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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. I Would like to sell my HI5 project mid/pvp with specially made cloaks/monsters/npcs/logos/htmls pm me for detail


  2. I Would like to sell my HI5 project mid/pvp with specially made cloaks/monsters/npcs/logos/htmls pm me for details


  3. selling/ passing forward my hi5 project l2netherworld.com Pm me for details and a chat. 

  4. selling my hi5 private mid/pvp project pm me for details!

  5. Selling & Forwarding my hi5 mid/pvp project. pm me for details. 

  6. looking for someone to take over my hi5 project for me. all the details we can talk over pm!

  7. selling my hi5 project to a rightful person. I'll discuss it further in person. Hand crafted NPCS/bosses features, website you wont find anywhere else! 

  8. Looking for someone to take over my Hi5 mid/pvp project.  Unique customized bosses/ unique cloaks made privately etc. pm me for details.

  9. Looking for an experienced person to take over my HI5 mid/pvp project. everything you need to know just pm me here. 

  10. some of the info is updated and G.O pushed back by a further month. Stay tuned
  11. Alpha stage is just around the corner, please register on our forum to find out how you can participate and what kind of rewards you will get once the server finally opens! www.l2netherworld.com/forum
  12. Changeset 27/07/2017 So as follows, I reverted some of the quests back to their retail rewards in adena. As of now, Quests are your main line of adena, monsters will NOT provide that. Adena will not be trade able, which means that I will introduce 3 new currencies that will float around the server. Customized farm zones and instances will provide the new currencies, soon as I have done implementing them into the server, I will start showing the pictures and some cool graphics, for now it is all set in stone in writing. Characters will start at level 40 - Skipping the boring part of low servers and exping. You can either A) choose to level up the retail way and by doing quests. B) if you are fed up of teleporting to 5000000 locations, there will be a leveling zone located in TOI, where every level of TOI will grand you more monsters to slay and some timed mini bosses locked in the rooms. To acquire s84 low/top you will have to go through some customized quests and farming, as well as battling raidbosses and grandbosses. This will accomodate both solo players and big Clans. More updates coming soon
  13. I already have a skilled programmer to help me with some of the complicated features, I am looking for a skilled individual who can carry out, the boring jobs such as re adaptations of codes from different chronicles, as well as some of the "easier" ideas/features that I have planned ahead. The chronicle is hi5, however, the individual must be able to know java well. Payment will be done hourly or per task depending on the task given. Most of them will be paid on task basis rather than hourly as this is a secondary programmer position. Any questions that you may have please contact me via pm please.
  14. Updated all the quests to give randomly generated adena, anything from 5-20 adena per quest line depending on the quest difficulty and time taken to do it. All items will be worth 0 adena if you try to sell them to any shops. Adena has turned to second main currency, everything will be suited to that. There will be other coins and quest items why Will go towards main currencies.
  15. Change Set 25/07/2017 Removed adena from all monsters/raidbosses (There will be a global drop of adena of 1-12, at randomised success rates) Resetted all adena in quests and merchants and added special bonus to each quest if the player wishes to use them to grant extra experience and some loot. New 2 customised Grandbosses are coming in, Soon I will post screenshots once they are fully uploaded. Started to work on a massive leveling up area, ofc retail leveling will also be available if needed, and teleports will be provided, but for those who seek customised leveling up, then main area will be Tower of insolence, each level will progress you through the levels! Started to work on customized currency apart from adena to stop it from overflooding the server, I want adena as well as other currencies to have some value! Premium accounts will now grant exp/sp/drop/adena bonus as well as % in augments chance increase and some other cool bonuses. Premium accounts will be based on a timely bases of 1week/1 month/3 months/1 year All Customized shops will have all the necessary groceries and supplies for you to start the journey, as linked The main Store will have up to s80 items. To obtain s84 across all boards as well as masterworks, farm zones and instances, as well as customized quests will provide you with that. Yes it will require some farming, but it should be an interesting way of doing so. PVPing people should reward you with some cool stuff as well, and it will be heavily protected against those who wish to abuse it. All shops in the server will have everything for 0 adena, if you would like to purchase some no grades or c grade stuff, it will all be free, however talismans and so on that will actually matter on the gameplay, have been changed purposefully, so that the adena exploiting is demolished.
  16. This server is definitely good, a bit p2w. I played there for about 2 years.
  17. If you're looking for the perfect client dev, look no further, this guy is the real deal!
  18. Thank you! Currently most of the positions are filled with talented individuals! Still looking for Game masters to help me out prepare the server. Project is currently HI5 and it will stay that way.
  19. New Mounts for premium users. More content is getting produced weekly! Keep An eye on this topic! Over 15 Costumes for Dress me system have been already added! I am currently wearing one of them!
  20. haha! Yeah the good old times! Asuki is my client dev, so we will get it rolling! You should definitely join and have a wonder once its up! Finally got someone to help me code things as well. So everything just sped up. Expect to see some cool features coming up!
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