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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. @SweeTs proven right and indeed its tragic.
  2. I thought there was some decency left in people, but I am not into the market so much thats why I was unaware of that.
  3. so you're going serious to pay dedicated/protection/website etc and open a server with this files? what if they have more "bugs" :D get pure l2j and add your customs
  4. people already told you that you have possibly WRONG data inside did you check that?
  5. you have source? if you own some old trash that some unsatisfied customer shares step 1 think why he was unsatisfied and he shared it?
  6. ask your money back. if its not working and you dont have instructions from the seller its simple as you buyed trash.
  7. then you should ask @`NeverMore he sells that pack so only he may have the solution depends on the version you have, keep in mind that you need to be able to edit the source, without the source you can't even fix a typo, wich make's the pack useless.
  8. ok now that you have photo is more clear that this is problem on server side, may I ask what pack you use gendle Sir.
  9. This happens when they find "window" on rules, this topic would never happen if in market place have had a rule to not accept ONLY EXAMPLE type of codes (yes for some this looks stupid or common sence but here we are).
  10. epidi ta les poli mperdemena to provlima sou einai: den doulevei to deftero "Tele->Team" koumpi?
  11. client? I can't understand your question where or how you want to do that because your answer may differ to client or server side solution.
  12. Seller should send html files in general when you sell something do it right, and no excuse (he told his dev will do it) your professionalism is uppon your delivery. I don't know what happen this forum never had sellers of type "I sell half things or core side things" the rest on your own. Right now here is a newby who don't know how to create htmls (while some of you say its easy) and on the other hand we have a seller that sells core side with DP examples (not full DP). You can't sell something to a newby ask him if it looks all perfect and you see him here having problem and say DUH YOU SAY ITS PERFECT, it's like telling him FUCK OFF I have your money now and you said some other guy will do it, this is not professional. 1) Seller should inform people that the code has no html's or make a full code or stop selling it. 2) Seller should refund at least 50% if he don't provide html's if the buyer did not know html's are missing before the purchase. 3) People stop acting like everyone know how to edit html's, yes its easy for all of you arya is almost a year in the forum. PS: If it was me that buy the files (lets say for a client of mine) I would not bother to create html's instead I would prefere to have them ready so I can only EDIT them to my likings, else I would gendly ask my money back because it would not be what I was expecting, unless I knew what I am buying in this case (no html files).
  13. 晚上 好
  14. μάστορα για να ξεκαθαρίζουμε, καταρχάς τα μισά μας δείχνεις από την συνομιλία έκλεισες δουλειά μαζί του; του έστειλες κάτι; δεν βλέπω τίποτα τέτοιο, μόνο το άκυρο που τρως βλέπω και στην τελική αν απλά στα ζήτησε και απλά τα έδωσες, τα πράγματα είναι απλά, εσύ φταις! Και μην μου πεις μου ζήτησε τόσα και μου είπε ψέματα... όταν μιλάς για scam χωρίς να σου πήρε λεφτά, το χειρότερο που μπορείς να τον κάνεις λόγο συμπεριφοράς και πάλι ίσως, είναι demote. όσο για το άλλο 1) πήρες τα αρχεία και είπες "ευχαριστώ δουλεύουν τέλεια" που σημαίνει ότι τα τέσταρες τα είδες και αποδέχτηκες την δουλειά του. 2) δεν είδα πουθενά στο chat να γράφει θέλω να δουλεύει το τάδε και να σου λέει θα δουλεύει. 3) δεν δείχνεις απολύτως τίποτα που να έχει σχέση με το τι συμφώνησες και τι παρέλαβες, μπορεί να έχεις και δίκιο αλλά δεν θα το μάθουμε ποτέ αν το κρατάς για πάρτυ σου.
  15. Please understand what I said, I have no idea what you have agreed with your customer or what code you gave on him, I answer on what he claims that happent, and I am telling you that if a code is not working, is not working so if he paid for a half working code its ok but if the deal was to pay you for full working code and you did not deliver, then its considered as a scam. not providing htmls is still considered as a not working code, if you open the CB and CB tells you NO HTML FOUND is a problem, do you understand that something is missing? you provide incomplete code and if he paid for incomplete code or Core side code only I am with you. post proofs of the deal
  16. proofs or never happent. I dont know the deal but if a code is not working when you install it means the user paid for a code that finally is not working, so I would carefully consider what is happening now if I was in your place.
  17. true is also clearly written in console when this happens
  18. raise the max connections on my sql read the error and google it its faster for solutions. also before you ask google how to raise the max connections on my sql if your problem is still there then ask. and provide acis version, you can also ask in acis forums.
  19. δεν μου είπες ποιος είναι ο καλύτερος ποιο πάνω.
  20. ταυτίζομαι.
  21. http://prntscr.com/ltqpq6 http://prntscr.com/ltqpvy http://prntscr.com/ltqpzh http://prntscr.com/ltqq33 pios einai o kaliteros?
  22. you could spawn them into the center and make them walk to outside of circle 2 per 60degree for 100 distance (archers) 2 per 40 degree for 200 distance (fighters) it should be more fun (you could add 3-4 waves
  23. Maxtor I would be pissed of if somebody post my personal data in public for some reason, respecting the GDPR and avoiding missunderstandings it should be best those data to be send under a
  24. Good server recommended
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