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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. Everyone seeker of skilled developer talking about big project, but him "big project" w/o skilled developer. And paid sources isn't indicator of quality. You still need developer. Stop the pafos and try to write the truth. Make detailed task list for sure. No one serious developer never will wasting own time for talking with you in PM or Skype for understanding all your wishes in among your spam messages consisting of several incoherent words in an attempt to explain what you want to see/receive. Otherwise, to you will write anybody who can write in Eclipse "Hello, World!" in the PM and you will spend thousands of times more time to determine which of them is really able to do what you are willing to pay for. P.S. I'm played since 2005 year and can't says what i knew all things of gameplay as player, cause only while develop you start to learn many little things that players do not pay attention to.
  2. You are right if admin skilled and knows what need to buy from hardware and how the better configure software. But in real life too many season servers based on cheap/medium VPS. And CB it's a little part of many other systems of GS and can produce many lags for other players/subsystems if developer with this features not cares about performance. And don't forget about lags from GC work. 200 ppl can produce enough garbage in heap if developer didn't cares about optimal code. Generally, modern admin cares only price (cheapes > better) and DDoS protection.
  3. 200 players at the same time performing your actions will make your server inaccessible. Make Top 20 with better design and notification of own position like "Your position is xxx." or "Not ranked.". This is will enough. And don't forget make all statistic cachable.
  4. 1. If you want to use L2JFrozen brand you need get rights from him owners. 2. If you want to continue develop you must be ready for tons of critic what will directs you in right way of developing. L2J community can't be separated for better or bad projects. We are or "in the right evolution way" or "L2OFF-like hot fixes". Competition is a very good incentive for the development of projects. aCis isn't better. He just ONLY ONE in develop mode. That's sadly.
  5. I don't know what the difference. Knows only what Postal 2 editor more capatabily with Lineage 2.
  6. I'm sorry. I didn't understood you.
  7. If you tries to open L2 files in this editor then you will get always crash.
  8. Try to check my link again and check all tabs. Don't forget about "Multiple queries". And not need compares features of frameworks. We talking about DB performance. You are mentioned Spring as good example usage HikariCP. And yes. I am ashamed that I spend time on you. All that you are capable of as a programmer can be seen in your unfinished projects that are no different from the others. And names me as you want, it's change nothing. Good luck, mister Enterprise developer. The developers of your level should be an example for everyone else, but something in your case is going wrong.
  9. It's all what you can says in arguments for my proof? Thanks for your time, so.
  10. https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&runid=a0d6e357-e8e3-4a5b-9ef0-6175ed824b20&hw=ph&test=db&l=xan3hb-1 Spring isn't quick framework. Sorry. HikariCP don't maked him fastest. Why?
  11. 99% developers uses HikariCP because this project still in developing mode ONLY or follows positive feedbacks from people like you. c3p0 is out dated. Do you have the 146% proofs of the superiority of HikariCP on other pool managers in real-world tasks, and not synthetic tests checking it is unclear what?
  12. I'm sorry but you as English man must have more understand of main fault the HikariCP author's benchmark. https://habr.com/ru/post/269023/ Read comments and you will know where author was wrong. Russian community have many questions for him benchmart and what he measure. https://habr.com/ru/post/269023/#comment_8618813
  13. Because server ignores unexpected packets from client. You need to learn fundamental knowledge of server work.
  14. I want Lucera 4. Has anyone shared it?
  15. The performance of HikariCP didn't confirmed. Better update sources up to Java 11 and external communication libraries. It will better for starting new era of L2J Frozen.
  16. The percent of scam depends from buyer inexperience. Every year more and more people do not even have the basic knowledge of the game and what they should get in the end. They want TRUSTED and SKILLED developers and when comes a time for say the budget of tasks we have 10-20 euro. Bha... And some can not even make the technical task to the developer correctly.
  17. Open sources (GeoEngine class) and drop debug message. It's not an error.
  18. Drop it. Useless support LameGuard 1.9.5.
  19. Not see the problem for adapt for aCis. What the lib is missed? All what need exists.
  20. Use CatsGuard for aCis. It's free of charge and manages all what you need. Of course if you need HWID management only. Sources (diff patch) and client files you can get here: https://www.4shared.com/postDownload/73hiS1Aaba/CatsGuard.html
  21. Can anybody helps me with right management of Seven Signs periods? Me need (for some specific tests) setup the time of defined event period and winner side/seal. I tried to use //ssq admin's commands, but i have no good description and don't know all algorythm of management. Prompt me the correct sequence of commands with examples. Thanks in advance.
  22. Rootware


    Hi. I need to find this for one girl. She wanted to lose weight by the summer but could not. Tell me where to buy this to her. Thanks in advance.
  23. Pointless addon. The last aCis supports extended revision of starting items for all races where you can add all what you want. Like this. <items> <item id="1147" count="1"/> <item id="1146" count="1"/> <item id="10" count="1" isEquipped="false"/> <item id="2369" count="1"/> <item id="5588" count="1"/> </items> Have a nice day.
  24. Check geodata and pathnode folders for TXT files where need to add all available geodata/pathnode files in pattern: 17_10 17_11 18_20 19_11 Anyway, this folders must contains help TXT file aswell.
  25. Take UPnP service from L2J Server HF and add into own project. If you can't by knowledge/skill reason, then hire someone for this work.
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