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DenArt Designs

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Everything posted by DenArt Designs

  1. New L2OFF Donate Panel





  2. and what did you remove? or what changes you did?
  3. show the code and what you removed if it is NPE propably is your mistake
  4. the guy shared his trash as he said its the early version of the files he has, dont use trash recycle them
  5. Auto Donate Panel, SUMMER DISCOUNTS!




  6. Auto Donate Panel, website, updaters.




  7. assuming same chronicle the logic is 1) 2 databases 2) 2 game servers 3) 1 login 4) GS1 port 7777 and GS2 port 7778 5) 2 Systems with each port in l2.ini no? :D
  8. Hello, my name is Dehnise and I am interested in getting my "Auto donate panels" some boost to game admins, how much such a service would cost? send me a private message with the plan and price! thank you.
  9. advext i think has the vanganth project now so you can ask there
  10. I also hit random keys in my keyboard some times my cat you never know!
  11. I told nightwolf to check it (he was to change something in the panel) he told me something like "the code was compiled" or something like that I dont know much about java I ask him, he also told me that he will not edit kara code but if hellfire wanted he could just disable it so the game start, this is all I know but mission success.
  12. I like the part that you answer to this totally unaware randoms who think that deleting a file makes them hackers
  13. @Kara` he is calling you
  14. i just told you to post your issue in help section, do you understand what i said? work fine but 1 of them can be abused until the server ends.
  15. so i gather few coins for 1 week? 1 month how much you like? then i use them to buy armors/weapons ingame and then trade the armors and weapons if they are not tradable they should be droppable, i can prove you wrong until the server became stupid and solo play or single player mode. well he said he will do it for free just go in help section and post your issue you might get more help....
  16. if you intentionally want them to vote and abuse the reward then remove the restriction from ingame by removing the protection -.-" @Kara`
  17. what stops a player make 10 game accounts then make 1 character in each account (total 10 characters) then go vote for character 1 change IP Address then go vote for character 2 change IP Address .... then go vote for character 10 change IP Address and so on.. web based vote system abuse. you cannot abuse easy HWID of players computer so INGAME vote system that uses players HWID AND IP Address in combination, but you can abuse just IP Address because website cant see HWID. You still want web based vote system?
  18. Auto Donate Panel, website, updaters.




  19. easy boy... good boy... SIT DOWN! EAT l2tales go boy!
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