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DenArt Designs

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Everything posted by DenArt Designs

  1. i think it is shared or it was shared here without sql, you can buy from atual studio themselfs.
  2. New L2OFF Donate Panel with 4 pay methods 3 chronicles





    Auto Donate Panel, SUMMER DISCOUNTS!




  3. oh I will join the rates and features are very good for me!!
  4. ΑΦΟΥ ΑΦΟΥ δοκίμασε και είναι κλειστά τα πόρτ αλλά δεν παίζει γιατί τα άνοιξε! η λογική σας με ξεπερνά δεν μπορώ να βοηθήσω παραπάνω
  5. έχω μείνει άφωνη με την γνώση και την λογική που δεν υπάρχει στους νέους χρήστες.
  6. New L2OFF Donate Panel with 4 pay methods 3 chronicles





    Auto Donate Panel, SUMMER DISCOUNTS!




  7. the mods will propably remove it then
  8. ok a mod can lock this then I will inform my client and take other actions
  9. I think he has serious issues this guy http://prntscr.com/njvhgy Who is:
  10. So my client was asking me if i resell his project http://l2gold.in/ he show me that http://l2gold.GR (copy) stole landing page, Animated website background & Logo. I have not resell or gave my client's work to this guy and he caused me big problems, my client is mad he gave him 24hours to take down, and I dont understand why somebody would do something like that to me for 40 and 50 euro make me having problems with my clients and my credibility on them. scammer https://maxcheaters.com/profile/218064-kidutz/ proofs https://prnt.sc/njhe6p https://prnt.sc/njheka Really take down or ban and dont let him advertise with stolen work shame on you.
  11. Very good person, trusted & skilled, also first comment! <3
  12. fun fact previous month I was about to get epilepsy with a banner trembling oposite colors
  13. I think there is no value or some "reward" to fill some positions example if your title says l2jdev everybody ask you for codes (even for free) you waste your time at some point while you could sell your knowledge, the forum is leaded by diva sharers if i am not over the line here, guides are 10 year outdated links dead there are no updates, very few shared from their time like you as far i remember shared something new also nobody fixes old codes that sure dont work, some know how to adapt and 99% dont. My point is reward <-> activity. this was able to be achieved when reputation had value now its just abused or childplay. even the scam percent rised after the reputation value stop working.
  14. according to this 3 gendlemen you're wrong in unique ways.
  15. New L2OFF Donate Panel with 4 pay methods 3 chronicles





  16. scam incoming. 3 2 1 maybe say for example what you want in the pack or the budget atleast or you will endup crying your money
  17. its like waking up the dead when somebody gets reported the forum is on fire! reminds me (what century is this?) of kara the last java services seller ban him because (envy?) he makes money from codes that all of you know them but bored to sell/share or work for somebody like pamela32 because you have something better to do he is not the guy who will not solve or deliver so i recommend to calm and do your jobs (not stay dead) pamela i see that you indeed have an attitude. example: i dont make that "he will delete all my files" because he removed 2 files that might have been useless indeed :/ I think that is a misunderstanding that skype can solve nothing more to do here.
  18. http://www.lineage2.org.uk/download/lineage-high-five-client/ http://www.mediafire.com/file/571duq36553m980/High+Five+System.rar http://www.mediafire.com/file/rvc53byp2a9kboh/High+Five+FileEdit.rar
  19. mporei na ftaiei to pack sou i to client sou den einai normal auto
  20. well try this when it has to do with ranges i open 7776 to 7778 for test also open for protocol UDP and i think you will figure this out
  21. the license is bigger than the code :D
  22. για να καταλάβω κάνεις κάποιο click στο community board η με το που το ανοίγεις τρώς το έρρορ, εκεί που περπατάς η συγκεκριμένα όταν πάς σε συγκεκριμένο teleport;
  23. canyouseeme.org is best for me, about the ports you need to open in windows firewall UDP/TCP same for incoming/outgoing 7777, 2106 and in router 7777, 2106 and wan ports are not nessasary try to remove them if the router allows you to.
  24. New L2OFF Donate Panel with 4 pay methods 3 chronicles





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