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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Im talking about the packet debug setting. Nobody used Config.Debug anyway.
  2. Well i aint be moving to latest anytime soon, but i will take your word for it. after 6 years it was about time tbh. Still doesnt explain the debug config removal tho.
  3. Doesn't look like it https://pastebin.com/u9J4K6Cp On the other hand i would never name a method with amazing self descriptive names liek log0 so, yeah.
  4. Im pretty sure you don't even know what the word means
  5. player.rewardSkills(); should work. It is meant to give all available skills bi matter the auto learn config. (as far as i can remember) It was changed in latest acis.
  6. It is not working on C6. The window was implemented and the packet structure is there but the messages wont appear in the window. My guess was that it was just a PoC in the initial C6 release and it as actually finalized in a C6 update patch but i don't have the pre-Kamael Interlude patcht to prove it. If i remember correctly, you target the player and press //snoop and then this player's inbound and outbound chat appears in a chat window. On the share: Nice, useful piece of code to replace the //snoop functionality that is missing on Interlude. However it is workin on pretty much any other chronicle after that, making it a bit useful. A couple on things on the code: General: (ADMIN_COMMANDS[0]) This is not as smart as you think it is because i have to scroll to the top to see what im doing. Either make them constants with reasonable self explanatory name or use the string itself. Line 127. This whole check is useless. Other than that, it's fine.
  7. The API is basically a stripped down web server and some l2j method calls. It is insanely easy to adapt. The chronicle doesnt matter.
  8. For the record, akoma ftiaxnw bugs and kapoios vrei, apla den vazw alla features kai den to kanw install o idios.
  9. Pretty much everything you sell is shared or done before. Scheme buffer? Amazing, never seen this one before. I would suggest you start looking at the EU L2 scene to keep up with the latest.
  10. Set your own intervals, set your own locations and randomize them. It is NOT meant to be used out of the box. All I do is give the platform. I even said in the post "As you can tell this doesn't look real so feel free to modify it." If you think that this project is about getting it, and having it just work, then don't make the effort to download it. It is meant to be a tool for this willing to put the effort.
  11. Im on holiday from the 24th till the 8th so everyone will be like "here we go again. He got bored."
  12. Walker AI update This update includes logic for the WalkerAI. All it really is, is that a player can have a set of nodes in which he can walk to and stay there for some amount of time. There are two types of movements, Linear (which will follow the nodes one by one) and random (which will randomize them). The WalkerAI class is an abstract class which you extend and you add your own nodes and duration as well as movement types. I added GiranWalkerAI as an example with some nodes and some duration but feel free to customize to make it look organic as you see fit. You can use the "//spawnwalker giran" in giran to test it. Im planning to add restrictions in which AIs can be applied where so there is no confusion with that goes where. Here is a little demo video. As you can tell this doesn't look real so feel free to modify it.
  13. Well it is true but like i said I don't teach you basic logic. You can google it.
  14. I would get into the trouble of explaining you things like regional publishers, Toa and tos that are retroactive and stuff like that but this is max so I won’t waste my time. basically the only place you are 100% safe is if you host the server in Russia. HOWEVER I could not care less about if private servers are legal or not. What I’m talking about is open source licenses. People can’t read these days
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