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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. No. Inside L2PartyZone you need manages only 2 events: enter or exit from zone. All other cases with Party you need manage inside L2Party.java class with checking all actions for location in this zone.
  2. You need use 2 checks: 1. For leaving player. 2. For patry after player kick.
  3. You can add converter inside target pack for making SQL version of data while XML files is parsing. And after to use in your project processed data via SQL dump. You should add sql query for saving parsed data into SQL table (in requires format) in the ending each parsing iterations. There is no difficult for implementation. Around 30-40 new lines of code.
  4. 1. Because XML data better storage for static data. 2. If drop rate over than x1 you will get higher min and max drop item count in result. Check the method where caclucates drop reward. L - logic.
  5. Use L2Tool program for export Lineage 2 UTX packages for Unreal ED supporting format.
  6. Check in Attackable.java class the method calculateExpSpReward() or something like that.
  7. The packet i named supports all equipment slots. Possible he sends wrong slots info or you don't uses in code all him features.
  8. Use new Thread and send ShopPreviewInfo packet with your fake armor as it implemented for regular Armor Shop traders.
  9. Where you want to see preview? On the character or on character's model in Inventory window?
  10. You need next tools: L2Tool (Author: acmi) for export UTX package to Unreal format. Unreal ED or Postal ED for managing textures inside UTX packages. All these programms you can download here: https://www.4shared.com/file/eRlWldIuea/L2Tool.html https://www.4shared.com/file/3t306ntaea/UE2Runtime-22261903__UT2003_.html https://www.4shared.com/file/sMmzktCuea/PostED.html P.S. For L2Tool need installed in system Java 8u20 or 8u40 ONLY. If will installed few versions of Java then the program will not start. P.S.S. How works with this tools a lot guides here or in Google.
  11. L2Font-e.utx contains this textures by names as "worldmap_X". Take them from H5 client file and replace in your. The same action do for L2_RadarMap.utx.
  12. Not need special knowledge except simply logic and basic Java lessons. Special knowledge by L2J architecture we will tips you.
  13. Of course is it possibel. You need in method addExpSp() inside PlayerStat.java add check for pvp requeres and if conditions not matched add Exp up to 99.99% for current level and all other value skip.
  14. Funny code. If party member already locates in town he will also teleported to nearest town. Feel free for making expand checks for exotic cases.
  15. Then download c ++ tutorial and learn how to hook necessary functions for avoid your provider's restrictions.
  16. Login port have limits for max value. Sorry. You need to hire reverse engeneer for hook RequestAuthLogin function in Engine.dll for usage full Uint16 range.
  17. In all bypass links of this page delete "-h" parameter and you will never seeinng black page while dialogue updates.
  18. Create in characters table 2 new string rows for storing name and title colors with default values for setup and reset colors. Add 2 new fields in Player class for storing color properties. Add into Appearance class 2 new field for usage custom colors (temporary for event or another cases w/o saving in DB). If colors in Appearance matches with defauls then call Player's class colors otherwise use Appearance color. Add usage in CharInfo and UserInfo colors via Appearance class. Add Color manager. Profit.
  19. Check the L2Party or something like this the methods where player leaving from party or party disband. And add there check for zone and teleport out from zone.
  20. This file was crypted with usage the custom crypt. Find someone who can decrypt SmartCrypt or etc custom crypts via client.
  21. I only blocked the JZ jump and this still produced error. Now i see where the second place.
  22. Not actual. For Interlude clients the fix can be found here. For other clients need make a patch the D3DDrv.dll in IDA Pro.
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