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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Thank you very much. Make sure you join the Discord server if you want to know how to participate in the Alpha: https://discord.gg/cVAQ5Yb
  2. A week ago I posted an idea for a project. Then I thought I can afford wasting a weekend, so I developed it. L2BattleRoyale, is fair and balanced PvP on repeat. There is no gameplay other than the different battle royale game modes you can queue for. The game engine is developed to run unlimited amounts of different games at the same time in the same or different maps. You just queue for a game and as soon as there are enough people in the queue a new game will start. The basic idea: Giran Town is the Main Server lobby. This is where you can show-off, buy cosmetic items and queue for games. The level is always 1 and it doesn't matter. There are no NPC monsters or traditional spawns. Soulshot and spiritshot are not needed to have a viable class. The base stats are the same across all races. Armors and accessories are purely cosmetic and don't offer any stats. HP, CP and MP are all equal across all races. Your stats and skillset is based on the weapon you pickup. (D grade weapon give one spell depending on the weapon time, C grade gives 2 etc.) There are currently 4 Weapon classes in the game. Archer, Dagger, Duals, Mage. You can only have one weapon on you at a time. Unequipping a weapon will drop it. Dying will drop your items (Not your cosmetic ones) Picking up a weapon while having one equipped will drop it. Game stages: Once you queue the game waits to see if there are enough players to spin a new game up. When there are enough players the engine will teleport them into random locations in the map. The blue and white circle appears and a countdown starts. Once the countdown is over the white circle will become the blue one. People outside the blue circle take increasing damage over time. Look for chest and items and try to find the strongest one to kill your opponents. Repeat until there is one person alive. Teleport back to the lobby. Economy: The economy is pretty simple. There is no way to gain any competitive advantage by buying an item. Upon finishing a game you gain adena. The amount you get depends on how long you lasted in the game and how many kills you have. Adena can be spent on Armors or Accessories (That are purely cosmetic) A leaderboard with kills, deaths, wins, etc will be visible for everyone to see. Maps: 2-Man Solo (ONLY FOR TESTING) 5-10 Man Solo (On the map shown below) 25 Man Solo (On a bigger map) More depending on the demand Duo and squads will follow later based on the demand. Thanks to @Kara` I was able to do some testing, however I need more people to help me test. Testers will receive a unique accessory that only Testers and Helpers can ever have. The server will launch some time in early July depending on how the testing and open beta goes. It will NEVER have donates that can give any competitive advantage, EVER. You will only be able to donate for cosmetic items, and that's purely for those you will want to support the server. (I don't do this to make money) Here is a video of a 2-Man Solo game. (This map is for a 10 Man game) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD2DctxOX9U So yeah that's it. Pure balanced PvP on repeat. Sounds like something you would be interested in? Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/cVAQ5Yb
  3. Unfortunately, code is not personal data unless it has personal data in it.
  4. I know that's exactly what I'm saying. That that's how you would do it but i don't know how the L2 renderer will deal with it.
  5. In theory you can fake a circle though with a polygon. I just don't know how much it will stress the client. I wouldn't expect it to be much though.
  6. It doesn't work with circles no. It has to be a rectangle.
  7. Well there is a packet that can do this visualisation but in rectangles not circles as you can see here. However, I didn't quite appreciate the way you talked about me so I'm sure you will find it yourself. Also. You don't get to choose what's popular and what's not. You get to have an opinion, but that's of course subjective.
  8. It only applies for L2Off. If you are using l2j then you dont need to configure it
  9. You don't need a db connection on l2j mode because it is done on the server side with the L2ACP-api https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2ACP-api
  10. Major announcement Windex updated the project from .NET Framework to .NET Core 2.0. This means that you can now also run it on Linux and Mac. This also opens a door for a lot of other improvements. Take a look a leave a star at https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2dotNET
  11. Sunrise is more used so more battle tested. I'd go with sunrise.
  12. Issle used to have a quote about this when the pvp reward system idea was introduced. "Back in my day we used to pvp for fun and glory. Now i have to write a pvp reward system." Pretty much sums it up, just the ante is higher.
  13. Isn't' the host provider something you test before beta even starts? Anyways still waiting.
  14. Is the beta starting tomorrow?
  15. Special thanks to nihrom for his contributions to the project. Introduced Console commands, Monster Die and he's been refactoring. (I don't know who you are, so if you see this PM me)
  16. Nop, I don't even have him on skype. I just think he is the most talented designer in this forum.
  17. I wanna buy it. Send me a video showing all the features and how to use it.
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