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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. I find the intention system quite broad in a sense. Not quite how I really want the system to work. I want the player to have many intentions at a time and also multiple objectives. I built a general system to do that and then change intention based on the IQ of the bot. Will showcase some of it in the near future.
  2. Pretty much my whole point. I do agree that it is sad to see where l2 ended up, but people don't wanna see npcs fighting. They wanna see people fighting even if they are not real. Meh, what can you do..
  3. What are you on about? No i am not selling anything yet. Yes i will start selling it when it's in a good stage. No this topic has nothing to do with selling it and it is all about discussing a topic.
  4. I ain't selling anything yet. It's more of an open discussion on a topic.
  5. I just wanna address something because I'm tired of replying to the same question over and over again. During the past 6-12 months everyone in the forum and their grandma has pmed me asking me to sell them a Fake Players Engine i showcased a while ago. I refused every time saying that I'm done with l2j stuff. However people have been offering decent amounts of money to buy something like that. As far as I'm concerned I don't play L2 anymore so i couldn't care less, but there is something I like more than materialistic stuff. MONEY. So yeah even though i think it is pathetic that this is what it has become of that lovely game i spent countless hours, i decided to profit off of it on this way. However I won't launch something that i don't think meets some quality standards. I spent the weekend developing the bare-bones of the engine, random player generation, developing some basic AI (movement, following, attack) and stress testing the server to see how far i can go. Some if the features i have in mind Full fake player control panel in the admin area with Generation of a fake player from the panel with specific configuration AI Intelligence levels Taking control of a fake player and moving it through your admin player Fighting patterns Automatic player generation Save bots Minimal communication The ability to extend the AI system by writing your own behaviors as a developer Just give me some time and you will get what you want. Feel free to discuss. (Again i don't support this idea so don't take the piss. It is just a supply and demand thing)
  6. Why don't you buy them from their respective sellers and creators?
  7. Well it is being sold to be used for online servers so yeah.
  8. Clearly you do judging from your post. You're welcome.
  9. I have. Unfortunately I'm not offering paid (or unpaid) services for installation. There are many people that after reading what the github repos say and a bit of googling, had the ACP up and running. If someone really really needs it i can do it for something like a 50e price. Sorry but my time is very limited.
  10. I can't stress this enough but you should not open a server if you are expecting the community to tell you what kind of server you should make. People will always give you a single moment of what they want the server to be. This should not drive game design cause you will fail. Take your "How long can you farm for your max gear with enchants?" and "How long do you think getting max level should take ?" questions for example. Lets say that everyone says 2 weeks. You know what that means? It means that your server life is around 3 weeks. The only way to have long life servers is to go back to the basics and do what NcSoft did. Have a launcher and every 4-6 weeks add something in the server that your players have to fight for. There is simply no other way, unless you go for a x5 or something in which case the enchantment mechanic will do the job for you. Just don't listen to the players. Players don't know what the want until they see it.
  11. Well sunrise has all the juicy bits in their protection, engine and event-engine jars anyway so good luck with spending time decompiling.
  12. It is a case by case scenario tbh. Platforms that don't need to be flexible and try to replicate a playstyle (aCis, Unity, L2jServer) can benefit from XML because there is no need for tables. Values that essentially will never change or they will be changed once. Platforms that need to be flexible and constantly change and fine tune the game play (any l2j server ever) would benefit from SQL as it is way more flexible, able to do relations between entities easily and flexibly. I find the sql -> xml change downgrade personally because of how fluent i am in SQL and what i can achieve with it. Just a personal opinion here.
  13. You probably meant positive. If you check my history, I'm positive to things that worth it and negative to things that don't. That's called being objective.
  14. Very nice. I had implemented something similar in my private Esios sources back in 2012 back it was very basic. You took it to another level. Great job mate, you are learning insanely fast.
  15. If you know how to attract players then you know how to make your game design around botters. If thats not what you want then buy an antibot (sguard patches adrenaline faster than they can say cyka).
  16. There are always ways to reduce the effect of the bots by doing good gameplay design. For some reason people think that the only way to gain gear and do progress is to kill monsters which is not true.
  17. https://l2market.com join now and list your L2 related products for free!

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