn chipsets or capacitors even hard disk failures... thats for sure why you get such errors, if you want my opinion paint it blue and throw it in the sea so nobody will ever find it.
  17. ALTER TABLE `characters` ADD COLUMN `mark_time` varchar(255) NULL AFTER `online`; CREATE TABLE `achievements` ( `owner_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `achievementsDone` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `achievementsValues` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`owner_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; run this query
  18. just copy a new zone type and restrict buy/sell/craft if not inside it.
  19. going to see it :'D thanks for sharing
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