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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Yeah you're right I realised later it's internal code
  2. Ofc you can, because you joined to the characters table so you can do c.* or c.char_name to get any column or a specific column from the table. SELECT i.owner_id, c.char_name, i.count from items as i inner join characters c on c.obj_Id = i.owner_id WHERE i.item_id = 57 and i.count > 10 and c.accesslevel = 0 ORDER BY count DESC limit 10
  3. SELECT i.owner_id, i.count from items as i inner join characters c on c.obj_Id = i.owner_id WHERE i.item_id = 57 and i.count > 10 and c.accesslevel = 0 ORDER BY count DESC limit 10
  4. Your query is SQL injectable. Parameterise the parameters properly or else you expose your whole db.
  5. I migrated to a new VPS and I didn't bother moving the site. The server is still up on the new server but I'm playing privately with friends, as it didn't manage to achieve a stable online count. About whether it succeeded or not, that was never a question. It was meant to be there for people that enjoyed the concept and there were a few, but if there are not enough people to rotate then it gets boring. I knew it would play out like this from the beginning, that's why it didn't have any monetization and any progression system other than cosmetics and leaderboards. Before you say that I'm bullshiting, check here a convo with Ipo days before the launch. I never wanted to add skillshots and client mods, even though I knew it could make it a better experience, because I wanted to keep it simple. All I really wanted was to finish the project, as I'm doing with any other project I'm working on for the past 2 years. It is however technically and code wise better than anything xdem has written in his entire life.
  6. I have actually, but not with a single lawyer but with multiple ones because I've work in several places that use GPL licensed software and we had to make our changes open source. Simply put, you are misinformed. I can cite references to what I say. Can you? Btw, I won't go deeper on this with you because I remember having a chat with you about it and you were saying some other shit at the time, so there is no point replying to me.
  7. Welcome to open source licensing. Your depiction of GPLv3 is at least misleading and not accurate. GPLv3 doesn't prevent the commercial usage of the software. GPLv3 doesn't give the original author the right to get back code but if forces the creator of new code based on that GPLv3 licensed software to make those changes public, in order to improve the original software. Forking GPLv3 projects is allowed as long as they are open source so the main project can benefit off of it. Projects like L2jFrozen don't violate l2j's GPLv3. You cannot sub-license a GPLv3 open source project, that's why acis not just violates GLPv3 in it's privation but also changing the license. L2j is trully opensource, at least as truly opensource as Linux with which they share the same license (well almost, Linux uses GPLv2) Using reversed engineered findings to build new software doesn't make this new software illegal, except if the reversed engineered code itself was used. Copyleft licenses work and they are amazing when the community is not a bunch of greedy scumbags like the L2 community. Huge companies rely on glp open source projects and they make their changes public as they should. https://opensource.apple.com/ https://opensource.microsoft.com/ https://aws.github.io/ Nobody tricked you and nobody had the intention to do that. You were just a guy that wanted to profit off of l2j just like me and everyone else in here.
  8. To fix it I would have to rewrite it. I'm not gonna rewrite a shared feature.
  9. It's both an old shared feature and really poor code.
  10. Nice one. Here is a slightly refactored version of the code: https://pastebin.com/5wiEC1TC
  11. From what i've observed, the initial reaction is what you describe but in later games they actually spend more time looking for items and better weapons before charging on one another and some people get the same speed thing so they chase or give up on chasing etc.
  12. I have no high hopes mate, I never had. I just wanted to create something that I thought would be cool to play. If other people don't like it, that's totally fine. I coded (started) it and I launched (finished) it so I'm more than happy. There are currently 50 hours worth of games played across 1296 games and 2290 kills. Even if it stays that way, I'm totally happy with it.
  13. "Maximum games running at the same time: 13" This is the stat you should compare it to and then post the omegalol :D
  14. Really good in what he does. You won't regret paying for this service. Really trusted and fast to deliver.
  15. The server had a successful launch on a technical side and a not so successful launch on the online players side, which is something I expected anyway with such a niche concept. Here are some stats from the Grand Opening. Total characters created (today): 151 Peak online count: 39 Total game time played: 27 hours Total games played: 742 Total kills: 1345 People killed from the blue zone: 57 Maximum games running at the same time: 13 Obviously that's not much, but it's more than I ever expected. From a technical standpoint, the Tesla event engine that is backing the whole server up is the most stable piece of l2-related code I've written and I'm really proud of it, launching without any bugs or issues. Here is my favourite game from the launch.
  16. The server is now open! Please move it to live servers. See you ingame! Download the system here http://l2battleroyale.com For more info join us on Discord today!
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