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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Been working on the decision making and skill picking. Some skills are more likely to be used by others. Also bots have automatic internal rebuffing and refueling of consumables (shots/arrows/bones) when they are about to run out. Performance is solid.
  2. Some wizard combat stuff. The players are unbuffed and just use spiritshot thats why some of them stop casting for a sec some times when all skills are on cooldown.
  3. So i finally have 3 days off to work on this. I started by remaking the way the bots think about how they will do stuff. Previously i had one task running per player just to see how far this could go and it because obvious that after 200 players the thing went kraaaa. However i reworked the way this logic in handled and now with a reasonably low cpu usage. To test it i spawned 666 bots of two types, AttackerAI (general purpose) and SpellHowlerAI (class specific) and the load is kept low, so im happy withe the performance side of things. Next thing in the todo list is to create individual class based AI for combat and social interaction. Bots should behave differently in different scenarios and even though fake, their decisions should at least look authentic.
  4. Ok i finally got the decryption of the packets working. Packet identification is next :D
  5. If that's what the game itself is using then yeah SessionNetwork.java seems to be containing all the encryption info as it is getting iv key and salt from the server
  6. Exactly what Sdw said basically. I packaged some points of interest from the APK. If you wanna dig around you can download them here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nf4ito90fhl4vbo/l2revonetwork.zip There is a network folder in there but im not 100% sure if that is the socket code that the game itself is using.
  7. Haven't validated that yet, but asymmetric encryption for packets sounds bad. public key cryptography seems is slow and packets on TCP need to be lightning fast. Could be wrong tho. I ain't experienced in game development at all.
  8. So long story short ever since L2 Revolution came out i couldn't stop thinking how good the game would be if it didn't have the restrictions and the paywalls it has. I've been working on creating the login server and after a lot of decompiling and tests i was able to replicate the login process outside of the application programmatically . It is just a simple back end forth over simple SSL and it happens as part of the java side of the app so i was able to emulate it because i decompiled the APK. The gameserver connections is a TCP socket connection over the 12000 port. The problem is that the payload of the packets is encrypted (ofc) but the whole decryption thing happens inside the UE4 side of the app and im not good with encryption so I don't know how to find the key. I would assume that a key is being exchanged during the login but there was nothing i could find. Anyone tried to do something similar or anyone good with packets and encryption? Thanks
  9. I created a plan of attack to remove any unimplemented piece of functionality from the project and i started that yesterday. Also some refactoring took place. The plan is to remove pretty much everything that i didn't write myself (or the contributors) and re-implement them properly. What several people told me is that the project might work as a classic project (as there is no other opensource classic project around). Will tinker with some packet magic over the weekend after the cleanups and see how that goes.
  10. Oh are they the same? Would make sense as they technically use the same-ish client
  11. Gotcha. Will use the niceteam compiled ones. I just wanted the packet structure. Cheers
  12. Just a simple question. Is there any l2 classic open source project that you know of? Thanks
  13. I've done it before, i wanted to see what the difference of "before" and "after" would be. I'd rather have one task per AI for now and see how that goes. If it seems heavy then i will go even higher.
  14. After a bit of testing and benchmarking, it seems that my current implementation won't fly. After 600 players the server load is 99%. I pretty much knew that but i wanted to see what the load would be with individual thinking tasks. I will go with the lighter approach of batching per AI type. Other than that everything else seems to be going well.
  15. Feel free to do so. You will save me so much time. Yeah i did a bit digging around and it seems that everyone is using shared phantom.
  16. The best case scenario is both what you said and also grand opening.
  17. Sound cool but falls into the category of botting.
  18. I don't think you get it. Forget intentions as you already know them in the AI system. Anyways.
  19. Well that's the whole point of the IQ system. A player can make bad choices as well as good ones. IE: A bishop can heal himself or the party when he takes dmg. Who to heal comes down to who takes the most dmg. Now because it is a bot i know where the dmg is going so i can calculate a decision, but i can also leave it to change.
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