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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. if you believe you have more proofs than what he said make a report it is not concern me, this is over ill keep watching this circus now if you don't mind check this out. Member No: 226638 Posts: 3 Joined: 03/24/2020 what is this new account to support himself? :D
  2. I see that you not care but you try to make this like its nothing i see that you side with him your facts and points anyway as i said the conversation is over since you side on the wrong side, good luck on your 'cooperation'.
  3. so he did well and you side with him correct? what he did (reselling other peoples work) is right for you? if yes this conversation is over here, i stated my points let people know as i recommended do not even make account in any of his websites, i call this a scam a big SCAM. Edit: as i said this is karma and its funny.
  4. νομίζω οτι εξαντήσαμε αρκετές επιλογές επόμενο είναι να επικοινωνήσεις με τον παροχέα σου και να ζητήσεις να σου τις ανοίξουν αυτοί (και θα το κάνουν όπως είναι υποχρεωμένοι).
  5. do not trust pigasos he is a scammer not even create account on this websites, what happens to him is just funny and karma.
  6. το τεταρτο δεν χρειάζεται, το τρίτο μόνο αμα θέλεις να βάλεις στην σελίδα σου συνδέσεις για την βάση δεδομένων, το δεύτερο και το τρίτο πρέπει να ανοίξεις ακριβώς τα ίδια και με Protocol type UDP και μάλλων θα δουλέψει
  7. teleftea akouw poli gia sovahost alla protimw hostchefs
  8. mi kaneis teleport me ton admin, 50 euro. pio poles leptomeries opws pas sto giatro kai les simptwmata px den tou les eisai arwstos xairw poli... ti pack exeis kai genikotera ti npc einai auto kapoion kwdika kapio video kapio error log
  9. ok σωστά τα έχεις, το firewall των windows του εβαλες τις πορτες 2106 7777 στα εισερχομενα και εξερχομενα και σαν udp και σαν tcp; και επισης οταν το κανεις αυτο την ωρα που κανεις το τεστ αν εχουν ανοιξει ο σερβερ πρεπει να ειναι ανοιχτος για να απαντησει στο τεστ
  10. 9014 δε χρειαζεται να την ανοιξεις, δειξε μια φωτογραφια απο cmd, με την εντολή ipconfig /all
  11. this is open source project or private? i am asking because it should be here https://maxcheaters.com/forum/221-private-projects-l2j/
  12. Point taken i believe you guys are correct and with valid points, also under in every topic there is a who's online i believe that is useless.
  13. you will probably get blocked before you end up with results, and even so you have to be more specific on your request
  14. i believe PHP section is needed since l2 is connected in many ways with web scripts, people can ask for help or share ready scripts.
  15. the system you posted is from the oldest frozen i can remember... its obviously deprecated and worst possible way to get the votes, if you dont know how its hackable or how old it is i doubt you can fix it in any possible way just find a newer one or use later version of frozen, but you cant be serious on using so old server...
  16. βάλε παθητικό skill με nobless ή βάλε μια περιοχή που να δίνει το buff έχει πολλούς τρόπους
  17. totalPrice += price * i.getCount(); to totalPrice = 1;
  18. tha dimiourgiseis prwta to item object id kai sto player instance otan pernei to pvp mporeis na to valeis kai tha kaneis to object id enchant +xx
  19. to 9999 ping einai kati lathos stimeno sta configs postare sto pastebin.com ta configs apo game server kai login server xwris ta passwords tis vasis
  20. to firewall kai ta ports sto router prepei na anoiksoun mono gia na mpoun filoi sou edit: poio sigekrimena gia to firewall twn windows (nomizw ta tcp den xreiazonte apla ta evala gia sigoura) kai vazeis kanones sto firewall eiserxomena(allow) 2106, 7777 udp eiserxomena(allow) 2106, 7777 tcp ekserxomena 2106, 7777 udp ekserxomena 2106, 7777 tcp vazeis static ip sto pc sou ports sto router dilwneis sto router tin ip(pc sou) pou tha anoikseis ta ports kai vazeis udp/tcp 2106 stin 192.168.x.x (ip pc sou) udp/tcp 7777 stin 192.168.x.x (ip pc sou) anoigeis ton login kai ton game server kai (mono etsi doulevei to test) pas sto canyouseeme.org kai testareis tin port 2106 kai 7777 an einai open. gia statheri ekswteriki ip xrisimopieis no-ip gia tous filous sou diladi external ip vazeis to no-ip domain pou sou dinoun dwrean mesa sto l2.ini anti gia i localhost i vazeis px l2server.ddns.com kati tetoio pou tha exeis apo to no-ip kai sta external config sou vazeis ite localhost ite to l2server.ddns.com kai ta dio tha doulepsoun
  21. kane kathari egkatastasi interlude vale pacharismeno system gia windows 10 pou exei ginei share edw sto forum sto client section apo strain. me to pou kaneis egkatastasi svineis to palio system (epanekinisi gia to arxeio font pou den svinei) kai meta vazeis to patcharismeno system aliws den doulevei apla anoigeis server kaneis login kai mpenei (xwris edit to l2.ini giati einai idi setarismeno gia localhost) ama den mpei ta settings sou einai lathos kai ta leme tote.
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