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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. what version frozen u use? im using 1118 and it support both. python and java. or have you tried???
  2. just create file in data/scripts/quests/PartyDrop/PartyDrop. java and add “data/scripts/quests/PartyDrop/PartyDrop. java“ to data/scripts.cfg thats all..
  3. Whaaaaaat??? i just adapted it to for frozen. so what wrong with me code?
  4. package quests.PartyDrop; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound; public class PartyDrop extends Quest { boolean _canReward = false; private static ArrayList<String> playerIps = new ArrayList<String>(); private static final int[] MOB_LIST = {10506,10507}; private static final int[][] DROP_LIST = {{57,50},{57,80}}; public PartyDrop() { super(-1, "PartyDrop", "quests"); for (int mob : MOB_LIST) addKillId(mob); } @Override public String onKill(L2NpcInstance npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { if (player.isInParty()) { List<L2PcInstance> party = player.getParty().getPartyMembers(); for (L2PcInstance member : party) { String pIp = member.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); if (!playerIps.contains(pIp)) { playerIps.add(pIp); if (member.isInsideRadius(npc, 1000, false, false)) { for (int[] i : DROP_LIST) { member.addItem("Party Drop Rewards.", i[0], i[1], member, true); member.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound("ItemSound.quest_finish")); } } else { member.sendMessage("You are too far to be rewarded."); } } else { member.sendMessage("Already 1 member of your ip have been rewarded, so this character won't be rewarded."); } } playerIps.clear(); } else { for (int[] i : DROP_LIST) { player.addItem("Party Drop Rewards.", i[0], i[1], player, true); player.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound("ItemSound.quest_finish")); } } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) { new PartyDrop(); } } script for frozen. just put to data/scripts/quests/PartyDrop and add script path to scripts.cfg p.s its without any config file, so just edit in script file what mobs u want and what drop u want..
  5. what version frozen? show duel.java file
  6. firstly what point? paypal have simple api, why u not use it?
  7. what pack you using? and show full code.
  8. better warn who provoke to do that because everything starts with that.
  9. so create new mysql account. CREATE USER 'USER1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD1'; and grant privileges for this user: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'USER1'@'%'; '%' - this mean for all ip address allow connect. you can change it example to your website ip for security.
  10. mysql and website on same pc?
  11. try this maybe it will work: else if (_command.startsWith("DropListNpc")) { private static void showItemsPage(Player activeChar, int page) { final L2Object object = activeChar.getTarget(); int MaxItemsPerPage = 10; int MaxPages = _itemssize / maxItemsPerPage; if (_itemssize > MaxItemsPerPage * MaxPages) MaxPages++; if (page > MaxPages) page = MaxPages; int ItemsStart = MaxItemsPerPage * page; int ItemsEnd = _itemssize(); if (ItemsEnd - ItemsStart > MaxItemsPerPage) ItemsEnd = ItemsStart + MaxItemsPerPage; if (object instanceof L2NpcInstance) { NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); StringBuilder html1 = new StringBuilder("<html>"); html1.append("<title>Npc Name: " + object.getName() + "</title>"); html1.append("<body>"); html1.append("<br>"); html1.append("<table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=1 width=\"280\">"); if (((L2NpcInstance) object).getTemplate().getDropData() != null) { int myPage = 1; int i = 0; int shown = 0; boolean hasMore = false; for (L2DropCategory cat : ((L2NpcInstance) object).getTemplate().getDropData()) { if (shown == MaxItemsPerPage) { hasMore = true; break; } for (L2DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops()) { final L2Item item = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()); if (item == null) continue; if (myPage != page) { i++; if (i == MaxItemsPerPage) { myPage++; i = 0; } continue; } if (shown == MaxItemsPerPage) { hasMore = true; break; } int mind = 0, maxd = 0; String smind = null, smaxd = null; String name = item.getName(); if (cat.isSweep()) { mind = (int) (Config.RATE_DROP_SPOIL * drop.getMinDrop()); maxd = (int) (Config.RATE_DROP_SPOIL * drop.getMaxDrop()); } else if (drop.getItemId() == 57) { mind = 300 * drop.getMinDrop(); maxd = 300 * drop.getMaxDrop(); } else { mind = (int) (Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS * drop.getMinDrop()); maxd = (int) (Config.RATE_DROP_ITEMS * drop.getMaxDrop()); } if (mind > 999999) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.#"); smind = df.format(((double) (mind)) / 1000000) + " KK"; smaxd = df.format(((double) (maxd)) / 1000000) + " KK"; } else if (mind > 999) { smind = ((mind / 1000)) + " K"; smaxd = ((maxd / 1000)) + " K"; } else { smind = Integer.toString(mind); smaxd = Integer.toString(maxd); } if (name.startsWith("Common Item - ")) { name = "(CI)" + name.substring(14); } if (name.length() >= 34) { name = name.substring(0, 30) + "..."; } html1.append("<tr>"); html1.append("<td valign=top align=center height=38 width=40><img src=\"" + getIcon(item.getItemId()) + "\" height=32 width=32></td>"); html1.append("<td>"); html1.append("<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 width=237>"); html1.append("<tr>"); html1.append("<td>" + (drop.getChance() >= 10000 ? (double) drop.getChance() / 10000 : drop.getChance() < 10000 ? (double) drop.getChance() / 10000 : "N/A") + "% is " + (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "<font color=\"00b3b3\">[Quest]</font>" : (cat.isSweep() ? "<font color=\"009900\">[Spoil]</font> " : "[Drop]")) + "</td>"); html1.append("</tr>"); html1.append("<tr>"); html1.append("<td>Name: <font color=fff600>" + name + "</font> " + (maxd == 1 ? "[1]" : "[" + smind + " - " + smaxd + "]") + "</td>"); html1.append("</tr>"); html1.append("</table>"); html1.append("</td>"); shown++; } } } for (int x = 0; x < MaxPages; x++) { int pagenr = x + 1; if (page == x) { pages += "<td>Page " + pagenr + "</td>"; } else { pages += "<td>something " + something() + " " + x + "\">Page " + pagenr + "</a></td>"; } } } html1.append("</tr></table>"); html1.append("</body>"); html1.append("</html>"); html.setHtml(html1.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(html); html1 = null; html = null; } }
  12. try this member.addItem("Party", itemId , (int) count, player, true);
  13. you have router? if yes then pm me ur skype i will help u.
  14. why u write l2virus .ddns .net? you redirect l2virus.ddns.net to your external ip??
  15. to check server is working for others you can here: https://www.infobyip.com/tcpportchecker.php write external your ip and port 2106 or 7777
  16. it can be wrong image url or something else. send to pm url and i tell u what wrong
  17. you can login if change ip to in l2.ini and other l2.ini with external ip for others
  18. if server are on your pc you cant login with external ip, only others can login but not you.
  19. ServerAddr =l2virus.ddns.net change to ServerAddr =
  20. wtf why u try add l2virus.ddns.net?? show l2.ini from client
  21. delete your lines from hosts file. to ExternalHostname write ur external ip. and connect to server with ur local ip ( if your server are on same network. external ip is for public not for you.
  22. just tell me where u stuck
  23. Same situation just lost 50$.
  24. yes it working on l2jfrozen, im tested it on l2jfrozen.
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