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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. All Geo for Lineage 2 have 3 types: Builded from client for current chronicles; Builded from client for many chronicles. Mixed up package; Builded from client for current chronicles with manual editions. In 99% cases you got second case from any who shared Geo package for you. Do not be surprised if you will stops in the invisible walls, because all Interlude geodata consists of squares from the lower chronicles where was walls, stones who was deleted in Interlude client later. Have a nice day. Feel free to use any Geo if you don't have special knowledge. Otherwise you will the vithim of scammers.
  2. Use GEO what Tryskell shared for Customers. If you not Customer then use any. Not big deal.
  3. Special thanks the WhiteDev (MxC member) for idea. Have fun.
  4. I don't understand where you found 12k and 18k values.
  5. If you don't get the critical error after recieving ShowBoard packets, then you didn't find the maximal page size. Try to use H5 code and create static pages with 20, 22 and 24k for test. if (html.length() < 8192) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html, "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard("", "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard("", "103")); } else if (html.length() < 16384) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 8192), "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8192), "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard("", "103")); } else if (html.length() < 24576) { acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 8192), "101")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8192, 16384), "102")); acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(16384), "103")); }
  6. I hears that Vanga saying what Character templates is missed.
  7. Try first before posting. For Interlude CB is not work. So, not for all chronicles.
  8. If "background=" tag is not working, then you mistakes. It's impossible to do other ways.
  9. For H5 this. For lower chronicles is not possible.
  10. I don't know the cases when GS worked perfect on the VPS, except own VPS on the own hardware. LS, yes.
  11. Create dublicate instance like L2MonsterInstance and add this: @Override public void reduceCurrentHp(double damage, Character attacker, L2Skill skill) { if (attacker instanceof L2PcInstance && (L2PcInstance) attacker.isPremium())) reduceCurrentHp(damage, attacker, true, false, skill); } In this case only premium character can kill him. If i'm understanding what you need.
  12. Bad translation attempt. Google translate makes the wonders. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError This.
  13. Next problem places: Wrong ValidatePosition packet. Missed incoming heading value from client. Bad analys of packet into server side; Wrong ValidateLocation packet from server. Missed correct heading value. Look previous problem. It's all places where can be missed heading of characters who around you. And use L2PHX for analyses all data.
  14. /** * A chat handler * @author durgus */ My example of code now have a new owner. Cheapest people.
  15. Wrong Z value. If you don't know it, then use from geo by X and Y.
  16. Before this moment i always thinked what's only russians can to ask this stupid question.
  17. Это уже от вас зависит, кто вы. Очередной рукажоп или подающий надежды девелопер.
  18. public syncronized void giveCoin() { // Some code } That's enoght for locking this method and block any execute in the same time from few threads.
  19. Why you use quest dialogue window, not regular?
  20. Много лишней писанины. Оптимизируйте код.
  21. public class RaceVoice implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] _voicedCommands = {"d, de, e, h, o"}; @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, Player activeChar, String target) { if (command.startWith("d") && activeChar.getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { // Code } else if (command.startWith("de") && activeChar.getRace() == Race.DarkElf) { // Code } // ... return true; } @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return _voicedCommands; } } Something like this.
  22. Very interests me the troubleshooting too. Thanks in advance.
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