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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. package custom.potions; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.enums.PlayerAction; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.enums.Race; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.base.ClassId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MerchantInstance; import ai.npc.AbstractNpcAI; public final class potions extends AbstractNpcAI { public potions(String name, String descr) { super(name, descr); addStartNpc(30165); addFirstTalkId(30165); } @Override public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (player.getClassId() == 97) return "data/html/merchant/30165-50.htm"; else return "data/html/merchant/30165-3.htm"; } public static void main(String[] args) { new potions(-1, "potions", "custom"); } }
  2. public static void separateAndSend(final String html, final L2PcInstance acha) { if (html == null) return; if (html.length() < 4090) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html, "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } else if (html.length() < 8180) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 4090), "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(4090, html.length()), "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } else if (html.length() < 12270) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 4090), "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(4090, 8180), "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8180, html.length()), "103")); } } so max 12270 bytes on c6(maybe it just mistake in source), and on h5 i see 24540 bytes max.
  3. to create party with target Party(Player leader, Player target, LootRule lootRule) to add player to already exists party: addPartyMember(Player player)
  4. or just try optimize ur html file. example, delete all spaces, lines and etc. put here ur html
  5. then debug packets , and check that client get it or no. if no then try find where cheking size
  6. on server packets i think ShowBoard.java put here source of this file. on html message (dialog) max size 8kb because if it will be bigger then it can crash l2. on show board maybe same?
  7. not possible on this files
  8. DELETE FROM `droplist` WHERE `mobId` NOT IN ('123','456','789'); 123 and 456 and 789 is raid boss id as example, put all ur boss id.
  9. delete from droplist where mobid not in ('1234','4321,'....',....)
  10. if (Config.BOG_STACKABLE) player.destroyItem("Consume", spb.getObjectId(), 1, trainer, true); else player.destroyItem("Consume", spb, trainer, true);
  11. fix it because it crash l2 at start.
  12. your very narrow mindset. by you everything what u can bypass is shit ;) And im little updated it with new GG key.. so bypass it again :]
  13. same situation.
  14. then client side. try see system files, hennas.dat
  15. and what you see on char status? in str dex int and etc..?
  16. ha , wait another version of me shitty protection. All protections can be bypassed. So you can answer to me why it bad if it can protect from ~80%+ botters? it's anyway perform its function..
  17. what? why i need to sell it???
  18. Why not? its me first "protection" :D in future it will be better. and it protect 70% botters, so why not?
  19. You just copy/paste.... :D @Override public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (player.getClassId() == 97) return "data/html/merchant/30165-50.htm"; else return "data/html/merchant/30165-3.htm"; } and u need regiser onfirsttalk to 30165 npc.
  20. You can try to: tcpdump -w FILE-NAME -c 100000 port not ssh if it done very fast then u get ddos attacks. when done just open with wireshark and check all packets
  21. Start 2017-09-15 18:00 GMT+3 Informations * Rates: -XP 9999x / SP 9999x / Adena 1x./ Spoil x1 * Server Interlude Client. Retail server with custom modifications. * Extra info -Buffs 2h,Offline Shop,Tattoos, Rebirth System,Increased movement speed on all classes,ANTI-Buff added on all Classes. Gameplay Character Creation A new character will spawn in the basement of Aden . Here you can buff yourself up and you're good to go! The new character will start with all the needed items. Noblesse Special quest for noblesse. Rebirth System Once a player becomes level 80, he can choose to rebirth at the rebirth manager in Aden. You need only the rebirth book. (Droped from Raid Bosses) AIO NPC Buffer There is a support buffer spawned in every important town Full ressists buffer spawned in every important town Scheme buffer in every important town The buffs last for 2hours and are free of charge Boosted Buffers In order to give buffer classes such as prophets, bladedancers and swordsingers a fair chance to participate in pvp action, they have been given a special boost. All these classes will receive higher level skills which they can buff on themself only. For example: A prophet will get might3, shield3, windwalk3, haste3, etc. Mantra Drops Mantras are needed for custom weapons/armors Enchant rates: Safe enchant : +3 Max enchant with Blessed +21 Max enchant with Crystals +25 Blessed - 85% Normal - 75% Crystal - 100% (You can take them with Vote Medals ) Augmentation system * Top-Grade Life Stones You can buy them from Augment Manager with mantras You can farm them from Giants in Giants Cave L2Custom Accesories * Silver Circlet : Special stats. * Gold Circlet : Special stats. * Fighter Mask: Special stats. * Mage Mask: Special stats. * Demonic Wings: Special stats. * Angelic Wings: Special stats. * Special Mage Tattoo: Special stats. * Special Fighter Tattoo: Special stats. Raid Bosses A lot of raid bosses have been added! These can be found at their original spawn points. Keep in mind that only the raid bosses of lvl76 and above have been added (Apart from the Ant Queen) L2Custom Armors * Apella (Medium) * Dynasty (Hight) * Vesper (Best) L2Custom Weapons Weapons with a unique SA on it. These weapons can be buy in Weapon Shop! * Forever (Medium) * L2Custom (Refining to 10lv) (Hight) * Vesper (Best) Olympiad Non class based Every 3 day hero. S grade gears only with enchant limitations : Weapons +25 / Armors +25, and no customs at all. Castle sieges Aden Castle start Friday at 18:00 and finish at 20:00 Giran Castle start Saturday at 21:00 and finish at 23:00 Events TvT (Team vs Team) (Automatic) Death Match (Automatic) CTF (Capture the flag) (Automatic) Hide&Seek PvP event variations Others. Start 2017-09-15 18:00 GMT+3 Web: http://l2custom.com/home
  22. Oh its good, i think its only geodata bug in fortress of dead at 21_17..
  23. canseetarget return false, but why?
  24. Hello. Now im trying to find where is problem, but can't :D function: public boolean canSeeTarget(final L2Object cha, final L2Object target) { // If geo is off do simple check :] // Don't allow casting on players on different dungeon lvls etc return Math.abs(target.getZ() - cha.getZ()) < 1000; } check: if (skill.getCastRange() > 0 && !GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(this, target)) { sendMessage("target z:"+target.getZ()+" cha z:"+this.getZ()+"Z:"+ Math.abs(target.getZ() - this.getZ())); sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANT_SEE_TARGET)); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } https://prnt.sc/gk7yg8 cast range = 900 565-565=0 0<1000=true 900>0 = true so it must be true and false in if. so where is problem? and this problem only in fortress of dead
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