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Everything posted by sepultribe

  1. Changing the color is easy, you just have to extract the texture you want to edit and put it back again with your modifications. There are plenty of videos on youtube for that. Now adding shoulders, if you mean altering the model structure, that can't be taught easily, you need to be proficient in 3D modelling software. And you need to also have a paid tool that allows you to import/export unreal files from said 3D modelling software.
  2. @eressea I am continuously amazed by your broad knowledge of things, not only coding, also networking and driver patching :) Thanks for being here and sharing it with us
  3. What you need is a patched dll for unicode chat support. @Fyyre used to have a website that had many of those for different chronicles but it's been down for some time. Maybe we can ask him to reshare those.
  4. DLLs contain native code just like an EXE does. There isn't a "tool" like there is for opening DAT files. Disassembly of the dll and the executable that is using it is the only thing you can do.
  5. Get the official L2J H5 pack, install it locally and play with it. Then go on L2JSunrise, they offer a test server environment, see if you like it more or find it easier for the stuff you want to do.
  6. thanks for taking the time to answer me. link to latest known update patch for C6: http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/35171501/file.html filename in case this link goes bad in the future: InterludeUpdate071212full
  7. Yes @tyrkysovej I agree. I have already installed aCis and looked at some of its code, but first of all L2J is a huge codebase and secondly its an emulation/guess/workaround of what happens in reality on L2OFF. It will be a waste of time imho. Better go with the real thing as you said even if the difficulty of making small progress is much higher. I have already started googling left and right for reverse engineering introductory stuff. Any advice from the forum's L2OFF devs would be really welcome and appreciated. (Already thankful for your posts @tyrkysovej)
  8. can you answer what I asked you or provide a screenshot?
  9. Γιατί ψάξατε :P ? (είσαστε πολλά άτομα?) http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30556 Να σου πω κάτι φιλικά αλλα μην το πάρεις στραβα, δεν το λεω για να σε προσβαλω. Εαν δυσκολευεσαι να βρεις files/οδηγό/κτλ για να στησεις το chronicle που θελεις, που ειναι το πιο ευκολο πραγμα στον κοσμο ενα απλο googlαρισμα, φαντάσου τι εχει να γινει οταν πεσεις στα βαθια (σωστο σεταρισμα l2server, παραμετροποιηση, αντιμετωπιση τυχων προβληματων, κτλ). Δεν θα μπορεσεις να ανταπεξελθεις. Ισως δεν εισαι ακομα ετοιμος για να ανοιξεις live server, καλυτερα θα ηταν να το ψαξεις λιγο παραπανω και να τριφτεις πρωτα με κατι λιγοτερο περιπλοκο. Τωρα εαν θες απλα να κανεις ενα test server για την πλακα σου που θα μπαινεις μονο εσυ οκ προσπαθησε το.
  10. I agree with @eressea L2J always felt "weird", the movement, the interaction with NPCs feels not official/retail like. Not to talk about bugs with skills although sometimes it gave me a good laugh, like on a java server I used to play back in the day, you would use the 2nd class underleveled Surrender to Fire on a player with a Warlock and he would instantly get hit by the para cubic standing there like an icecream waiting to melt :D Things must have improved nowadays for sure but I'm not sure about how much. And I agree with the rest of her post too.
  11. Ναι :P και δεν βλαπτει να κοιταμε και την ημερομηνια στα θεματα που ποσταρουμε, αυτο το guide παει σχεδον δεκαετια που το εφτιαξε ο ανθρωπος ;-)
  12. how is snoop used exactly? //snoop player_name? and then the chat starts flowing in the GM's system log?
  13. Element stones/crystals were the big thing as I remember, at 84 you can try AOE tully's workshop if u haven't already, green spot in hellbound with those succubus looking mobs, chimeras, etc. These places should have quests associated with them for ancient tomes and other stuff. Been too long can't remember for sure.
