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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. l2thegame? oh wait its skylord lets pretend we didnt see that coming
  2. https://captiongenerator.com/1556932/o-Kara-kai-to-Datapack
  3. you can add skill on porting the players to arena and then remove when the code port them to town or you can add skill on olympiad zone so when they enter they get this skill depends on their class or you can write a tone of useless code like balancer in formula
  4. I just saw via teamviewer kara's code and i have some comments a) The core is looking similar to rizels (we talk about 1 class here) b) The xml also looks similar c) The rest of the code is years ahead and not even close to rizels code and its more than 20 classes
  5. he just stole kara's code (check spam section)
  6. of topic on spam section, are you on drugs?
  7. @Maxtor did you just unban a guy who stole 400 euros in total?
  8. @Celestine @BruT scammed people and is somehow expired (unbanned )
  9. so you did not scam anybody and you think you can be treated as normal user? did you or did not scam people? answer that
  10. conclusion 1) kara has a customer 2) customer gives access to brut 3) brut steals kara code 4) kara blocks customer i think brut should be banned (dont know why he is not after the 200 euro scam) customer of kara should be also named as not trusted person pardon me i didnt read everything just 2-3 sentences as always.
  11. i've used so far server 2008 2012 and 2016 for windows 7 and 10 also run smooth no issues but didnt test for long time since i only installed it to make some php applications about sql server as people say 2008 is the best from my experience
  12. whats your issue send me a message to discuss or here
  13. if you think that with this commend I meant that 3*3 = 10 you must be really stupid, prove me wrong with your full thought behind " intval " and "reverse check" when i type my password: %$1'"53"(51)_$'hackcommand
  14. depends on the permissions you give and the connection method you use (ofc how bad/old is the code). PDO's hard to get pass through, proper sanitize, know what to expect on data but most panels have holes because creators never sanitize properly, few know how to make it but nobody does it. in case we have a password 123456789 yes its perfect in case we have a password abc1234 you have a big error your commend is not valid in any possible way regarding lineage or user/pass protection.
  15. I checked the server and has heavy client edit well done, the wall is AMAZING! you guys have to check this out so many years never seen something like that
  16. NOTE this code is abusable if not implemented correctly and provides about 5-7 exploits for players i think 2 was important for low rate servers but even for pvp servers is very buggy if you don't add restrictions
  17. you can reach the max amount of your build but it will be only with bots and you
  18. each error says where its located and sometimes the solution to itself without showing the error here you cant have help.
  19. yeah misconfigured nginx i hate nginx good luck with your project and wish you the best! your https://l2jex-team.com/forum/ works so its probably some bad htaccess or redirection issue maybe if you need help send message waiting for website to check too! :)
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