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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. You sure what your SQL query will be helpful w/o having any knowledge what the aCis pack revision and mods version he have? You are telepath. One what obvious it's missed 'achievements' table and "mark_time' filed in 'characters' table. For both cases need more info before posting solution here anyway.
  2. That's will enough for exclude any exploits with character's deleveling.
  3. it's impossible for changing adena maximal amount because it's impossible
  4. You need save all dependencies at first. And at second, probably need add some changes in ucc tool with source code usaging.
  5. Need more info: client Video properties, places of critical error, etc.
  6. Try to use more than 1 dressme item in XML and you will have client crashes everytime when will sent to you CharInfo packet.
  7. Truth for latest builds. Lucera 2 already shared since 2016 year. There is no problem with it. The problem with "good" developers.
  8. You have no sense of humor. It's was sarcasm on Elfocrash's cracking loyalty for some projects.
  9. You can also start the new topic with same service and get access to the shitcode from the developers of similar projects in return for a promise not to crack their shit. Only commerce, nothing personal.
  10. Die packet contains sweepable trigger. Use him as start point.
  11. Find into Engine.dll attaching effect and change him in LineageEffect.u.
  12. The tons of letters and no meaning. You found something what likes you and no knows what to do more. Maybe get first the few Java lessons for beginners and "how to work in IDE Idea/Eclipse and start to do something? And after this if then you get a stuck somewhere you asking to us about help. In this case we will know what you need and what you want to get in result. Right now it's looks like "where to find skilled idiot with many free time". Start to do something. I say it for the thousandth time.
  13. Yes. It's possible. The implementation option depends on the L2J fork and on your imagination.
  14. You are only capable hiding the real IP address over Tor network and saying "Bla Bla Bla". The cost of words of anonymous users is zero.
  15. You need into "char_templates.sql" add new rows like itemX for additional more starting items than 5 existing. At this moment uses 5 columns: `items1` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `items2` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `items3` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `items4` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `items5` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', Just add more rows (e.g. "item6", "item7", etc) and after you can manage what the char template will use more items. Inside CharTemplateTable.java you need to change this line for (int x = 1; x < 6; x++) to for (int x = 1; x < ITEMS_COUNT_PLUS_ONE; x++)
  16. Your log.cfg contains necessary properties for log4j but don't uses in L2J Frozen. You need get him content and put into logger.properties file. This file uses as property definer for log4j. Or rename logger.properties to logger.properties.bak and rename log.cfg to logger.properties. for check my assuming. I think it will work.
  17. Try to put into logger.properties file the content from log.cfg with overwritting existing content. Possible, L2J Frozen developers forget change this. At this moment logger.properties don't contains informations about logger handlers. that's possible the main reason of missed files which uses specific logging handlers. E.g. GMAudit uses direct storing into the file all info ignores native logger.
  18. I don't seeing reason for no logging chat messages. I posted to you all difference between logger properties. Check the Item logging for correct work by the way, because this one 100% the same but with another file name storing.
  19. The maximal size of log files is defined in logger.properties. I don't see more difference between GMAudit and ChatLog loggers. Try to replace in this place ChatLogger to GMAudit for checking correct calling the logger feature overall in this place.
  20. If this is a custom NPC or adapted from later chronicles, then the pedestal is lost under his feet.
  21. Before starting "creating own community board" you need research existing community board features. Maybe you find all what you need in disabled mode. You even don't know how it works in existing modules but wants make something new. The only "a wish" is not enough for starting to tell "i'm creating the own community board". For this need also some progress with the many lines of code.
  22. Replace this code by path "com.l2jfrozen.logs.ChatFilter.java" public class ChatFilter implements Filter { @Override public boolean isLoggable(final LogRecord record) { return record.getLoggerName() == "chat"; } } to public class ChatFilter implements Filter { @Override public boolean isLoggable(final LogRecord record) { return record.getLoggerName().equalsIgnoreCase("chat"); } }
  23. 1. W/o skills from 2000 euro. 2. With skills from 800-1000 euro.
  24. All buffs have skill type BUFF. Add this check if player inside this zone into RequestMagicSkillUse client packet and OnEnterZone add function for cleanup all buff effects. Possible, better to use restricted buff list for detecting also "Hot Springs" effects and compare effect skill id with black list. In this case you can manage this zone type and for each instance make own restricted list in zone template.
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