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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. its not. PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES is always true by default he is using PDO not MySQL driver, plus its a closed code its not inserting data from $_POST or $_GET. but ofc he could bind the data its lazy code tho.
  2. se kathe periptwsi to na anoikseis etairia edw to vriskw lathos tha sou pioun to aima distixws den kserw perisotera alla uparxoun kai logistes pou asxolounte me kiniseis sto internet
  3. use ctrl+z to undo this mess. or propably your items wont work at all and you just destroyed your server.
  4. εδώ το παιδί μας προτείνει μεταφραστή θα τον πληρώνεις ανα λέξη και μας βγάζει το google ως κακή επιλογή για να κάνεις μετάφραση, στην συνέχεια μας αναφέρει οτι είναι παντρεμένος ONTOPIC: έχω μεταφράσει ρώσικα και βραζιλιάνικα απο το google και στο συνιστώ όπως πολύ σωστα ο ImBatman είπε. Υ.Γ.: όταν μας λέει σε άλλα τόπικ ότι σπαμάρουμε.
  5. just don't ask him for money to fix it.
  6. kai esi apo oti vlepw protineis kati poli kalitero mpravo spammer :) oso gia to "skandalo" an uparxei link na to dw aliws den mou leei tipota auto
  7. about the rankings I would recommend cron job and make a php file to run a query of tops (w/e you like) customized with some css and html and load it to your main page and the cron job will do it from 60 sec to 5min depends what you select. technical desired excecution: is to create a file while the file holds the database data from tops and check with a simple "if" the time it has been created its > from "time() + 60000" or else to recreate it and read it on every page load into php with (html/css)
  8. katarxas den thes dedi. (apeira lefta) thes VPS (virtual private server) 20-25 euro/mina kai kaneis ti douleia sou defteron an den gnwrizeis thes protection tha sou proteina smart guard thelei 150-200 gia egkatastasi de thimame akrivws kai 25/mina meta thes ena domain name gia to site sou 10-15 euro/ xrono an plirwseis gia site tha sou vgei 100-150 euro an ksereis ligo php/html kai vreis ena share to alazeis ligo plirwneis kapion 25-30 euro gia ena logotupo tou server valta katw kai sou vgenoun to mina oso o dedi.
  9. if you "lost your sql" why you dont ask atualstudio to give you? :D poor liar, at least say that you found the "share" that has no sql and you want it. I could reverse engineer it but not for free.
  10. this is made for old acis you need to upgrade it, i highlight you that "L2World" was before the major refactors.
  11. wrong. FORMULAS, SKILL POWER, DURATIONS, you cant just actually change rates and open a server you're supose to know that. about the projects you mentioned ask your self are there any successfull servers based on this projects, the answer is no. all of them based on l2j with all the shared customs on this forum "fixed by us" label for each project and dont make me mention the no-source part, you want to edit some shit you cant.
  12. wanna learn go strait to the source https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_server/commits/all check the commits check how its done where and how everything started by those guys see how they work and make experiments
  13. L2Npc.java:473: error: 'else' without 'if' so this error tells you that, in L2Npc Class in line 473 there is an "else" without "if". you see the error for your self and you see that the line starts with "ELSE IF" without an "IF" before it. you came here to ask for this and you need somebody to tell you that you have to remove that "else" before the "if" so it will be only "if" there, new generation IQ in 2018 has fallen dramatically.
  14. fixes: add those lines to a txt file and save it as utf8 delete spaces type only code type the text from scratch the ??????? characters after the ; are spaces in non utf8 character set you can convert them in eclipse too when you save the file it asks you, you propably pressed the wrong answer.
  15. nobody can provide support to preconfig packs and i think there is a rule about that. but why use preconfig even for test no reason.
  16. respect the forum's last toxic user, its like a kind without ways to breed and reproduce, you just watch it fade slowly and smile for his sort but happy future.
  17. you can go in marketplace and ask for a developer here you have to post a problem with code, none will send you ready code tested and working because you're asking for it.
  18. I've read somewhere that the points of fire was more than 10 and was man-made. the town was harboring the 8 turks providing asylum (while turkey keeps 2 Greek soldiers illegaly for 150 days) the police cleared the roads so they can escape the 8 turks so they lead the people to the sea instead of using roads to escape with their cars. I have to many questions one of them is why the NATO did not let us to take actions as Panos Kamenos said in CNN. Why we had no protection firefighters vehicles as always Why we didnt accept air-help from others and why we even rejected some of them.
  19. well if you cant find help there i doubt you will find here. specially without saying what you did, no errors or code provide of the problem. u say its urgent for YOU not for anyone here so if you dont give more details it will stay urgent forever.
  20. this for is wrong in many levels you dont tell whats the problem so thanks for they eye blind
  21. copy paste the behaviour of a similar item and create a new item? I mean in datapack in core in client
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