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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. better is turn off animation on buffers, i think will be many packets if in town will be many players :D
  2. try reduce php version, or chnage all to mysqli_....
  3. yes, easy for frozen example: ((L2PcInstance)target).shortBuffStatusUpdate(1056, 1, 15); put it after ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new CustomCancelTaskManager((L2............. example: if (cancelledBuffs.size() > 0) { ((L2PcInstance)target).shortBuffStatusUpdate(1056,1,10); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new CustomCancelTaskManager((L2PcInstance)target, cancelledBuffs), 10 *1000); }
  4. yes i fixed it. Need only rename CustomCancelTask.java to CustomCancelTaskManager.java and in import change CustomCancelTask to CustomCancelTaskManager.
  5. Why all time after rr, char heading set to east side. I checked it on acis and frozen, same situation. (Interlude) on database it save correct heading.
  6. Thanks for it. And i got error that "CustomCancelTask.java" file must be "CustomCancelTaskManager.java" so just need to rename it.
  7. what error? and u need make mysql external connection. u can google it keyword "mysql external connect", "mysql remote access"
  8. check on cmd: javac -version java -version u need 1.8.....
  9. npc spawns in xml? ???? :D Very practical.... oh i see and in sql `add_spawnlist`
  10. Its a forum moderators job and no need to post about it in thread. Everyone can report to move thread to other forum.
  11. where u write command? u must write it in "Query"
  12. m send here screenshot droplist table
  13. write it in navicat query. delete from droplist where itemId!=57delete from droplist table where item id not 57. 57 adena id.
  14. Im using this method for many vars in command: String text = ""; Int page = 1; String var = StringUtils.substringBetween(command, "[text] ", " [/text]"); if(var != null) text = var; String var1 = StringUtils.substringBetween(command, " ", " "); if(var1 != null) page = Integer.parseInt(var1); <edit var="search" width=120 height=15> <edit var="page" width=120 height=15> <edit var="other" width=120 height=15> <button value="Search" action="bypass -h admin_test [text] $search [/text] $page [haha] $other [/haha]"> edit fields can be empty if u set default values. like int page = 1; maybe it will be useful for anyone :D
  15. php: echo base64_encode(sha1("tester1", true)); result: TXVHodJ4fHLw6YXYtRlCleSqYUE=
  16. character limit??? :D so if write "a b c" its only 5 character
  17. i think someone have accounts database with decryted passwords. One solution is turn off auto registration and make on website registration with prefixs on login name with google recaptcha.
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/79987-buffer/
  19. just remaked ur code for frozen.
  20. yea good idea, just maked on frozen it. http://prntscr.com/g1lvuw
  21. yes, now i see it send with showbard packets.
  22. No. i want set default value, example like in html: <input type="text" id="myText" value="Test"> and in edit field will be text: "Test" But how to do it on Interlude with edit tag?
  23. Hello. How i can add default value to edit box? example <edit var=\"search\" width=120 height=15 val=?? value=??> not working with val or value
  24. try to see here https://github.com/namlehong/lindvior/blob/master/blood/src/main/java/l2s/gameserver/skills/skillclasses/Plunder.java , maybe u find problem
  25. in formulas.java calcMagicSuccess(.... u can see how calculate skill chance. try change skill power
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