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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. and it gone after server restart.
  2. sometime on mobile when click reply field it redirect me to fcking l2metal com...
  3. u can do it in say2.java
  4. u can in client with sysmsg.dat or systring.dat i not remember. ant select any color.
  5. i think you need just find person who buy paysafecard to paypal. from paysafe system not posible P.S paysafecard is big SHIT.
  6. Hello, Im working with php/mysql/javascript/html/css, can create scripts, fix it and etc. Not working with coding from PSD and etc. Pm me here or on skype: lkt_evaldas with your problems or questions. Accept only PayPal/PaySera
  7. pm me on skype: lkt_evaldas and we will fix it cheap ;)
  8. use new hopzone api.. u will find it in account panel, url example: https://api.hopzone.net/lineage2/votes?token=
  9. good all working one idea, make this place http://prntscr.com/gx91zz save it, because after exit game it always hidden. Or make this like in orginal interface. in one window skills/char info/quests/action with tabs, because now is uncomfortable.
  10. Show damage on screen (at right side) and at sys message window. download: http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/mn5kPBsB/file.html put to system/ folder. It for interlude.
  11. any suggestion? how to solve this problem? http://prntscr.com/guvy5h phx opened with admin. But not see any process.
  12. try add after first line cd /your_path_/to_start.sh/ example: cd /root/gameserver/ if not work try add full path to all files example: /root/gameserver/log/java0.log.0 all where u see
  13. paste here ur start.sh
  14. maybe on l2character.java try find public final void stopAllEffects() and add this code if(effect.getSkill().isToggle()) continue; after this if (effect != null) { i not tested so it can not work :D
  15. stackOrder="(make highter number on cov)" stackType="BLABLA"
  16. ha. frozen have this event. :P
  17. Then it custom on IL java. Need to destroy fort gates, kill 4 "Captains" npc, then capture flag with "seal of ruler" and fort is ur. So its almost same like castle siege?
  18. Hello, Maybe someone have all fortress npc spawnlist x,y,z and npc id for interlude? Extracted many projects but can't find :D
  19. write here or on pm server web where u see it.
  20. i dont know what mean this options, but try to google it. set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmn512m // try make -Xmn2096m set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2096m set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmx2096m try increase and test. And how much rams ur pc have?
  21. how u start server? what file open? put it here.
  22. on start server .bat file, edit it with notepad, and copy here.
  23. Do you see it on any server? who are now online Because on java server i not see any packet about item reuse time.
  24. not possible
  25. this: int clid = player.getClassId().getId(); if (clid == 97 || clid == 96 || clid == 13 || clid == 23) or import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; // put it at all other imports.. int[] classes = {1,4,67,123,14,53,14,86,234,34,34,and etc....}; if(ArrayUtils.contains(classes, player.getClassId().getId()))
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