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DenArt Designs

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Everything posted by DenArt Designs

  1. you know what is static data and what game server startup does with this data right?
  2. so the pack is not good because it slower installs database?
  3. there is sure more npe's than code lines.
  4. in my pc with M2.SSD both load in 1 sec maybe its you and not the pack?
  5. 9014 is locally used no need to open [gameserver <-> connection(9014) <-> loginserver]
  6. hellfire just dont scam kara` he is good and trusted in java he will help you even after he die.
  7. not worth time creating such system reasons it can be done easy in java, using the api of topsites
  8. Paypal prvovides IPN (instant payment notification) when a payment is done paypal notifies a given link with the payment details, after that you validate and proceed to save the information into database, then you handle how you will distribute it into your java code read (SELECT FROM etc...) and then reward.
  9. Auto Donate Panel, website, updaters.




  10. I don't think anybody gonna share this its very old engine, I recommend to find the last source and fix it :)
  11. it does not matter if in your computer is fast, is matter if in players will work in the end.
  12. yes, phpinfo is also included, plus this is for hosts that say that support this functions but actually not, i've seen this many times, this is the actual test if the functions work or not depending with the apache configuration.
  13. I've personally never worked for or with @Kara` but I have many customers that told them about him when they search for l2j developer and not 1 of them told me bad words except one time that he was delay a week for some code, everybody told me they was satisfied to the end.
  14. Hello, since many of my clients had problems regarding to webhosting (specifically for acp panels) they did not know that the problem was the hosting company all the way from start. So for those who are interested in knowing if their host is compatible with their l2off server SQL Server connections this is a simple tool for debugging porpuses. This tool was originally for my customers to know if their host is supporting my panels. Create a new file test.php and then add the following code inside, then edit the $host, $user, $pass and open your website.com/test.php and you will know what kind of connections you can use simple and easy. This is not only for newbies its a tool that can help developers in general. it has been tested in all versions of PHP 5.6+ and it works. successfull message looks like this: http://prntscr.com/mt5jep it will print few names from database. It uses 5 kind of connection types mssql_connect, sqlserver_connect, odbc_connect, PDO (dblib, sqlsrv, odbc), mysqli_connect Code: [Hidden Content]
  15. you can check now ^.^ (still changing)
  16. Για αυτά που ανέφερα είναι ένα eshop customized υπάρχουν δωρεάν opencart zencard prestashop woocommerce και ένα σωρό άλλα το μόνο που κάνεις install είναι το shop το θέμα αλλάζεις και λογότυπο και είσαι έτοιμος μισή ώρα δουλειάς 100-150 ευρώ αν ξέρει την μέθοδο με τα SMS αυτός που θα στο περάσει, υπάρχουν και αυτοί που τα πουλάνε 3 χιλιάρικα πάνε κάτι βλάκες και τα δίνουν άλλα τέσπα άμα το ψάξεις όλα δωρεάν είναι και το google είναι φίλος σου, αλλιώς πλήρωσε. μία απλή αναζήτηση. https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&amp;rlz=1C1GIVA_enGR829GR829&amp;ei=b3N5XNn7Hp3RmwX-z4OQAQ&amp;q=sms+service+for+website&amp;oq=sms+service+for+website&amp;gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i203j0i22i30l2.1808.17392..17662...8.0..0.372.9251.0j1j9j21......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0j0i131j0i10j0i13i5i30j0i8i13i30.T6c_bJ5kF5g
  17. Λυπάμαι που θα στο πω αλλά αν δεν δώσει Χ Υ ο πελάτης η διεύθυνση που θα σου δίνει η IP του θα είναι Θεσσαλονίκη το μόνο που μπορεί να κάνεις είναι μία σελίδα που να κάνουν παραγγελίες να δημιουργούν λογαριασμό να αποθηκεύουν τα στοιχεία τους εκεί διεύθυνση κλπ και μετά να τους δίνετε η επιλογή να παραγγείλουν, την παραγγελία θα χρειαστείς ένα τρόπο ΣΜΣ παράδειγμα να πηγαίνει σε κάποιο τάμπλετ στο κατάστημα η με email και να το ελέγχουν πίσω από το μπάρ
  18. there is companies that do that with deadlines support and more and you come here to find what developers? with 100 euro good luck.
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