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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. vanganth has extra console for votes
  2. did you try the guides? none will install the server for you, you must at least put some effort.. lol
  3. silly me H5 has whirlpool solved $enc_password = base64_encode(hash('whirlpool', $password, TRUE));
  4. I am looking for the equivalent of $enc_password = base64_encode(pack("H*",sha1(utf8_encode($password)))); for H5 Servers in php
  5. there is a site i dont remember it some member of this forum has it and it is mostly about client development start looking there he has it i am sure
  6. why add so many extra code when you can make it better without it
  7. you also scammed me but i didn't report you maybe i will now.
  8. when you did that? there is no cure for stupidity
  9. and now you assuming the money I make... and trying to undermine me personally again. you need to think before you post something, oh wait...
  10. The IQ I was talking about I was wrong its not 2 its less than 1, no you wont because you can't, thank you for that and the only one with attitude here is you, you gone off topic and spam now you personally attack me assuming what I vote... Clown.
  11. Another spammer/offtopic who don't understand things that need 2 IQ posted the shit from his brain.
  12. Yeah (I never read his posts he overanalyze) so I ASSUMED and I take that back. No way I step off this one! So the next retard client of yours or mine or whoever comes here think he has the upper hand without proofs or even worse making a dispute should know that he must be good in his side first.
  13. I don't give a shit the rules are rules @Pamela32 should follow them now he should be banned for not following the rules and posting false accusations and scam dispute on @Kara`! This topic is against the rules and @Pamela32 should be banned for this and the guys who defended him should reconsider their place here specially @Tryskell what the fuck is he doing here taking the place of @Pamela32 standing without any proofs and give a drama queen speech about the rest following somebody without posting any proofs you're ALL SHEEPS think for your selfs! EDIT: the offtopics should be warned too is against the rules and the moderators are too soft/afk lately. What you think is here playground? You dont seem to understand the gravity of this topic or LETS HAVE FUN and give us the name of the guy who told you so he gets the ban instead of you? what you say? you think this is funny? when you report somebody to be a scammer when on top you dispute him what you expect? and instead of apology you still say "HIS ACTIONS" WTF.
  14. why instead not banning pamela for try to ruining his reputation and breaking the deal with false accusations since the deal is still on as we speak? did you cancel your deal pamela or still on? did you provide proofs of scam pamela? no? guess what? there is a rule... for false accusations.... my opinion is ban pamela if i was kara i would fuck the shit out of you, for the way you try to make him work in first place not for coming here, i would not do you the favor to work with you in kara's place after this topic is a deal breaker by you without proofs. Edit: THE ONLY PROOF IS THAT YOU MAKE A DISPUTE I JUST SAW IT WTF! YOU'RE THE SCAMMER HERE!
  15. Πρέπει να μάθεις απο κάποιον οδηγό εδώ μέσα αν υπάρχουν ακόμα πώς γίνετε το compile ποιά αρχεία δημιουργεί και τί κάνεις αντικατάσταση αφού ολοκληρωθεί το compile.
  16. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them. General Rules If you want to sell a service/pack, you need a topic for it. Add all the necessary information. Your topic must contain all the information about the product. If you're selling a project (L2 Pack), your topic must contain test-server's IP - It doesn't have to be 24/7 online, but enough to be tested. If your product proves to be fake, unstable, or inappropriate in any other case; that topic will be junked. You have to include at your title the Coding Language along with the Chronicle of the pack you are willing to trade/buy/sell (if it is about pack(s)). For example, [L2J][CT2.4], or [L2OFF][interlude] I gave him facts that he has to let the customers know what he sells but instead he choose to personally attack me
  17. to ida apo tin antidraseis den exw na pw kati parapanw ekana oti itan na kanw apo meria mou kai kratisa to logo mou kai stamataw edw. edit: https://prnt.sc/lvauik
  18. I will contact you tomorrow because now I will go to sleep you cant accept messages so add me in skype to help you install it.
  19. epidi den tha pesw sto epipedo sas tha zitisw na ginei remove to warning pou ekana report giati ws gnwston trolarate idika esi elfocrash enw ton proigoumeno kairo zitouses na mpei rule panw se auto mporouses kalista na me voithiseis na to ftiaksw AN itheles kai episis tha zitisw na to kanoun diagrafi mpas kai stamatisete tin klapsa to kourasate poli to thema
  20. hi if you want check that link https://maxcheaters.com/topic/224708-donate-panel-cheap-fast-sguard-smartguard-special-edition/
  21. this packs some times have copy paste html files in 2 languages so its called html/english/merchants or html/russian/admin if its good pack he can switch from config that depends on many factors we know nothing about the pack or the seller plus the guy is not answering he might found a way
  22. ++ I will come too with my friends
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