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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. I think in Vanganath extender party duels is not implemented.
  2. What the meaning this function? What the param checking? I have 2 x 2 party with players 79-80 levels. Profession, clan, etc is checking? ValidUser() // what checks inside? P.S. I don't think what this theme is stupid because i know what the quality of IL Vanganath it's rare shit (OFF like Interlude). And i'm not C++ developer.
  3. Message: "There is no opponent to receive your challenge for a duel." Message ID: 1926 Can you sound me the main player's conditions for party duel? I will check it all.
  4. Call your friend to this forum for creating scam report and we ban all the affilanced with this deal bastards (if their guilt will be proven). The administration of the forum is interested in the qualitative provision of paid services between users.
  5. Funny topic. The great words "MY GEOENGINE".
  6. Hello, everyone. I tried to start but i got message about impossible party duel. Anybody knows about supporting party duels in this extender? Have some important conditions for start party duel? Regards.
  7. Ah. You meant third persons work. So, yeah. That's way easy.
  8. Not everyone ready to write this application less than for 100-200. Too many work. Even if use WinForms with ugly GUI, like already shared Updaters.
  9. Client uses only login connection port. Where you found 90xx port (LS <-> GS L2J communication port) i don't understand. If your engine.dll unpacked from any virtualization protections then i can change client port 2106 on any port from range 0 - 65535.
  10. Leaved from Skype. Find out me in Telegram - @Rootware

  11. Maybe will useful for any L2OFF/L2J developers or admins. Thanks @eressea for info. Line format: where, [TIMESTAMP] - date time in format - 11/18/2018 14:58:19.061. Java format - "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; [CHAT_TYPE] - integer chat type (starts with one space); [SENDER_OBJECT_ID] - object ID of sender; [RECIEVER_OBJECT_ID] - object ID of reciever if it's PM message. Otherwise always 0; [SENDER_LOC_X] - sender X coordinate; [SENDER_LOC_Y] - sender Y coordinate; [SENDER_LOC_Z] - sender Z coordinate; [MESSAGE_TEXT] - message text with replaced all "," (comma) to " " (space) symbols; [SENDER_NAME] - the sender real name (case sensetive); [RECIEVER_NAME] - the reciever real name (case sensetive) and optional. For non PM chats this param "" (NULL). Example: if you wtire the PM message like ["rootware test message.] then will used in log file the real name Rootware. Log example:
  12. Try this up. This pack contains COEP sources and server files.
  13. Connection pool size 400 continious connections? What the server you uses? 20000 players or all data locate in DB?
  14. The tool for parsing and analysis L2OFF server data. At this moment available only map/spawn territory viewer. Changelog + Added Map Explorer with layers support. + Added npcpos.txt data parser. + Added NPC territory velidations: names, geometry. + Added NPC Position viewer with coords checker. + Added territory spawn editor. + Added supporting any amount of chronicles. Default: High Five. + Added radarmap verification service. P.S. If you interests for continue developing this project, then i will glad to see any constructive suggestions. At this moment program develops in my desires way. Download program here.
  15. The retail behavior of many functions more useful for developers than your fixes. Without retail knowledge L2J looks like badly replic of this game. No gameplay only one big bug.
  16. This i meant by words "3rd party persons". No specific copyrights except NC Soft.
  17. Copyrights for what? You wanna to use splashes with copyrights from 3rd party persons?
  18. My oldest work. Found on HDD and never has used. Download here. P.S. For reshares link on my blog is obligatory.
  19. What the point for all to help you with your private project?
  20. @deMEV any guids how to do it for single UNR map? At this moment i'm uses your HF maps for bot 900x900 resolution and me need some blocks from low chronicles.
  21. Hello. How to create radar map for specified chronicle and map? Any guid is exists? Need for this tool.
  22. Like in title says. Me need retail this file, not from share with x3 rates. Thanks in advance.
  23. Search SG jar library, decompile and use crypt method for writting decrypt script.
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