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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. as the title says, but no, definitely not L2mid. Looking for a low/mid server with stable 200/400 population, that has been up for a couple of weeks, dont want to waste my time.
  2. 70-120 real online. Server is not too bad. Game play is generic and so is farming
  3. Some nice low/mid servers are coming up, I am looking for a decent clan, either polish speaking or english speaking would be great!
  4. Don't even bother opening a server without protection, is it because you can't afford it? If so, don't open an l2 server in 2016, simple as that.
  5. Looks pretty decent, pack base? P.S Ah sentiments server, of course, could of guessed :)
  6. I will join this server when it opens, purely because I know that you are a skilled guy, slightly big headed, but well that's usually what you get when you are good at something and when most people on here are not. Hopefully it is less donation based than last iterations.
  7. I tried this server out. The stats are insane, the casting speed/attack speed is mad. Remind me of l2spirit. Also Top armors/weapons for donate coins ? I know you can get them by raidbosses but for solo players this is a dumb choice. You can get everything with donate coins, Yes as soon as I logged in, you can tell who is a donator and whos not. Simple as that. L2Tower works perfectly, I managed to farm with about 4-5 bots constantly. Good try with Guard mobs, didn't work, simple adjustment to the range of the bot, and it was really easy to bypass that stupid "anti" bot. Regarding the message, You got killed by a Mob "noob" how old are you admin, come on. Good ideas with the server, just an poor outcome of it. New players getting pked by higher players, well that's not a surprise but still jokes. Greeks 90% Lithuanians 9% and 0.9% latinos. Do not play this server, unless you want to donate, or you are in one of the 3 nationalities I mentioned and is a noob to l2.
  8. greed. $$$ HAHAHAHAHA Check out the website guys, the flag counter is definitely not a JPEG image :happyforever:
  9. The farming is boring, there is no variation ( make some fun instances in random zones for cool drops both for solo and parties)
  10. Well maybe not intentionally, but you did. There is far more issues with your server. No instances No variation in obtaining items. The armors do not match the weapon looks. What pack are you using? Get that anti bot sorted out, or otherwise your server will be infested with bots and die within couple of days. Make it more interesting or people as soon as they get top gear will leave. P.S this is me being nice and trying to help you out.
  11. I joined the beta, check it out for a while and here is what I got to say about it: Positives: Good concept of the server, the customs are quite cool (shared of course) but that's fine. Farm zones and mobs are retail which means that the server is not over customized. Now Here are the negatives: bot is fully working ( shity captcha system is a no no) Far too many shared NPC with some stupid effects, lagging the main town The customs are not properly set, When upgraded to pvp set the set is not fully matching the description. Lazy Farm zones, 5 minute job and done. Hundreds of buffs = good luck balancing the classes. In regards to classes they haven't been touched at all by the looks of it. The PvP upgrade of the armor's does not state what exactly are you getting out of them. Pointless in my opinion. NOW THE MAIN ISSUE I HAVE: This server is trying is hardest to copy L2Perseus. It failed miserably. The Starting animation, the guide etc. all copied. Some texts doesnt match the armors given. Will me and my clan be joining? Most likely not. The server seems rushed and its definitely not a beta stage. Look up what Beta stage means. This is 100% alpha stage. Definitely not finished and rushed. If the negatives will be fixed. I will happily join the server as it has a good concept.
  12. I do have it on my mind but if the owner can't afford $100 for the anti bot... then well. Says everything about the budget and the means in opening a server.
  13. I am looking at the although, without anti bot it will be pointless to play.
  14. his anti bot is quite cheap to be fair *
  15. I think asmodeus is not calling for a lot for his anti bot.
  16. Looking for a good pvp server thats about to open or that open a couple of days ago!? Something that I could come back to, custom or non custom!
  17. Did you get a good anti bot or still going with the captcha?
  18. If its a mid pvp server, I am expecting: instances, interesting quests, and a lot of farm zones, Decent farming ways (pvp/PVM)
  19. Nah, if the farming is interesting then it will be fine, if its mundane then it will.
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