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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. New Forum is updated, main website will be fixed soon. A change set is coming through. New features will be posted up. Beta stage will be available as soon as I get a green light from hyperfilter! https://l2netherworld.com/forum/index.php Forum design by xDrac himself! Get registered and follow up closely!
  2. Cheers mate highly appreciated!
  3. Oh okay. Haven't had any reports about that! I'm gonna get my designer to sort that out. Thank you!
  4. Forum is up and running, I will soon change the design of it. For now it's temporary. Make sure to register and follow up on updates!
  5. Dear Players, I would like to invite you to check out a new upcoming server called L2Netherworld. After many discussions with my staff, I decided to go forward with HI5 Client. The server will potentially open on the 09/09/2017, however this date might come forward, if the development goes well. www.l2netherworld.com www.l2netherworld.com/forum The website is ready so check it out, forum will be completed soon. Rates: » Exp 100x. Up until level 80, then the rates drop to x20 » Sp 100x. Up until level 80, then the rates drop to x20 » Adena 1x. » Drop 1x. » PartyXp 1.5x. » PartySp 1.5x. » Starting character level - 1. Buff System: » Maximum amount of buffs: 24+4. »NPC Buffer will only provide basic buffs, Extra buffs will have to be purchasable from A special buffer, or you will be able to sell your buffs to other players . Enchant rates: » Safe enchant 0. » Blessed and simple scrolls max enchant ( +8 ). » Crystal scrolls max enchant ( +12 ). » Simple enchant scrolls chance - 40%. » Blessed enchant scrolls chance - 45%. » Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 55%. TOP ARMOR/ WEAPON: ELEGIA - Reworked statistics to be more suitable with the buff system. Augmentations: » Mid life stone skill chance - 10%. » High life stone skill chance - 15%. » Top life stone skill chance - 25%. Unique features: » Main towns - There are no Main Towns. » Castle Sieges working to perfection. » PvP Zone for those who want no monsters to heal off. » More then 25 active raid bosses with special drops » Casino event manager. » Unique currency system. » Wedding system. » Unique farming areas with Instances (Pictures soon) » Shops till top s80 grade. » Unique balanced tattoos. They are created to provide longer and more fun PVP experience » Free and no quest class change. » Free and no quest sub class. » Customized nobless quest. (Pictures coming soon) » No weight limit. » No grade limit. » Quake pvp system. » Pvp/pk show on title. » Top 20 pvp/pk npc in game. » Unique Augmentation system. » Server information npc. » Unique monsters. » Offline trade system. » High Five retail skills. Reworked for optimized gameplay. » Server up-time [24/7] [99]%. » Aiming for the optimal class balance. » No custom Armor/Weapons with crazy stats! Voiced commands: .zone .enter .leave - Join or leave the pvp zone. .online - current online players count. .repair - repairs stuck character in world. .buffer - for premium users. .getreward - opens vote panel in every place. .giran .dion etc. - teleports user to a town. Olympiad game: » Retail olympiad game. » Competition period [1] week. » Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00]. » Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager. Special Features Customized Dress me system with 5 TIERS. Each tier will have to be unlocked through series of achievements and customized quests. More information coming soon. Customized PVP ranking system. There will be over 20 Ranks! Each rank will grant you special items, currency. As well as Hats, Dress me Armors/weapons and much more! Special Quests to help you level up your character and acquire Noblesse! More information coming soon. But as you will reach ground points of level 20/40/76/80 you will receive special bonuses and currency that will not be tradeable, but you will be able to purchase stuff from the Shops! Special Instances to help solo players obtain raidboss Jewels Each player will be able to enter the instance once per calendar week. There will be 2 instances. Each instance will have unique drops, unique monsters and unique solo raidbosses! However, it will not be the optimal way to get the raidboss jewels, obviously Grandbosses will provide the best way to obtain Jewels. Auction System For people who will have too much currency to waste or want to make in game money, there will be a choice to put your items up for sale to the public! With restrictions in place so the auction system will not be abused! Augmentation System Tired of sitting next to the pc for hours trying to get the perfect augmentation? Forget that! New improved system will allow you to choose a skill that you would like on your weapon, and the system will complete the rest for you, make sure to have enough ingredients and a nice cup of tea! More Features to be released soon. POWERED BY HYPERFILTER
  6. Good luck, definitely give this server a try. I had my fun there!
  7. This guy calls for stupid amounts to code 1 instance. If you're willing to waste money go ahead.
  8. Still looking, Looking for people who have the time to do multiple tasks. Please no time wasters, I already had my time wasted by a couple of people.
