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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. Hello, Maybe posible to see what must be in each parametres in function. Example: ?DrawTextToCanvas@UCanvas@@UAEKHHKPBGKKKMHW4L2FontType@@HHKHHHPAV?$TArray@PAVFL2ColorFontInfo@@@@GW4EFontExceptionType@@H@Z public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall UCanvas::DrawTextToCanvas(int,int,unsigned long,unsigned short const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,float,int,enum L2FontType,int,int,unsigned long,int,int,int,class TArray<class FL2ColorFontInfo *> *,unsigned short,enum EFontExceptionType,int) with any pe editor only can see parametres types but what mean each param? now with this example i want draw text on client, its interlude client.
  2. https://mega.nz/#!PQU2BYpb!OIwb6bN6G51LbAN4nypb9ONHNW4FSqpEW58roNL16Fo its work on interlude, just need to clean code, because code have unused functions and etc. And its have one problem, you get critical error on Olympiad Monument hero list table. Visutal Studio 2010.
  3. i got working rguard dsetup.dll source for Interlude client.
  4. just remove -h from action url.
  5. and i do it, but how i make mistake with calculator , idk :D Thanks now work.
  6. fak is hard to understand for me :D Example im entering clan hall zone. character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_CLANHALL, true); and clan hall is in town. character.setInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_PEACE, true); now by checking in what zones im are result is: ZONE_PEACE, ZONE_CLANHALL, ZONE_MULTIFUNCTION, ZONE_GRAND (why this zones are in list?)
  7. i not understand how it can work with frozen code?
  8. It's not seem little nonsense on frozen this functions? public static final int ZONE_PVP = 1; /** The Constant ZONE_PEACE. */ public static final int ZONE_PEACE = 2; /** The Constant ZONE_SIEGE. */ public static final int ZONE_SIEGE = 4; /** The Constant ZONE_MOTHERTREE. */ public static final int ZONE_MOTHERTREE = 8; /** The Constant ZONE_CLANHALL. */ public static final int ZONE_CLANHALL = 16; /** The Constant ZONE_UNUSED. */ public static final int ZONE_UNUSED = 32; /** The Constant ZONE_NOLANDING. */ public static final int ZONE_NOLANDING = 64; /** The Constant ZONE_WATER. */ public static final int ZONE_WATER = 128; /** The Constant ZONE_JAIL. */ public static final int ZONE_JAIL = 256; public static final int ZONE_EVENT = 257; /** The Constant ZONE_MONSTERTRACK. */ public static final int ZONE_MONSTERTRACK = 512; /** The Constant ZONE_SWAMP. */ public static final int ZONE_SWAMP = 1024; /** The Constant ZONE_NOSUMMONFRIEND. */ public static final int ZONE_NOSUMMONFRIEND = 2048; /** The Constant ZONE_OLY. */ public static final int ZONE_OLY = 4096; /** The Constant ZONE_NOHQ. */ public static final int ZONE_NOHQ = 8192; /** The Constant ZONE_DANGERAREA. */ public static final int ZONE_DANGERAREA = 16384; /** The Constant ZONE_NOSTORE. */ public static final int ZONE_NOSTORE = 32768; /** The Constant ZONE_MULTIFUNCTION. */ public static final int ZONE_MULTIFUNCTION = 67229; public static final int ZONE_GRAND = 134458; /** The _current zones. */ private int _currentZones = 0; /** * Checks if is inside zone. * @param zone the zone * @return true, if is inside zone */ public boolean isInsideZone(final int zone) { return (_currentZones & zone) != 0; } /** * Sets the inside zone. * @param zone the zone * @param state the state */ public void setInsideZone(final int zone, final boolean state) { if (state) { _currentZones |= zone; } else if (isInsideZone(zone)) { _currentZones ^= zone; } }
  9. notepad++ seach in folder, and its very fast.
  10. setPvpFlagLasts(System.currentTimeMillis() + 3000); time in ms
  11. compiled with eclipse and all working ;)
  12. wrong build.xml , it not compile src. Can you fix it? i want compile it in cmd with command "ant"
  13. Thanks for share, i think i will use it on tvt event to fill up teams :D
  14. its "AdBlocker Ultimate" and "uBlock Origin" ;]
  15. http://prntscr.com/hg3bgv :D
  16. try this and tell me results. https://pastebin.com/U5gspyu9
  17. at annoncememt make pk.assasins. and assasins = 0; put upper by 2 lines.
  18. show me ur code, how u do. maybe u make mistake.
  19. hmm, then try make assasins varbiable public and at doPKPVPManage() assasins++; change to killer.assasins++; switch(killer.assasins) { and other at announce. and change to old code at onDeath. just to assasins = 0; maybe it will work, idk.
  20. why isDead return true when u alive??? try check if(isDead()) sendMessage('u alive:); else sendMessage('u died'); and check on both players what write.
  21. frozen, stable, but need some fixes.
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