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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. This message uses the string from systemmsg-e.dat. If you want to change the color the you need make custom message ID for this or change the color of current. In last case all messages where uses "player.sendMessage()" will uses this color.
  2. Mate, ask directly what you wanna get from aCis pack and we answer you it's real for 382 - 398 revisions or not. Otherwise, this is another attempt at populism.
  3. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/c0dea2a907060046b98f611dfb5290c29b2b6d3837c7e0b185eada81076f7e71/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3fb9f30654d4a2504b466991b7890f5781e9661929e3d0af5fd4cc91437cd485/detection You can use or not use those files.
  4. https://www.4shared.com/rar/73hiS1Aaba/CatsGuard.html Inside client files and diff patch for L2J Frozen. All what you need is adapt HWID for your wishes.
  5. There is no port's problem. Bind port and bind address the different cases. Don't use external IPs for configure login server and check before configure the local network addresses. for usage correct machine address.
  6. CatGuard it's free for L2J Frozen and use HWID as you want.
  7. I was unable to download the package. But I see 343 lucky people who could do it. I'm voting for L2J Frozen 1.5.
  8. I said IDs. Open weapongrp.dat and find icons in icon.uts or another custom UTX pack. It's easy if you have the patch where this exists.
  9. Before make any edits decrypt the file with L2EncDec tool. In next step open in L2TPT and find address offset of your constant and after change. For finding offset you need knows function offset + local (inside function) offset. For second param you need make Analysis in right panel of L2TPT with hex code.
  10. There not need to decompile interface.u. For changing static INT values enough any Hex Editor and L2TPT.
  11. For usage buff shop as item shop need access into source code. Otherwise you can implement it as HTML based version.
  12. High rates and available full buff kill any balance in races and classes. Just make of third class buffs and summon's buffs less accessible. That's will enoug for restore retail balance between "damage dealer" classes. Any other tweaks will kill the retail gameplay. Remember that.
  13. just take Icon.utx from this project and use him for self. Or open weapongrp.dat and find icon names for next IDs: Nephilim Lord - 5799, 5800, Monster Only(Shield of Imperial Warlord Zombie) - 6721
  14. You can sell a diff patch for this aCis revision with you customs and this is does not contradict with aCis ToA.
  15. I know what i said. That packet do nothing w/o client side edit. Look at this before: class BoardWnd extends UIScriptEx; var bool m_bShow; var bool m_bBtnLock; var string m_Command[8]; var HtmlHandle m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer; var TabHandle m_hBoardWndTabCtrl; function OnRegisterEvent() { RegisterEvent( EV_ShowBBS ); RegisterEvent( EV_ShowBoardPacket ); } function OnLoad() { if(CREATE_ON_DEMAND==0) OnRegisterEvent(); m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer=GetHtmlHandle("BoardWnd.HtmlViewer"); m_hBoardWndTabCtrl=GetTabHandle("BoardWnd.TabCtrl"); m_bShow = false; m_bBtnLock = false; } function OnShow() { m_bShow = true; } function OnHide() { m_bShow = false; class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.SetFocus("ChatWnd"); } function OnEvent(int Event_ID, string param) { if (Event_ID == EV_ShowBBS) { HandleShowBBS(param); } else if (Event_ID == EV_ShowBoardPacket) { HandleShowBoardPacket(param); } } function OnClickButton( string strID ) { Debug( "-->" @ strID ); switch( strID ) { case "btnBookmark": OnClickBookmark(); break; } //ЕЗ№цЖ° Е¬ёЇ if (Left(strID, 7) == "TabCtrl") { strID = Mid(strID, 7); if (!class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.IsMinimizedWindow( "BoardWnd" )) { ShowBBSTab(int(strID)); } } } //ГК±вИ­ function Clear() { } function HandleShowBBS(string param) { local int Index; local int Init; ParseInt(param, "Index", Index); ParseInt(param, "Init", Init); //ГК±в»уЕВ·О ї©ґВ°Ў? (SystemMenu·ОєОЕН) if (Init>0) { if (m_bShow) { //АМ№М єёАМ°н АЦАёёй ґЭґВґЩ. PlayConsoleSound(IFST_WINDOW_CLOSE); class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.HideWindow("BoardWnd"); return; } else { if (!m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.IsPageLock()) { m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.SetPageLock(true); m_hBoardWndTabCtrl.SetTopOrder(0, false); m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.Clear(); RequestBBSBoard(); } } //іЄБЯїЎ HandleShowBoardPacketїЎј­ ShowWindowё¦ ЗСґЩ. } else { m_hBoardWndTabCtrl.SetTopOrder(Index, false); m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.Clear(); ShowBBSTab(Index); } } function HandleShowBoardPacket(string param) { local int idx; local int OK; local string Address; ParseInt(param, "OK", OK); if (OK<1) { class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.HideWindow("BoardWnd"); return; } //Clear for (idx=0; idx<8; idx++) m_Command[idx] = ""; ParseString(param, "Command1", m_Command[0]); ParseString(param, "Command2", m_Command[1]); ParseString(param, "Command3", m_Command[2]); ParseString(param, "Command4", m_Command[3]); ParseString(param, "Command5", m_Command[4]); ParseString(param, "Command6", m_Command[5]); ParseString(param, "Command7", m_Command[6]); ParseString(param, "Command8", m_Command[7]); m_bBtnLock = false; ParseString(param, "Address", Address); m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.SetHtmlBuffData(Address); if (!m_bShow) { PlayConsoleSound(IFST_WINDOW_OPEN); class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.ShowWindow("BoardWnd"); class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.SetFocus("BoardWnd"); } } function ShowBBSTab(int Index) { local string strBypass; local EControlReturnType Ret; switch( Index ) { //ГіАЅАё·О case 0: strBypass = "bypass _bbshome"; break; //Бс°ЬГЈ±в case 1: strBypass = "bypass _bbsgetfav"; break; //ИЁЖдАМБц ёµЕ©(10.1.11 №®ј±БШ јцБ¤) case 2: strBypass = "bypass _bbslink"; break; //БцїЄёµЕ© case 3: strBypass = "bypass _bbsloc"; break; //ЗчёНёµЕ© case 4: strBypass = "bypass _bbsclan"; break; //ёЮёр case 5: strBypass = "bypass _bbsmemo"; break; //ёЮАП case 6: strBypass = "bypass _maillist_0_1_0_"; break; //ДЈ±ё°ьё® case 7: strBypass = "bypass _friendlist_0_"; break; } if (Len(strBypass)>0) { Ret = m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.ControllerExecution(strBypass); if (Ret == CRTT_CONTROL_USE) { m_bBtnLock = true; } } } function OnClickBookmark() { local EControlReturnType Ret; if (Len(m_Command[7])>0 && !m_bBtnLock) { Ret = m_hBoardWndHtmlViewer.ControllerExecution(m_Command[7]); if (Ret == CRTT_CONTROL_USE) { m_bBtnLock = true; } } } defaultproperties { } All bypasses is hardcoded.
  16. For changing bypass commands for Community board need edit Interface scripts into client side and all places from server side scripts and classes. From my PoV this act of madness and better way is delete the tab system from client side and use usual HTML viewer as uses for NPC dialogues. This will give more deployment for making own Community board command ierarchy. But you can be disagree with me and continue to write shitcode because it easy and isn't requeres a lot of knowledge. I'm sure/belive what all client modifications available even for classic clients.
  17. The all buttons on the top of community board window locates inside interface.xdat as Tabs in TabControl element of BoardWnd scheme. You need XDAT Editor for making changes. How to use this tool a lot a videos and manuals.
  18. CharInfo and UserInfo packets sending the title info. Change inside this packets code to your conditions.
  19. You want to spawn Raid Boss after death the champion?
  20. The better than this Classic pack you never find. Even if you hire the developers team they not fixes all bugs. Use as is, better only L2OFF.
  21. Use Mobius pack from Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius/src/master/
  22. Use this code for detecting all local network addresses: public static boolean isLocalResourceByIp(InetAddress address) { if (address == null || address.isLinkLocalAddress() || address.isLoopbackAddress() || address.isAnyLocalAddress() || address.isSiteLocalAddress()) return true; return false; } Otherwise if you try to connect from other local machine you will have fault.
  23. You bought the Toyota car and pump up many customs shit inside. After this modifications you contacted to Toyota support center with issue: "Car don't move". What you want to hear in answer? Of cource Jonny Boy is always goodman. Toyota concern is crap and thier product is the same quality.
  24. And where i need to find the crap label if i have only one 'print screen' of errors?
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