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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. maybe on l2character.java try find public final void stopAllEffects() and add this code if(effect.getSkill().isToggle()) continue; after this if (effect != null) { i not tested so it can not work :D
  2. stackOrder="(make highter number on cov)" stackType="BLABLA"
  3. Then it custom on IL java. Need to destroy fort gates, kill 4 "Captains" npc, then capture flag with "seal of ruler" and fort is ur. So its almost same like castle siege?
  4. Hello, Maybe someone have all fortress npc spawnlist x,y,z and npc id for interlude? Extracted many projects but can't find :D
  5. i dont know what mean this options, but try to google it. set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmn512m // try make -Xmn2096m set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2096m set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmx2096m try increase and test. And how much rams ur pc have?
  6. on start server .bat file, edit it with notepad, and copy here.
  7. Do you see it on any server? who are now online Because on java server i not see any packet about item reuse time.
  8. this: int clid = player.getClassId().getId(); if (clid == 97 || clid == 96 || clid == 13 || clid == 23) or import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; // put it at all other imports.. int[] classes = {1,4,67,123,14,53,14,86,234,34,34,and etc....}; if(ArrayUtils.contains(classes, player.getClassId().getId()))
  9. package custom.potions; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.enums.PlayerAction; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.enums.Race; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.base.ClassId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MerchantInstance; import ai.npc.AbstractNpcAI; public final class potions extends AbstractNpcAI { public potions(String name, String descr) { super(name, descr); addStartNpc(30165); addFirstTalkId(30165); } @Override public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (player.getClassId() == 97) return "data/html/merchant/30165-50.htm"; else return "data/html/merchant/30165-3.htm"; } public static void main(String[] args) { new potions(-1, "potions", "custom"); } }
  10. public static void separateAndSend(final String html, final L2PcInstance acha) { if (html == null) return; if (html.length() < 4090) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html, "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } else if (html.length() < 8180) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 4090), "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(4090, html.length()), "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103")); } else if (html.length() < 12270) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 4090), "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(4090, 8180), "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8180, html.length()), "103")); } } so max 12270 bytes on c6(maybe it just mistake in source), and on h5 i see 24540 bytes max.
  11. to create party with target Party(Player leader, Player target, LootRule lootRule) to add player to already exists party: addPartyMember(Player player)
  12. or just try optimize ur html file. example, delete all spaces, lines and etc. put here ur html
  13. then debug packets , and check that client get it or no. if no then try find where cheking size
  14. on server packets i think ShowBoard.java put here source of this file. on html message (dialog) max size 8kb because if it will be bigger then it can crash l2. on show board maybe same?
  15. DELETE FROM `droplist` WHERE `mobId` NOT IN ('123','456','789'); 123 and 456 and 789 is raid boss id as example, put all ur boss id.
  16. delete from droplist where mobid not in ('1234','4321,'....',....)
  17. if (Config.BOG_STACKABLE) player.destroyItem("Consume", spb.getObjectId(), 1, trainer, true); else player.destroyItem("Consume", spb, trainer, true);
  18. your very narrow mindset. by you everything what u can bypass is shit ;) And im little updated it with new GG key.. so bypass it again :]
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