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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. i will not edit my post like you do so you are either offtopic here or you still cant understand basic things i am not here to teach you manners but to make you understand the very basic stuff of your staff rank and how it reflects on others from your replies, after you read what i wrote you edited your post to give me an example with the police and a computer build that cant even connect each on logic. you reflect my topic to offtopic the topic is about you nobody else, do not change the subject this is not funny at all.
  2. yeah really your rank is for example in forum, your example is bad attitude if you cant see it this kind of topic might help you. in his side why he should care and share again something if a staffer talks to him like that? you push people away from forum with this attitude grow up and understand why this topic is made its not me who is bad its you, and by your answer you show that you did not even understand basic things.
  3. if you know help him make it better if you dont know keep your shit in your head
  4. Loftheim for bad language/attitude as gold staff a guy sharing for the first time after weeks something, his response on this is: http://prntscr.com/p5zlkm
  5. waiting for tk's kick ass answer and bought lots of popcorn You need to search about aepvp pro pack... features from future, bugless, imaginary.
  6. @V-Ray εδώ λέει οτι είχε καλύτερο φίλο απο σένα
  7. kai kapou edw ton ethikses kai den tha ksana apantisei claaaaaassic
  8. aepvp den anoikse pote einai 10years under development
  9. @V-Ray can you explain translate for me you had alot of apes help me out here this guy seems serious
  10. i am but what you didnt understand so i can help you.
  11. you say exact thing as i say, you need to see a doctor.
  12. so you know its bad but you still do it, i cant cure brain damage but i warned you
  13. you plan to spend money and use this server files? (if you can answer this you will propably understand what i mean)
  14. I tried to warn you before and you did not listen.
  15. you should start everybody use it, also you should use a middleman
  16. σε αυτή την περίπτωση θέλω να ξανασκεφτείς πρίν προσβάλεις ξανά τον γίββωνα...
  17. γενιά του 90 είναι έτσι γράφουν όλοι
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