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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. Waaat?
  2. How you think google work? :D On google search result i see this thread and in this thread ppl say to google :D http://prntscr.com/ebhzhb
  3. try //siege command or just look command list in one of config files/sql db or do like Baggos add owner manualy in db
  4. fixed. Work with action="bypass code_ $code"
  5. then i get $code but not value from edit input. I npchtmldialog work fine but in tutorial windows dialog not working
  6. Hello, what can be wrong in me code in tutorial dialog <edit width=180 var="code"> <button action="link code_$code" value="Submit Code" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"> in writing in edit input code and click button. but in server side i get this "code_$code", how to make $code from edit?
  7. i see this code not full about clan skills. to add full clan skills need add this code: for (int id : clanSkills) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(id)); player.getClan().addNewSkill(skill); } its acis code.
  8. Yes with phx i see game guard query. And all gg query from server and game are different, so simulate it idk how :D
  9. i try with no gg system but i get dc on select server.
  10. Hello, Maybe are solution how to bypass CliExt.dll on private server. dsetup.dll CliExt.dll Work only PHX without dc and L2Tower but after 10min i get DC.
  11. WTF, i try this but not work, but now when i copy/paste it work :D Nonsense Thanks you :) EDIT: oh its not encoded, so need encode to use with umodel.
  12. Hello, im trying bypass captcha. Im trying extract it with umodel but i get error: with other utx files all fine only with Crest.utx i have problem. Who can help with it? I'm attach Crest.utx Crest.zip
  13. some time show full sometime not full
  14. you say there is problem? and not full text at welcome dialog when enter to world ,it saved in html file, so where can be problem?
  15. NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); String htmlas = "<html><body><table width=\"300\"><tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"FF9900\">Check for Bots</font><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=\"300\" height=\"1\"><br></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">" + "<img src=\"Crest.crest_" + client.getServerId() + "_" + (id+idx) + "\" width=256 height=64><br>" + "<edit width=180 var=\"code\"><br>" + "<button action=\"bypass -h pinas $code\" value=\"Submit Code\" width=75 height=21 back=\"L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal\">" + "<br><br>If you close this window, click <font color=\"LEVEL\">Start button</font><br>" + "<a action=\"bypass -h pinas refresh\"><font color=\"9CC300\">Refresh Code</font></a><br>" + "</td></tr></table></center></body></html>"; html.setHtml(htmlas); client.sendPacket(html);
  16. Hello, I have one problem, sometime in dialog not show full text. Example: html: "<br>If you close this window, click <font color=\"LEVEL\">Start button</font><br>" Start button it show all time, but sometime "If you close this window, click" not show like it be invisible color. Where can be problem?
  17. thanks all for help :) its working
  18. /** MMO settings */ public static int MMO_SELECTOR_SLEEP_TIME = 20; // default 20 public static int MMO_MAX_SEND_PER_PASS = 22; // default 12 public static int MMO_MAX_READ_PER_PASS = 22; // default 12 public static int MMO_HELPER_BUFFER_COUNT = 20; // default 20 Is good?
  19. i say same situation on vps and on local pc, same delay..
  20. Hello, Im using aCis. Now example when i click on ground i need to wait maybe 0.4~0.5 sec. when start run where i click.. And with all actions same situation. Im tested on vps and on local pc where ping [0], on vps ping maybe ~60-100. How i can increase it, that work faster? Thanks ;)
  21. hmm i think java is java just changed function name and make little different from other packs :D i will fixed it self if i know how to start this bug in game to see :D
  22. maybe you see it in code in me thread? :D
  23. You mean when function call self or call other function who call 1# function and it make while?
  24. To much work to move all server to new aCis version... Maybe anyone can tell me more about this movement system bug. Thanks :) Example about bug that need target self to can move at start, but not all time.
  25. Fixed by self. :) If any one need it can be made in one line: ServerList.java else if (gsi.getStatus() != ServerStatus.STATUS_GM_ONLY) { // Server is not GM-Only + addServer("", gsi.getPort(), gsi.isPvp(), gsi.isTestServer(), gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount(), gsi.getMaxPlayers(), false, true, gsi.getStatus(), gsi.getId()); + addServer("", gsi.getPort(), gsi.isPvp(), gsi.isTestServer(), gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount(), gsi.getMaxPlayers(), false, true, gsi.getStatus(), gsi.getId()+1); } and in RequestServerLogin.java public boolean readImpl() { if (super._buf.remaining() >= 9) { _skey1 = readD(); _skey2 = readD(); _serverId = readC(); + if(_serverId==2) + _serverId=1; return true; } return false; } It work for me :)
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