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DenArt Designs

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Everything posted by DenArt Designs

  1. many packs are shared to test if you have problems you can search or post in help section, a good start would be acis and frozen
  2. why dont you just create it and run the script again?
  3. you test your ports if are open 7777 and 2106 :) thank me later!
  4. Thanks for your info but this script is not useless (for you it might be) consider average users have not your knowledge and this script will help them, they dont know about versions of sub-drivers and sql servers or how to correct them and this is normal and understandable, in conclusion you know more things than average user and you can ignore this script, but you cant call it useless because it actually helps, i would not recommend using old versions of php (before 7) speed, stability and security are very low commonly (but also depends on developer, code and usage).
  5. check on canyouseeme.org if they open (server should be open on test)
  6. if you place a no-ip you dont have to edit anything and you can login from local and external too (assuming ports are open)
  7. did you build this code? i think you need help to understand how many times this code is printed
  8. υπάρχει πρόβλημα στην κίνηση του παίχτη αλλά ασχολούνται με αυτό.
  9. this affects all chronicles or you had a latest? you had big online?
  10. Do not trust this person atual studio sells cheaper with latest fixes/updates and not some random who can possibly add a language.
  11. sb.append("<tr><td align=center><button value="\" + category.getName() + "\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + getObjectId() + "_category " + category.getId() + "\" width=204 height=20 back=\"Button.but1\" fore=\"Button.but2\"></td></tr>"); you have value=categoryname" action.... so code sees only closing " without opening " and prints that categoryname"
  12. @AbsolutePower you can report such bugs here https://l2jhellas.com/ :)
  13. hello i think there are shared faction systems
  14. you simply need to make the local ip address to for UDP/TCP but if you have in your computer automatic address and your router restart the router might change your computers IP with DHCP server so you must configure your computer manual ip to be to stay that way, then you forward it as i already told you and then open the server and go in canyouseeme.org and check for the port if its listening to your game/login servers.
  15. vanganth has shared sources maybe you like them
  16. its bad? if its not allowed remove my post :( you know anyone else? i always send my customers on him and had no complaints so far..
  17. this is not an secure way to make queries in database but in short you check database for username and password since there is no function to verify a password you just check if its the same so you have to recreate it if you execute the following query it will return the user's data so you can check later if you have a row > 0 you set the session variables and you make the login action "SELECT * FROM user_auth WHERE account='" . $login . "' AND password=" . encrypt($pass); about the query to make it safe google prepared statements and how to bind a variable. take from here some ideas Function to encrypt password in PHP function encrypt($str) { $key = array (); $dst = array (); $i = 0; $nBytes = strlen($str); while ($i < $nBytes) { $i ++; $key[$i] = ord(substr($str, $i - 1, 1)); $dst[$i] = $key[$i]; } for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i ++) { if (! isset($key[$i])) { $key[$i] = 0; } if (! isset($dst[$i])) { $dst[$i] = 0; } } $rslt = $key[1] + $key[2] * 256 + $key[3] * 65536 + $key[4] * 16777216; $one = $rslt * 213119 + 2529077; $one = $one - intval($one / 4294967296) * 4294967296; $rslt = $key[5] + $key[6] * 256 + $key[7] * 65536 + $key[8] * 16777216; $two = $rslt * 213247 + 2529089; $two = $two - intval($two / 4294967296) * 4294967296; $rslt = $key[9] + $key[10] * 256 + $key[11] * 65536 + $key[12] * 16777216; $three = $rslt * 213203 + 2529589; $three = $three - intval($three / 4294967296) * 4294967296; $rslt = $key[13] + $key[14] * 256 + $key[15] * 65536 + $key[16] * 16777216; $four = $rslt * 213821 + 2529997; $four = $four - intval($four / 4294967296) * 4294967296; $key[1] = $one & 0xFF; $key[2] = ($one >> 8) & 0xFF; $key[3] = ($one >> 16) & 0xFF; $key[4] = ($one >> 24) & 0xFF; $key[5] = $two & 0xFF; $key[6] = ($two >> 8) & 0xFF; $key[7] = ($two >> 16) & 0xFF; $key[8] = ($two >> 24) & 0xFF; $key[9] = $three & 0xFF; $key[10] = ($three >> 8) & 0xFF; $key[11] = ($three >> 16) & 0xFF; $key[12] = ($three >> 24) & 0xFF; $key[13] = $four & 0xFF; $key[14] = ($four >> 8) & 0xFF; $key[15] = ($four >> 16) & 0xFF; $key[16] = ($four >> 24) & 0xFF; $dst[1] = $dst[1] ^ $key[1]; $i = 1; while ($i < 16) { $i ++; $dst[$i] = $dst[$i] ^ $dst[$i - 1] ^ $key[$i]; } $i = 0; while ($i < 16) { $i ++; if ($dst[$i] == 0) { $dst[$i] = 102; } } $encrypt = "0x"; $i = 0; while ($i < 16) { $i ++; if ($dst[$i] < 16) { $encrypt = $encrypt . "0" . dechex($dst[$i]); } else { $encrypt = $encrypt . dechex($dst[$i]); } } return $encrypt; }
  18. if you want contact me i have a developer you can contact to give you info about your issue, but if you also want i have a ready panel
  19. πόση ώρα σου πήρε 3 λεπτά αν κρίνω απο το χρόνο που απομένει;
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