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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. το 9014 δεν χρειάζεται είναι για όταν ο login είναι σε άλλο υπολογιστή από τον game στο external βάλε localhost γιατί πλέων το no-ip σου δίνει την δυνατότητα το PC σου να φαίνεται με την no-ip έξω, το ποιο πιθανό πρόβλημα είναι στο να έχεις δώσει λάθος IP στα ports του τοπικού δικτύου σου πρέπει να είναι στατική στον υπολογιστή σου πχ και να ανοίξεις τις πόρτες σε αυτή την IP, μόλις το κάνεις αυτό ανοίγεις server και το site που σου έδωσα θα σε βοηθήσει να ξέρεις πότε θα δουλέψει.
  2. Good try but it would be better if you did it with configs the ID and Count in a list, on/off and since its small code and the rules are not allowing it to be posted in your place i would work with the code a bit more, keep up the good work and thanks for sharing example: auto_equip = true items = item_id,item_count;item_id,item_count;item_id,item_count...
  3. canyouseeme.org Άνοιξε το σέρβερ και τον login και τον game και δες στο λίνκ αν οι πόρτες 2106 και 7777 είναι ανοιχτές ή κλειστές αν είναι κλειστές πρέπει να ανοίξουν στο ρούτερ στο τοίχος προστασίας απο τα windows η στο antivirus πληροφορίες μοντέλο ρούτερ αν έχεις antivirus λειτουργικό σύστημα και αν έδωσες στους φίλους σου το l2.ini με την IP του no-ip.
  4. giati na min diagrapsei apo to build oli tin xazomara pou pernei apo to svn tzampa perimenei gia na vgalei tin idia revision ama thes sikwse to build.xml sou na sto alaksw
  5. kai to classic miazei me interlude twra pou ta leme
  6. Server: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d959g7dvgo612d6/L2jSecret.zip Changelog: Fix for Free teleport htmls Common Items cannot be enchanted/augmented added AI handler for skill finished casting..and fixed onEvent calls from completed state of a Quest fix for loading petdata Ai handler for ON_AGGRO_RANGE_ENTER Small fix on loading Clan privs. Default memory should be 1024M. Otherwise there will be side effects while running the Server. Telnet give item Fix Fix for Antharas teleport Fix for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException AI update Olympiad save npe fix ActionUse handler for new summon buffs New customizable stat for L2Skill. This one will avoid reuse delay modifications when true. Example: <set name="staticReuse" val="true"/> Now if client requests to change weapon while auto attack, server will schedule a new task to change the weapon that will be run at the end of the strike. Just a new minor tweak: fish extracting rate. Clan war targetting fix: now holding ctrl is necessary unless both clans declare war each other. Pet/Summon Spawn Protection Notifying AI as well when skillType is charge damage so auto attack starts. Pet rental fix, Fixing skill cooldowns not stored Fix for assisting mobs in catacombs Performance tweak: Disable game logs from config by default. NPE prevention and minor cleaning for RaidBossPointsManager.calculateRanking When summon is betraying master, moving to target orders are rejected as well. Physical attack speed, magical attack speed and evasion capped to match retail. Configurable through Character.properties. Old fix for finishing cast with a different weapon than what it was started with. Upgrading picking up system for pets (L2PetInstance) Pets can now pick up herbs. Added system messages to announce pet picking up items Pets and servitor will start attacking target after casting an offensive skill on it. Improving rules against raid group buffing from high lvl chars According to retail: "The player wielding Zariche cannot give or accept buffs and may not be healed or heal other players. However, he or she may use buffs and heal themselves.", cursed weapon wielder cannot receive clan hall magic support either PVP damage bonus now affect to blow damage too. Two fixes for Blows: Backstab doesn't ignore transfer pain anymore Blows can now cancel magic casts Cleanning: damage > 5000 only if damage is > 0 previously Will not consider if LOG_GAME is disabled (done by default) Added synchronization to party getLeader() Added synchronization to party getPartyMembers() Changed _members from List to FastList on declaration "Addition of two missing tables at deleteCharByObjId(int objid)." Hardcoded fix for Warrior and Mage Bane skills. Warrior: will remove Haste and Wind Walk. Mage: will remove Acumen and Greater Empower fix for respawnall npe hide windows packet in spectator was missing updated giveItems() in quests to unhardcode adena if will be multiplied by rates or not Improving checkIfDoorsBetween(), thanks rage. The z-axis was handled poorly. Still the direct line check doesn't handle all cases. Catching ClassCastException? on notifyPartner. It seems that mods tables are excluded from IdFactory? optimization tasks. Loggin errors until get this fixed Castle siege time fixes by Gigii-kun: Castle Sieges are on the weekend before the seal validation period end. Castle Lords can set next siege time for 24h after the siege and only once. Admin command for siege time change. Comments: after the update the first siege time wont be changed if it is in seal validation period, change will occur only if it is in Quest event period. Day of Week will change only after the first siege! be careful with regular server restarts, do not allow CL to set siege time right before server restarts! For this edit the Feature.properties config file! Added Valakas Ai Added Zaken Ai Added Skill SA Health & Conversion Added skill (SA) sql System with protocol 831 and packet 2b (There are System with the same protocol but with packet other than 0x48 the Revision only accepts 0x2b). Mysql 5.5 JDK 6
  7. about the quotes is because when in the path exists a space " " the code ends there with quotes it continue to read the whole command in this case your java path you can have this in your eclipse too it has options to select and work with multiple java versions
  8. kai gw twra eida oti o allos o xazos apantise prin poso kairo mou ekane kai tutorial 0axx0x0xa0ax0x0xa0xax0axa0 poso xazos eliwsa axaxxaaxaxaxxaaxxaax
  9. Many people asking me if I know how to install this engine, the truth is I have never try it, is it so hard?
  10. ok i give up you cant even understand your problem at least check google, how mysql works, what keep alive connection is, how long it stays alive and specially if you KILL your server without proper close in order to close that connection pool.
  11. you ask why projects need to many connections, if you cant handle that fact or work with it i gave you the solution, if you want to know why project creators did that or why ask them they are about 50-60 years old fellows now, hard to find them on the internet, but oh wait i answered that when i told you, implying custom as custom code that uses database inserts/updates/deletes that count as a connection to database capish?
  12. Let me get this, so you "touch" the values without having backup now asking for help? each project has its own customs inside (for me the more connections they use the worse they are) just for you to know the obvious reason is the server as a cause and the solution is 1) make bigger the pool 2) reduse server's pool if you dont get that until now do a fresh install in your OS and start over (it helps).
  13. did you connect your website in your database? :D if yes imagine a ddos attack in your site what damage can do in your game server, well something like that :)
  14. i think you're bored to search elfocrash's account panel has nothing to do with that skin, i found it here and i work with it...
  15. why bother giving them items when they can get them by them selfs 1) select random player 2) //changelvl 1 I provide rooms for private conversations for 2, for more you get discount
  16. Gendlemen we are not kids anymore just solve your problems with a match go 1vs1 dota 2 now... tell me match id after xD
  17. poli pithano kai ta html na exoun diaforetika link
  18. what members is the question designer, java/php developer, seo, money provider?
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