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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. LOL, hire someone to do it, and pay them everything you've got :happyforever:
  2. It's an opinion someone can look at it, they don't have to listen to it. Hence it's a review, if you know what that is, then you don't need to ask a question. Hence why reviews exists.
  3. I started to properly review servers based on their economy/class adjustments/features/online/gm support. Each category will be scored out of 2 points. 2 being amazing and 0 being awful. Each score would be justified based on the play time there. So far I reviewed the following, however I did not use the formula yet. L2Fade: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/206201-l2j-l2fade/ L2Equanimity: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/141697-l2j-l2-equanimity/page-5 Frank's servers, you know what they are by now L2Aeron: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196202-l2j-l2aeron/page-6
  4. Here are my thoughts about this server, after playing for 2 days. Positives: Following the same Hi5 run of the mill server in regards to features, you will find nothing special and nothing different from any other pvp server apart from custom armors/ weps which might be good for some. Farming is decent, not too hard until getting to tear 4.5 which i will get to in a second. That's about it. Negatives: No anti bot of any sort. Meaning I ran l2net, l2tower etc. Yeah you can use it and farm, thats what I did. After you get tier 4, it starts getting messy. You need to obtain mad amount of farm in order to reach 4.5 and 5th tier ( whatever the hell that is). Where as donations I would say are cheap as chips, so yeah obviously it's easy to get everything day one if you want to spend some cash... I wouldn't waste money on this server and just play without paying. No adjustment to classes on full buffs at all. Daggers hitting 5-6k whilst on +16 with elegia gear, cooldowns of skills are retail, debuffs are retail as well by the looks of it, so nothing really lands apart from kamael debuffs. The developers have no idea what they are doing in regards to fixing simple things such as mp/hp/cp toggle cooldown issue... easy fix yet they are struggling to sort it out. typical. Server has been rushed by the looks of it, in regards to farm/class adjustments/ economy and so on. Fake online counter x3 I forgot to add. Check l2net for real online. TL; DR If you want to play the server, i suggest you stick l2tower on and farm up to tier 4 and then you might have some fun. Do not spend any money on this server, you will waste it. Unless they start fixing things and running things through properly. Clases to pick - Any dagger/ Doombringer / GK & duelist of course.
  5. the account is verified i assume?
  6. I played on the server for about 5-8 hours. Positives + plenty of pvps... However I will get to why this server is so bad. + active community ( most of them are garbage latinos with no respect) +stable and lagless server +Plenty of nice features in regards to the shop/buffer/teleporter/events and the arena system (Flawed majorily due to the points below) NEGATIVES + This server is P2W ( I do not care what you say as an excuse) You can't get +20 unless you donate or trade ( You need to get tons of pvps, vs people who are fully +20 geared, good luck) +Community is active but fucking garbage. I rather play on a server with 20 online who have some manners. +You can donate pretty much for everything. Hence why it's P2W, I understand it is a pvp server, but epic jewels etc. are so fucking hard to get, unless you join a zerg clan and you still might not get a chance to get them. (Having pvp is pointless, unless you fight with newbies.) Overall. Do not join this server if you dont want to spend a dime. You need to spend around 30-50 euros to play and compete vs everyone else.
  7. yeah i've heard about an unbanning service, but is it expensive, its only a limited suspension of 14 days but still its annoying
  8. Akken I thought you got bored of opening servers :D
  9. Website has been used multiple times. You sold it multiple times before. Don't have any servers with the website, because they all failed sadly. Buy at your own risk. If you are looking for good designs at affordable prices, message snoopi or Strain.
  10. incorrect. If you really think that ' every server' fakes their online, you are delusional. At least if you do a fake npc count, make sure not to make it obvious. Successful servers do not need fake online counter, which again shows you what people that make servers from mxc are really capable of.
  11. Lies. Fake online account i think its x3 not quite sure, phantom players, hooked up l2net and it shown 118 unique players
  12. Yes, I got welcomed by one your gm's, his responses were rather scripted, going down the list ensuring that every box is ticked, even though I commented not once but 3 times, that I am fine with the tips as I read the entire guide and played here before. I gave him a tip that he shouldn't be so scripted, but he continued which rather annoyed me, and in that way he completely blanked in what I had to say, which was insulting in a way. I understand that tips are a great way to help a new player out, but when someone's is confident that they know 90% about the server, he shouldn't carry on with the scripting, it's just insulting, it actually really annoyed me that he didn't get the point. Apart from that so far: The community is average, 150-300 unique players ( aka no boxes, offline shops etc). You get the usual cunts, and some nice people. You can tell that not many greeks play there, it's not an easy server, you have to farm, attend events and be active. The gameplay is unique for sure, hundreds of things to do, in order to get your gear, which is good. New players do get bonuses, although those bonuses at higher levels seem... useless, and not satisfying I guess, but again you can't be too generous. So far I realized that in PvP Tanks are incredibly powerful, by powerful I mean pretty overpowered, and it was on a limited event before you say anything about my gear not being +++. Apart from that, it is pretty decent. End game is not that special, it is just farming, pvping, going to events and doing achievements, typical l2, which I guess is good in a way. Server is heavily modified, is it a good thing... Yes... and no. Yes because it feels different than your classic 1 month close servers, l2revenge, l2axel so on and so forth ( basically garbage servers ). No, because i can see that some players with lower IQ will definitely get lost in the amount of options you have, hundreds of menus and plethora of classes that you can choose from, cause they have been reworked. Definitely join, if you are up for a challenge, because the server has everything you need from a mid/pvp server.
  13. Well I see your point. But I was tell you the point again. Old players get to the point where they have everything, there is no point for them to play... so they leave, come back from time to time to pvp. I know yours is highly customized but 6 years without wipe, can have negative effects which I stated above. Although you have shown that you have the understanding of why wipes can have a negative effect as well, which i must praise you for. At the end of the day, you own it :) I will carry on playing it, purely because there is so much effort put there. I will start again fresh and see whats going on. and I will further review it!
  14. You're either confident that the server will work, or over confident and therefore stupid :)
  15. A Wipe would be so beneficial for your server, it has been years since it has been wiped. It would make new players more interested to join. I know you have bonuses and that, I started to play here again, but you know, wipe has more benefits especially in how long you had the server on for!
  16. I have been checking, and nothing special or nothing decent is coming up, a shame, cause it's annoying. Maybe I'll have to get back on track, and open one myself.
  17. Not interested in that server. Yeah I know. I want to play with a decent population of 100-400 people. A classic server with 3/4 boxes max. or even 50-70 players if the server has been up for long enough. Low community = people with together more. Yeah I did as well. Biggest waste of my time ever. Never again. Already answered it. Yeah I've seen it however, I can smell failure with this one for some reason.
  18. I've been looking around for a long time now, couple of weeks. Seen some new ones l2mid ( what a tragedy ) tried l2dex, full of fucking russians and botters. Not interested in Hi5 purely because there is just too much going on. If someone has any suggestions drop a message here or in the reply below. Please do not link me to... Home made servers, Servers with fucking NPC BUFFERS! and donations that kill the server.(l2mid fucked up)
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