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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. Hello, now im working with drop and i need info about how work chance, example now i see in npc table: category id=1..... drop id=2.... chance=90000 drop id=5.... chance=50000 category close.... now i want to make id 5 chance 35% and id 2 75% how i need to write? and what mean 90000 and 50000?
  2. I fixed it, just in ai script i find error, thx for help ;)
  3. Its old version, command doesn't exist. And all server guards don't attack pk players. So how to fix it? http://prntscr.com/a1x5uj And i change aggro to 2000 l
  4. Tessa, now im testing, i log with 2 char and set karma to 5k example. Guard dont attack. But if im try attack guard and it kill me then guard start kill other char who have karma.
  5. reborn12 im stay near guard but guard not attack me.
  6. Hello, Why me guard not attack player with karma? Me guard info: http://prntscr.com/a1tvad <npc id="31034" idTemplate="31034" name="Sentry" title=""> <set name="level" val="80"/> <set name="radius" val="7"/> <set name="height" val="25"/> <set name="rHand" val="277"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="L2Guard"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="0"/> <set name="hp" val="3290.11306877694"/> <set name="mp" val="1674.8"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="4424.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2554"/> <set name="pAtk" val="91524570.537548504614"/> <set name="pDef" val="925445.375"/> <set name="mAtk" val="662.751329129412"/> <set name="mDef" val="921554.80341"/> <set name="crit" val="8"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="60"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="50"/> <set name="runSpd" val="160"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <set name="attackRange" val="2000"/> <ai type="default" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="9000" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="16"/> <skill id="15003" level="1"/> <!-- Sentry Stats --> </skills> </npc> But i see when guard is in combat mode then his kill all player with karma, but when in normal, just stay in spawn..
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