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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. On L2OFF //gmspeed command don't uses skill. It's L2J invention, and work incorrect. L2OFF implementation increase only movement speed. And attack speed not touch.
  2. This is normal. Today you recommend someone and tomorrow recommend you. The higher the reputation of the user, the better. And not matter what the shit you provides. Anyway, don't cares. If you was scammed, you have special thread on this forum for crying. Cheers!
  3. Continue to create addons for Community Board. Next one feature — private buffer.
  4. Developing service is stopped. Available only selling existing addons.
  5. This bug happens only if you teleported to this point. When character enter the game this bug is not exists. Disable geodata from server side and this bug disappers. Starting with Gracia Final client, there is an area in the junction of the map blocks where the cursor is not visible when moving with the mouse. If you press in this place you can moving infinity. My character in Talking Island started moving to the continent via sea. Funny so.
  6. This shit can to create only man who don't know how work the event system on L2OFF.
  7. VPS is not VDS. VPS it's cheap version for task where not need 100% performance of VDS. You want what VPS work like the VDS. Buy then OVH VDS plan.
  8. Global collectioneer NPC. Available any global action after collected all necessary items. have fun.
  9. How to disable the all email notifications for every a new Private Message? In old MxC forum version i can configure all notifications in profile settings. Now existing tweaks or not works or not disable this spam on email. Admin. Can you configure user's premisions for tweaking notification methods? Thanks in advance.
  10. The main change what you must apply -> drop waiter() method with sleep function and use this: ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 1000, 1000); Choose the better pathway.
  11. This event is bugged. Player can be registered twice in different teams. Use L2J Server HF5 release of TvT event. Most better. Also, this code it's LMAO. + public static void waiter(int seconds) + { + try + { + Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + }
  12. Next one, Team vs Team event. In future will be a part of Rootware Event Engine. Have fun.
  13. https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_datapack/src/cc1988f374fd55490700d398d112ef1e950d5201/dist/game/data/scripts.cfg?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default
  14. I'm guess, what the serious partner must satisfy next conditions: programming skills; unlimited free time (23.5/7/365); money skills. What will do the author? Idea generator only.
  15. L2J is not bad if you have a team with good knowledge and know L2OFF gameplay. Don't comparing free/shared/selling L2J and Private L2J.
  16. Preconfigured - it's added new configs and changed old? Funny, so. Give me 2 packs, for me and my wife. And i don't like chilly pepper.
  17. I don't think what Vaganath pack is better for usage as L2OFF project. I use him for tests and don't like many things.
  18. Wrong server name. In this config IP not uses. Example: Server = SERVER\SQLEXPRESS
  19. zonename-e.dat - X and Y coords for expand buttons looks like XXX digits. If i'm not mistaken zero position for this coord it's left top angle. Floating values uses for scaling of internal maps. You can use Maps 1024x1024, etc and scalling sync world coors with map.
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