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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. if you cant find it send me a message in skype ill send you i have 2-3 of those l2lidge too
  2. no money for new logo? https://www.l2gamers.cl credits denart.
  3. php mailer make a gmail account connect it to mailer and make a loop to send for each mail xD (from locahost) but mailchimp is best you have some extra features like who open the mail it worth looking into it. about the buyer is trusted person.
  4. xzone is like a mad kid that is triggered with the smallest thing, i know to many people that tried to add servers, ads and he rejected because fuck you..
  5. About sounds you can recreate them in .ogg format for client not hard. its 2 year old topic hard to find them.
  6. indeed his position is not to share for free but help you fix your code, since you dont ask for help in any code you wont find for free, share a code and tell your problem then you get help
  7. you can atleast try to use it... not even tried to use it... google.. search... this errors are so easy to solve but you are not even try to search... i found this is why i've send you the links
  8. open port 3306 for start, canyouseeme.org
  9. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=warning%3A+[options]+bootstrap+class+path+not+set+in+conjunction+with+-source+7
  10. 386 means that he might have 32bit java but not windows 32 bit.
  11. https://pastebin.com/XCT0S8tN έβγαλα τα εξής warnings, version
  12. You can start then, buy an svn, host, domain name, setup a forum for communication, ddos protection, setup a dedicated for the test server of the team, start giving access, buy client protection so it will be ready to install and tested, start developing. lets say you have a head and specific style writing... who will agree non-paid to have somebody above his head, besides acis that already did that, for what a GvE Cons - Customs everywhere - Free time - Developers = Banned or Life - No reason - No earnings - Invest Pros - edit: using acis means + 10 euro and somebody to install all versions manually when a new update is out
  13. έχουμε 2020 πλέων, σταμάτησα να περιμένω
  14. you allow in firewall port of l2cached to be allowed ONLY by the ip of your hosting simple as that. for testing (open l2cached) go to canyouseeme.org and test the port if is open and listening.
  15. https://shop.denart-designs.com/product/account-panel/ this panel for example has payment methods such as paygol (it has payments with paysafecard) in order to be enabled in paygol to use the method paysafe you need to be reviewed (your website donation panel) by paygol with a test user after contacting them and tell them how to use it and how to login and explain the porpuse of the donation panel and if you pass then you will be checked by paysafe if you own the terms "donation" if you do you are cancelled because they do not allow any donation term to exist you must have terms as shop, buy, purchase etc.. that said your link must also not be website.com/donate but website.com/shop (all this in order to be accepted for method paysafe) you must also have terms (the panel in the link i gave has the necessary terms to be accepted by paysafe its tested by changing any "donate" to "purchase" and then roll-back changes) PS: after the final review from paysafe you can change donation link and terms to donation or you are pay-to-play and you mess with ncsoft or w/e (technically you use illegal software to begin with but you are closer to fuckup your self) PS2: you need to own LTD company papers in order to be accepted in paygol (payout 200euro) in 30-40 days +fees) NOTE: about g2apay it applies the same as paygol but requires extra terms + extra your personal info publically displayed on your website NOTE: paynext is for russian community and then there is paypal easy fast disputable but most commonly used. in conclusion the more you go into deep the more money you make but you flirt with more consequences, you just need the info on how to make it happen. 1) own company 2) show false data with terms of "purchase" 3) change to donation 4) enjoy money
  16. @Kara` is still noob on html tho (but he advances) nope he is not
  17. κάνοντας spawn δεν είναι η λύση σε αυτό που ψάχνεις... το μόνο σίγουρο βρές άλλο πάκ για αρχή
  18. κάνε ποστ το κώδικα απο το build.xml να στο φτιάξω για να φύγει το έρρορ απο το version κάνε με tag για να απαντήσω
  19. midget, thief, cookies ring a bell? you see quality > quantity if you want customs take frozen or any other discontinued pack to play with, if you want serious project you pick l2j and fix it so guess who is who and what is what.
  20. I created this script from the very same experience i had with some customers of denart (i help them install the panels she sells) so instead of first buy and say to her "the panels dont work", "panels = scam" and stuff like that this script helped alot to test before you buy instead of giving explanations why the panels dont work. i told her to share it for the same reason (my thoughts) was to help people not to fight over it, i find it useless my self too because i have a small experience on this field but is not cool to call it useless when others find it useful or time saver, better not leave comment and continue your life, this has been shared and it should be treated as it should meaning a "thank you" is always welcome.
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