  9. Free as part of your "pack" which you charge for. Therefore you are selling the package as a whole. For your sake remove it and ask the client if he wants ripped features from other servers as well as mobs. That way they have a choice.
  10. I don't think you understand that you stole his work. STOLE aka, he created it and under no right you had the right to use it and sell it. He didn't gift you or gave you the approval to sell this work. Therefore, you have no rights to it at all.
  11. I'm personally going with hyperfilter you can't go wrong. Quite expensive but it does the job! OVH is really cheap and offers stable connection, however any small amount DDOS and you are screwed.
  12. This is who are you dealing with. I would not pay this person even 1$. Use his services at your own cost.
  13. I already mentioned In one of my other posts which I will leave the link below this topic, I am looking for an individual with advanced set of skills. Some of the tasks that I will require from this individual will be beyond my capabilities, so it needs to be someone with a good understanding on java/python and sql. I am not looking for any "pro" developer who charges tonnes of $$ for simple tasks. I know what the costs are and I am not willing to pay an over inflated amount. People who have basic knowledge in java please do not waste yours and my time as I am capable enough to do basic coding. The individual must be able to be fluent in English and have a good reputation on this forum as well as other forums. Any attempts of scams will not be tolerated. NOTE: I will NOT pay you a full amount in advance. The payment will not be a Gift to friends or family/donation, so forget that. Each transaction will be crystal clear and every job will be noted down. Any queries or enquirers please leave a message below or in PM. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/215890-forming-a-team-for-c6-pvp-server-recruiting/
  14. Be prepared for a C6 Project Mid/PvP

  15. Of course, I forgot to edit that part when I submitted the topic. But thanks for the correction. Updated. Thanks man hopefully I will find some decent bodies that want to create a fun c6 project. Not up for money making right now. I want to bring nostalgia back fully with a new spiciness to it. I have some amazing ideas.
  16. To whom it may concern, I am looking for talented individuals who are willing to join me in a HI5 project MID/PVP. I recently graduated, so I will now have time and money to fullfill my passion in opening a stable and strong server, that will potentially last for the next months and years. The project will be based on l2j and with the current problems that are related to the pack I will be willing to fix. The project and the concept will be released very soon. Anyone who is interested, please reply in the PM with your CV and your experience in L2. I do not wish to hear back from any "pro developers" not a fan, and I will simply ignore your message. Genuine skills and if you have basic knowledge then say so straight away. I do not wish to waste both mine and your time. These are the positions I am looking for: Core Java developer x1: *Advanced knowledge in programming and performing tasks which I cannot personally do. *English must be either really good or perfect *Paid based on tasks that I will require. (Prices for each tasks of course can be negotiable) Webdesigner/ Webdeveloper x1 *Advanced knowledge in php/mysql programming and designing *English must be either really good or perfect *Paid based on the website and the features Game master x2 *Advanced knowledge of the game and the needs *Understanding the needs of the players and performing weekly balanced events. *Being able to provide Q/A for all new players *English must be really good - Second language such as Greek/polish/spanish/Russian is welcome *Paid based on performances and players satisfaction - Weekly performance checks. (negotiable) Client Developer x1 *Advanced knowledge of designing costumes/armors/weapons and monsters *Advanced knowledge of client related issues and protection *Advanced knowledge of encryption and decryption of items *English must be either really good or perfect *Paid based on the tasks that he/she will receive (negotiable) Everything else I will take of myself. Again any questions, please make sure to forward it to me. Greatly appreciated. Regards, Extreamer
  17. Definitely join this server guys. Pretty decent to pvp with. It just needs people!
  18. As far as I know the anti bot is pretty good! definitely better than the standard shitty lameguard. Definitely worth a try.
  19. I come back and the first couple of servers I see are those servers. No innovation or thought process that went into it. back to 2007 we go lol
  20. There is no reason for rapiers and crossbows to be used by all classes if the damn animation is the same as a bow, it's pointless and it looks horrific. Unless you manage to make new animations for each skill, then it's honestly pointless to do so.
  21. There is no reason for rapiers and crossbows to be used by all classes if the damn animation is the same as a bow, it's pointless and it looks horrific. Unless you manage to make new animations for each skill, then it's honestly pointless to do so.
  22. I'm going to stand to my word, a server worth playing for! Honestly! Don't waste your time anywhere else!
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