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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. Player.java - function checkItemRestriction()
  2. Search in all java files with notepad++ keyword: "for (L2Skill". and in 10 sec i find it: for (L2Skill skill : player.getSkills().values())
  3. and it say that inv. is full at system message?
  4. storeChar.getStoreType() == StoreType.SELL || storeChar.getStoreType() == StoreType.PACKAGE_SELL
  5. if you hold f1 its not help :D
  6. show us how u put the code.
  7. ok... then edit l2olympiadmanager instance, make registration at ur > set date
  8. best way is delete npc then after 1-2 week spawn it again
  9. just manualy end olympiad in admin "Manual hero" at start day. Then ur olympiad start again after 1 sec (validation period) and end after 2 weeks.
  10. Its dual session bug. And i think u using acis "L2 Gold trance files". to fix this bug open this file "net\sf\l2j\gameserver\LoginServerThread.java" find this function "public void addGameServerLogin(String account, L2GameClient client)" and change with this: public void addGameServerLogin(String account, L2GameClient client) { L2GameClient savedClient = _accountsInGameServer.get(account); if (savedClient != null) { if (savedClient.isDetached()) { _log.info("Old Client was disconnected: Offline or OfflineMode --> Login Again [Account: " + account + "]"); _accountsInGameServer.put(account, client); } else { _log.info("Old Client was online --> Close Old Client Connection [Account: " + account + "]"); savedClient.closeNow(); _accountsInGameServer.remove(account); } } else { _log.info("Client was not online --> New Client Connection [Account: " + account + "]"); _accountsInGameServer.put(account, client); } }
  11. IL not have this feature, not posible :P posible only with client development.
  12. its simple: else if (currentCommand.startsWith("category")) { String categoryName = st.nextToken(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); for (Player storeChar : World.getInstance().getPlayers()) { if (storeChar.isInStoreMode() && storeChar.getStoreType() == StoreType.SELL) { for (TradeItem i : storeChar.getSellList().getItems()) { if (categoryName.startsWith("dagger")) { if(i.getItem().getItemType() == WeaponType.DAGGER){ sb.append("<table width=240 height=42><tr>"); sb.append("<td width=32 height=32 align=center><img src=Icon.item"+i.getItem().getItemId()+" width=32 height=32></td>"); sb.append("<td>" + i.getItem().getName() + "</td>"); sb.append("</tr><tr><td height=7></td></tr></table>"); } } } } if(sb == null || sb.toString().equals("")) { sb.append("No items to show"); } final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); html.setFile("data/html/auctioneerManager/categoryView.htm"); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); html.replace("%items%", sb.toString()); player.sendPacket(html); } and change table, u dont need to create new table on every found item. use <tr> tag.
  13. maybe no, check other multisell xml files, if u see in other xml's <npcs> then add.
  14. what acis version? i think i new version need add npc id in xml file, example: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- PI Trap stone multisell --> <list> <npcs> <npc>32115</npc> <!-- Asamah --> </npcs> <!-- Trap stone --> <item> <ingredient id="57" count="750"/> <production id="8764" count="1"/> </item> </list>
  15. try maybe this Multisell change to multisell, first letter must be lowercase.
  16. where is bugged?
  17. from l2gold trance pack u can get it for free.
  18. Hello, Any one haved this problem and how to solve it? After some connections to telnet they stop respond to client. No errors in logs or something like it. Me php code: function telas($command){ $telnet = fsockopen("*********", "1234", $errno, $errstr, 5); if($telnet) { echo "OK<BR>"; fputs($telnet, "PASWORD TO Login"); fputs($telnet, "\r\n"); fputs($telnet, $command); fputs($telnet, "\r\n"); fputs($telnet, "exit\r\n"); while ($line = fgets($telnet)) { $line = trim($line); echo $line."<br>"; } fclose($telnet); }else { echo $errno; echo $errstr; } }
  19. vote medals u can get also from mobs, not only from vote system. about what corruption u talk?
  20. up, start today 18:00
  21. config\GMAccess.d/full.xml and put your char object id then restart server.
  22. its nonsense not guard, just delete it. just tell me why u need this and we find another solution..
  23. yes, now i see, other chars see correct heading, except self heading.
  24. what is wrong with ur brain? hmm, i remember how on one buffer try buff some (~5) players, so buffer very lagging when buff all players at same time. One solution is to spawn 10 buffer npc. did u try change hit time? because it set 5 sec i see. broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, 5557, 1, 5000, 1)); make it 500
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