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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. Half of them are bots, Why would you want to play in a server like that? The community there might be big, but having fake pc's to boost the number just so it looks like there are 10K or whatever you claim there are is just lame, that is the reason why l2 is a dead game, and nothing will bring it back up.
  2. Really? and you are wasting your "huge" budget on a dead game?
  3. That bot is so nice InTheEnd good job ;)!
  4. Due to uni exams coming up and real life taking over for good, I decided to close the services until further notice, thanks to all the customers and their feedback!
  5. what is this pack based on? Lucera2?
  6. is it well crypted? if not then there is no point of selling such work
  7. I wonder where you actually got the pts data from? besides from your responses to your pack allegations I can't see this a worth buying source, especially for that price, l2scripts wannabe, and even their sources are far from good. 27 seconds? Not a hard thing to do, you can lower the amount of time it takes to lower the server by throwing some junk out within a couple of hours and reach that or a similar mark. and Brut asked you actual fixes, manipulation of bypasses that is in every l2j pack and such.
  8. I have a couple of ideas that could possibly improve the features of your server, if you want to hear them out pm me or msg me on skype!
  9. Trusted developer across this forum. Maybe your other server didn't do so well, but I hope this one will! Good luck to you An4rchy!
  10. Oh no, you are showing a print screen of people with high pvp's, Well done. I turned on l2tower in gludin and I had over 500 pvp's there in 2 days, purely because everyone botted hahaha! It's not a stereotype but the truth.
  11. Xdem should just stop opening it. It failed 5 times, we do not need it for the 6th time. But oh well, the greek community will keep anything alive nowadays.
  12. I am interested, make sure to pm me, because I cannot pm you for some reason
  13. I will be looking for a good website designer soon, but I will get a provisional website up by the end of this week!
  14. information updated, Beta Period will commence on the 21st May!
  15. How much is the armor, and is it crypted against leeching it etc.?
  16. Looks like you are missing a brain indeed. End of conversation. Tried out beta period. This is the hi5 server of 2015
  17. You haven't played in the rpg club servers or any popular russian server. There is absolute thousands of them
  18. This is not twitter to add hashtags. Adding russian community to the project will increase the online to at least 3k if you know where to advertise. Russians just got into l2 and it will not die any time soon
  19. The pack has been decided. Time to start working on it. The closest beta period will be in early may. Website will soon be ready as well!
  20. Server's Name: L2NetherWorld Request: Logo (Preferable) or loading screen Cheers
  21. useless. Does not protect from anything anymore, as it is outdated!
  22. There is a plan to open it earlier, I am currently deciding on what pack to base it on, which anti bot to use and so on. Information edited
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