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DenArt Designs

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Everything posted by DenArt Designs

  1. you confuzed me at least in l2.ini you add the server address you dont have to edit windows hosts too or if you do you dont have to edit l2.ini here you add your server address and pretty much thats it you open the server and it should work. just so you know this is l2off section <3
  2. Donate Panel SGuard & SmartGuard SPECIAL EDITION

    15€ discount for November on donate panel ONLY FOR THE FIRST 10 BUYERS!!!

    Coupon Code: DenArtz

    info about the panel https://shop.denart-designs.com/product/account-panel/

  3. yes you can have them both you just point the projects at the correct jdk upgrade would need alot of corrections in project in order to be build again
  4. 15Euro discount for November for donate panel Coupon Code: DenArtz info about the panel https://shop.denart-designs.com/product/account-panel/
  5. hello you can add my skype or send me a message
  6. hahahahaha the next revision of at least what? :D
  7. not because i sell it but you can see what protections needed at least for starting a web application that will access your game server database. Coupon Code: DenArtz info about the panel https://shop.denart-designs.com/product/account-panel/
  8. this is SmartGuard client side for their users to add in their servers is not the server side of smartguard that does the job, and without client source its useless. plus you can ask for the new version if you're a client in their forum, and you can also code for frozen version (but already there is 99% in their forum) if someone wants to hack it here it is update.smguard.net/build_v3.php?token="token" and v2 xD
  9. I will join I like no customs good luck!
  10. first we have 2018 please use PDO cause mysql is deprecated. second google "inner join" table to get from the grand boss data the time they need to respawn or 0 that means alive if you want it in 1 query. or just combine id's from 2 queries and respawn time
  11. just install vm make a snapshot with everything installed find a hwid changer and change ip
  12. it seems like dedi problem or whatever you installed or run broke something try reinstall the dedi
  13. you're using jre not jdk in the error message have fun! :)
  14. in the photo says c:/Users/Hacker/.... he still does not know how to build the solution :') this is good for meme thanks for share but its useless in 2017 where IL is dead and specially if your server can crash
  15. the guy has no base, or its totaly 2 different persons claiming 2 things: 1) He gave me access and I pewpewpew hacked everything 2) If he gave me access I would pewpewpew hack everything 3) Theoreticly he could give me access because he did not have access in his server...
  16. here is all the queries used in the website, the curl and yes even the scripts in header that is the only word used as "script" in my website an expert can identify and see the code, if you also want to know PDO connections are used to connect into database not MySQL since its deprecated in PHP 7.1 which he can use safe website <-> database communication https://pastebin.com/7L8F9ZJ7 and here is the conversation https://pastebin.com/7ThZJD1t he also mention what pack he use acis 360 and after all I done for him this is the "thank you" I want him to get punishment and remove hes posts from the marketplace in my topic the L2Moderator Celestine (no words its embarrassing for the forum) and about my personal life I have no words for you people...
  17. that looks like "I cant win with arguments" and turn to l2moderator to help you with who am I? ok, only and only to a global moderator or maxtor I will provide skype video conversation or identity card or whatever they think is right to identify me. can you avoid more my arguments? You answer to celestine in this post You thing evidence that staff is beign used to help him?
  18. so your hack was done theoreticly right? meaning "all those could have been done" with FTP access or even Cpanel access ... right?
  19. You seem to asking alot of things here and IPB without money is hard... and in our conversation I told you that if you want I have IPB Themes that was all about it unless I find anything more in our skype convertsation tomorrow about and all I wanted from you was FTP access or CPANEL access to upload php files/images/css you never gave me proper access to upload them and I could not enter at all so I just send you the files any decent designer would do and ask the same thing one time only you open a teamviewer on your computer to show me how to do it with putty but I still can't do this upload files from putty its unknown to me conclution without access and by giving you some php files you exposed your stupidity nothing more and if you keep telling me that my websites have backdoors I will be forced to share the files I sold here to public to prove you wrong. please start answering my questions and stop avoiding them by acusing me with more and more nonsence.
  20. I can also wait if you want for some Java/MySQL/PHP expert with knowledge come to say how all this can be done, please. and why I choose and target your server I have clients and I treat them some times more than they pay as I did with you but you got over the line today. I tried to help you with OVH after I sold you the files and I could easy let you do it alone and choose my next client but I didnt and all that for half prices and this is the thank you? I would like some moderator to send me private message to send the files I sold if he thinks is nessasary else I will clear our conversation and give all the parts that matter to this client.
  21. first of all I dont know how to code, I hire people to do that. who is this friend and if he can explain how this can be done in spesific and detailed because I asked my programmer and he is not wrong I googled it. I asked how can somebody with database access can add scripts to do in a java server whatever he wants he didn't take my question seriously in start but I said its a guy that claims I did it in hes server so he replied to me if you: can you provide detailed code of scripts that are created in a database and then users from inside the java server can be head admins and ALL that without having access to any source files to answer all the questions only a dump or somebody without knowledge would believe that I can do such thing unless I am a superhacker or am I? evidence tomorrow when I have time.
  22. ok now I know who you are and after what I did for you I did not expect this from you, I will post tomorrow everything from chat (and if mods ask for the files I sold to this guy I will give them too) and I will prove that what he say is lies and I will demant punishment.
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