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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. If jar packages haven't obfuscation then possible recompile separated classes with changes.
  2. https://www.vlemon.info/article/1409-sozdanie-servera-lineage-2-classic.html Use Google Translate if you don't understand russian language.
  3. @D3X unfortunatelly it was shared only for aCis customers.
  4. On aCis forum in customer section was shared next retail (ofcourse with not retail drop system) events: Playing With Fire Event Deck The Halls
  5. You don't understand what than more files than the chance increses. Ofcourse if you edit only system folder files, you are right. I'm edit many files from client. And it's not in system folder only. From all folders. And for me important safety check.
  6. Yes. This was implied in my words.
  7. I'm confirm what you meant. But i told about - more files, more chance of potencial collision for each. If you have changes only for system folder than no matter what the hash method you are used.
  8. Thanks for tip. I will check it.
  9. I know that. You didn't understood me. Still await your video with 2-3 seconds for 2000 files.
  10. I spoke about probability. The more files, the greater the likelihood of a collision. Still LMAO?
  11. Before starting for create Launcher for owm project i reseached about what the hash method to use. I stopped on MD5 because it have more safety.
  12. If you know the better method for calculate hash for file with less chance of collision than MD5 i will glad to use it. otherwise you confirm what your application have a bit more chances for got collisions and will skips in perspective for update some client files.
  13. You can't it done in 2-3 seconds. Even if you use this method for calculate hash tables. SATA3 interface max speed 650-700 MBytes per second. Exception only for PCI-E interfaces. If you bragging the results with PCI-E interface usage then it's not practice and useless in 99.999999% cases for regular users. It's only glamour advertisment. And not matter what the language you uses - C, C++, C# if you uses not console application. You still lose performance on servicing the program window interface. I'm uses MD5 hash and it less exploited than your method.
  14. Good. And do not forget to show the source code of the method in which the checksum of the file is calculated. This would eliminate the questions to you about the attempts of fraud with banal iterating through files in the directory. Tip: to calculate the checksum of a file, it is necessary to read it by-byte.
  15. Around 1800 files for Interlude and 2000 files for HF clients. Make a video where you in 2-3 seconds calculated hashes for 1800 files with 5GB volume or for 2000 files with 11GB volume. If you processing only system folder and some other files, then need be an idiot to spend time and/or money for creating/purchase the Updater. Share on website your crappy 60 MB patch for your server - that's the way will better. I spoke about full client control via Updater with checking and updating all missed/corrupted/modified files.
  16. 2-3 seconds for scanning around 2k files? LMAO How you scans and verify the files? By name and size? Only idiot will be follows by this method. Full client scan possible around 1-2 minutes in better case because need to calculate checksum of file and it isn't too fast. You are the funny man. Try to show self in the scene of the circus with animals. As example circus with horses.
  17. EarthQuake packet structure. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <packet id="SM_EARTH_QUAKE" xmlns="http://www.l2emu-unique.net" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.l2emu-unique.net ../../../schemata/packet.xsd"> <dword alias="Epicenter X" /> <dword alias="Epicenter Y" /> <dword alias="Epicenter Z" /> <dword alias="Intensity" /> <dword alias="Duration" type="TimeRemaining" /> <dword alias="By NPC" type="YesOrNo" /> <!-- needs further testing, but NPC AI seems to have 1 and CW seems to have 0 --> </packet> If this not enough for your, than nobody helps you more.
  18. You need add the new param in INI file of NPC server. L2NPC.ini FastEnterWorld=true This param allows load NPCs in few threads.
  19. @lordvenancio at this moment you can check for errors npcpos.txt file and view neccessary NPC positions.
  20. It can happens if you use VPS with not good virtualization. As example cheap hosting.
  21. Added GeoEngine and Instance system for aCis. It's not mine (!). Just ported work from L2J Server HF to aCis Interlude. Geo Engine features: Uses *.l2j files only. Not need more pathnode files. Pathfinding works directly from geodata; Added pathfinding with uses "clear" cells - avoided stucks in obstackle's angles; Added supporting doors in another instances; Added processing fences in geodata; Fixed fishing via bridge's fences.
  22. You are right. The skill for selling shit by gold price requires good talent. I didn't saw good Lineage 2 projects in last 8 years where can comfort played. The standart scheme: developer scammed the admin, admin scammed the players.
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