  14. L2J servers are mostly used for high rate servers because they are lacking in the stuff a low rate needs, working quests, working sieges, working clan hall system/auctions, working olympiad, etc etc (apart from several skills not working as they should). Instead of those they have custom pvp zones and events, custom community boards, custom antibot-password protection systems etc. Custom things in l2off is more limited and difficult to implement, if its not already supported by the pack you have. So it depends not so much on the server rates, but what you want the people playing on your server to have available to them.
  15. Μα και να δουλευαν τα λινκς και παλι δεν θα σου κανανε, ειναι απο πολυ παλιο pack απαρχαιωμενο. Καπου εδω στο φορουμ εχει γινει share ο interlude extender απο vanganth ετοιμος για εγκατασταση. HighFive που ψαχνεις δεν νομιζω να βρεις, τουλαχιστον εγω δεν χω δει τπτ. Μονο αν πας σε java server θα βρεις ετοιμα αρχεια ολοκληρωμενα οσο το δυνατον.
  16. Φιλε μου το rapidshare εχει κλεισει χρονια τωρα, και αυτο το guide αφορουσε το C4 Post Pacific Release pack, το οποιο ειναι απο ενα forum με ασιατες κυριως developers που εχει κλεισει και αυτο καμποσο καιρο. Η διαδικασια που περιγραφεται ειναι καλο να την διαβασεις και να την καταλαβεις αλλα μην περιμενεις να στησεις τιποτα μεσα απο αυτο εδω το topic. Ψαξε για pack του vanganth εαν θες για C6 που εχουν γινει leak, compiled αλλα και sources.
  17. Για L2OFF δεν νομιζω να υπαρχει τσαμπα καποιο pack H5. Το μονο που βρηκα ειναι αυτο: το οποιο ειναι μισοτελειωμενο και δεν κανει για να ανοιξεις server. Καλυτερα να πας σε L2J εαν θες τοσο προσφατο chronicle. Αλλιως κοιταξε τον extender GF->GE των παιδιων απο το L2Shrine και προσπαθησε να το εμπλουτησεις.
  18. Assuming all these hard drives are on the same computer, for it to run as you described you should install windows on the 2TB, then copy the server files on the intel ssd, then install the sql server and create the database on the samsung ssd. But it's not going to give you any benefits. Better setup windows on the fastest ssd you have, configure the swap file to be on that disk only, put l2server on that disk too and then if you really have an extra ssd to spare, setup the SQL server and the db there. You don't really have to do that though, new ssd are plenty fast and 500GBs are enough for windows plus everything else needed to run a L2 server. Also your only option if u don't like advext is to find someone selling the latest vanganth pack and key and go with that.
  19. very nice old school looking style, love the image and font used. can you share what you used for those?
  20. Hello, can you guys recommend any l2off extender sources that would be good for someone that's just starting out in this field? If you can provide links ( topic discussions, files, etc) that would be awesome. Also advice as to what knowledge is good to have would be amazing. Should I dive into the lowest levels of C++? Read a book about x86 assembly first? At the moment I know some 8051 assembly and C++ but nothing too advanced, things you learn in college. Can you share how you started or what you wish you knew before diving into the reverse engineering world? I am hoping to find formulas for skill damage and land rate calculation as I am tired of trying to do it by testing stuff ingame although I had succesfuly found close to 99% accurate formulas for energy/dagger skills and posted them on L2blah in 2009, it was painful. I am also hoping if all goes well to try making an open source extender for older chronicles (C1-C6) in the near future. So please help out if you can by giving some advice, I will not steal your job, not interested in making money from Lineage, just want to learn and satisfy my curiosity. thank you
  21. θες να κατεβασεις οδηγο ή τα server files? στο youtube εχει πολλους οδηγους για l2off, η διαδικασια ειναι παρόμοια για ολα τα chronicles.
  22. Added some more stuff about AOE and Boss skills. Please contribute if you are skilled with dissasembling binaries, I am mostly curious about the dagger skill land rate boost parameter. I am working on doing it myself but I don't know how long it will take me, maybe months maybe years. If you know something, please share it with us.
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