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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. @`NeverMore should know more about this, from what i can imagine is some list somewhere that you did not add the skill id to be allowed, maybe hardcoded on eclipse or maybe on some config if this is the case you should look for some kind of skill list to allow on community board buffer.
  2. if topzone did one thing right was banning you. you selling all shares from this forum your servers based on money making you use my donation panel as yours and you even selling it as yours in my book you deserve a ban not topzone, dont forget you are the reason topzone is banning servers that looks like yours, why indeed..
  3. i dont think it is possible without java, try to find some guides on how to compile the server and then try to do it, you need to learn 2-3 basic things first or pay somebody to do it, use a middleman so you wont get scammed too its not easy but worth.
  4. you could be more helpful instead of being "its not my project's problem" just to avoid the acis link with the issue. obviously after running the query it should work but you just say "its not my problem" well guess what he will still have a problem after your observation same goes to the other dude aswel. i will help him so discussion ends here go play with java now.
  5. you know too how to add an sql query if you want to help him... discussion ends there.
  6. nice observations on help section, very helpful. contact me to fix it message send on private.
  7. why you have windows vista? you need to come back in 2020 your pc is old numerous problems can be caused by many reasons old burn chipsets or capacitors even hard disk failures... thats for sure why you get such errors, if you want my opinion paint it blue and throw it in the sea so nobody will ever find it.
  8. ALTER TABLE `characters` ADD COLUMN `mark_time` varchar(255) NULL AFTER `online`; CREATE TABLE `achievements` ( `owner_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `achievementsDone` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `achievementsValues` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`owner_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; run this query
  9. just copy a new zone type and restrict buy/sell/craft if not inside it.
  10. going to see it :'D thanks for sharing
  11. thank you this is the first time i hear this its very useful.
  12. New Topsite https://itopz.com/


    transparent without fake data or special servers and fake traffic.

  13. in first photo you use 2 users in same windows and running 2 servers or i understand wrong?
  14. I highly doubt that, you need above average knowledge on how to upgrade/protect and finally maintain such system, only database engineering is a hard step for some people, missing files are the easy step.
  15. 99% of interlude servers no. H5 yes only if they enable this logs but highly doubt it.
  16. Review on the files the main functions are deprecated/removed on 2011-2012 by php. The files creation time say 2015 but this is not true they are older, much older than 2011 and so badly written that every single query can be SQL Injected. Code style bad for eyes. Connections for database are so many without any caching. No object oriented code anywhere just functions thrown here and there. no error handler I should not continue, amateurs.. My conclusion: This is an example of how NOT to code something in any programming language, plus it misses essential files. Note: The image is misleading its not the current version of topzone Note: Files are just for museum https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/c115a8aa0768c6fea9c75d5144671b1167d51956376f6b8498f345b1e9a30e0d/detection
  17. just reinstall client, also compiled versions of any server are worth 0 euro/time its trash before you even download this. i saw the files has new mysql to install and old mysql connector, http://prntscr.com/vxmlt9 he dont even know how to remove javolution, for some reason 3 connection pools and i cant imagine what he has done in core.
  18. send me the files i will upload them as soon as possible if you need donate panel you can have one here https://shop.denart-designs.com/
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