orion is based on frozen so the previous guys are nefer and shyla, even more than that refer to scoria i am sure this vilmis know that so what he did was to grab last rev of l2jfrozen and remove all
* @author nefer
* @author shyla
present it as own
* @author vilmis
job done lets make 2-3 changes and own pack created
step 2 sell it
step 3 try to tell people "we" dont sell trash
try to prove "we" are many
yes l2jorion is trash from any developer perspective and my opinion as a php dev who can understand basics on java is dont use trash like orion
PS i've also seen source code by client when he told me he paid for frozen files i told him to report vilmis but he didnt care so you have him here trash talking and showing no respect to even the predecessors of his "own" pack
classic trash dev can only have classic trash pack
to those who are non-developers and as many times stated wont understand why a pack is called trash there is no reason to answer use it for you and your 10 people players and maybe 10.000 fake players if you know how to adapt fakes.
also you are using GPL3 you sell this pack under free license what a dumb fuck you are..
very simple panel easy to install at any project and is working great, developer has great attitude friendly and to be trusted, recommended!
Note: Thanks for adding itopz
you are not wrong many people think he is kid in brain (me included from personal experience) you are free to use the source and add it your self if you want it, i will just not support him, you can check in https://github.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/ and see what topsites are supported at the moment.
any other request will be considered, also depending on reliability of any new topsite addition request, i checked alot of topsites not even work :/
oh he wont approve my server thats sad :'(
so you are owner of l2 eglobal yes? :'(
talk to me about it
pigasos is just a trash who know how to handle analytics. like you... oh wait... so the BIG EGLOBAL USES PIGASOS SERVERS? WOW THEY MUST BE BEST SERVERS !!!! WOW
ahahahahahaahahahahahahaahaha THANKS
Thank you for sharing good job!!!
Edit: the only "flaw" I can note is that your chance is integer but drops use normally 0.001224% for example so it should be a float value for more accurate drops? maybe there is a way for improvement what do you think?
true old chronicles was the best games i did i am glad that i was able to play on them :)
it was just came out didnt meant to sound like it did but oh well
Version 1.2
Minimal Requirement on server resources and class consistency along projects.
Addition of Thread class.
Addition of Random class.
Addition of Logs class.
Addition of Url class.
Addition of Rewards class.
SQL independence on tables with vds_individual and vds_global tables automatic install by default
Addition of topsites and their configs.
Addition of Debug on/off button.
Addition of Bug report button.
Removed Debug mode.
Rework on the class to update all topsite statistics.
Rework on console size and re-arrange information and console.
Fixed Bug that made global with individual rewards conflict.
Improved custom JSon parser for wannabe-called APIs on a lot of topsites.
Improved Debug with External IP Address.
download new jars from https://github.com/nightw0lv/iTopZ-Java/releases/
open a new thread in help section, you just go on enterworld.java client packet and add there player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, 1034, 1, 1, 1));
where 1034 is the id of the fireworks skill you need to change probably
Upcoming update, http://prntscr.com/wmd6tn
About your question define what is only for lucera and acis? because at the moment it supports 31 projects, also i will not discuss security.
I believe it will help the forum in general, is is a very positive move for such rule, nobody deserves to get scammed from such tactics, it will also make this place safer to conduct business for even somebody who is not familiar but want to start something this rule will help him see more clear what is going on and not rip him out, sell or re-sell illegal (morally talking) stuff that are other people's work.
100% agreed on adding such rules.
Transparency is everything.
if you live in this world you cant accuse somebody for something without having proofs got it? when you go to police to report something the first thing they ask you is can you prove it?
so for me nothing happen and you are a liar and liars are punished.
if you want to contempt somebody here you have to follow the rules and provide proofs mr smart guy got it?
I believe adding the mobius website/timeline should be more attractive for everyone since the credits goes on mobius project so people can get the official version (in case they want even buy it) seems more legit on a share to me.