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Everything posted by sepultribe

  1. what pack are you using? to make a mob passive you either edit the AI class directly or add an extra parameter in npcdata {[IsAggressive]=0} in the npc_ai field
  2. unfortunately I couldn't find any of the pages related to the expansions on the archive, it's just like mine :( am I blind? is it somewhere else?
  3. http://top.host/ einai elliniki kiolas kai apo tis liges pou ferontai kala stous ergazomenous tous
  4. you wrote on the greek section of a mostly english speaking forum in spanish, you expect an answer?
  5. haven't downloaded it yet, but if it is what I think it is then YOU ROCK :)
  6. freya for example http://lineage2.power.plaync.com/wiki/프레야 ps: for a good translation you need a professional or someone who knows l2 slang, in korea they name some things differently
  7. There were many omissions and bad translations from the english patch notes anyway, some of them extremely stupid like stun duration in C1 from 6 to 9 secs was translated from 5 to 8 secs... Other stuff were not even mentioned... The original korean patch notes are a far better source if you are only interested in that.
  8. you can manually change the url and get the rest of the pages, like ChronicleName_xx where xx can be from 01 up to the high tens. unfortunately my backup using httrack didn't contain the news folder, just realized it needed to add those manually for the crawler to grab. such a shame that site is gone, stupid ncsoft, couldn't they keep it along side the normal website who knows when the old forums are going to go down too
  9. Let's not be so harsh on a person you don't know, there must be reasons he has such a low spec PC, maybe he can't get a job, in some countries and fields it's not that easy, maybe his family is poor. @keer the installer says x64 but did u try downloading the other file, should be the jar, install the java version it says and see if it runs.
  10. so you want to upload/rewrite a doc file on a ftp server thru a php script, which currently is downloading it to your pc instead? can you post your code? ps: r u using ftp_put()? it overwrites files by default, assuming you have correct permissions
  11. I like how you necro a 2 year old thread to give dagger lessons hah +1 from me (will give it tomorrow cos today's spent)
  12. if it's not working you don't have any rows that have a column named itemid with values not equal to 57 in your droplist table. post your table definition here (command follows) describe [db_name.]table_name; //[] mean optional
  13. try DELETE FROM droplist WHERE NOT (itemid = 57) or DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid NOT IN (57) but what @melron said with the <> is the simplest and easiest way to negate the condition
  14. [GR] to paidi apo dania prepei na einai apla tha ekane se lathos section post your imported npc data has a wrong parameter somewhere probably, does the error have more lines you can post?
  15. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/222526-l2off-megashare/
  16. something in the DB connection config or wrong table names, there were 2 different prelude packs circulating back in 2004 afaik, they had some small differences in the db scripts. can you plz reupload the pack the OP posted in this topic? or anyone else that has it? ps: Error 42S02 indicates that object was not found in the db, in your case, tables server and worldstatus could not be located
  17. did u see whether it is actually working server-side and just not showing up on the client? you should also post in the l2jserver forums, there you can find a lot more java developers who will know what is going on.
  18. The one here is patched, the one you downloaded from the website is for 1 ip per server. What OS r u using and what steps did you follow till u got the error u mention? ps: there is no installation method, u just copy paste the executable in the auth folder
  19. You don't have to cry, you can stay neutral at least. But I understand you in a way, laughing to cope with the sad reality is something I have done too in the past, it's just the way some people's "internal" mechanism works, to protect them from being completely devastated. My point was it can't be the least funny, when you heard a 13 year old girl jumped off a cliff and died, or saw some small childrens' faces that are missing. I don't feel empathy for the whole world either, most people don't deserve it.
  20. for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++) try with 4 instead of 3
  21. there were no measures to stop the fire in the highway dividing the 2 sites, there was no sounding the church bell or a siren to inform people early on to start evacuating, airplane/helicopter support to distinguish whatever possible was poor and delayed, so much incompetence
  22. post your exact changes in the 3 files mentioned
  23. no no, you have a proxy because it has better routing to the server and hope that some players can connect on the proxy server without bottlenecks to gain a benefit. The proxy servers should be chosen to be on datacenters with as close as possible connections to Internet eXchange Points (IxPs), you can imagine those as the highways of the internet.
  24. This is a terrible way of reacting to a tragedy like this one. How would you feel if someone answered like that for a similar event in your country? For me It doesn't matter if it's here or anywhere else, when you hear about something like this you can't laugh about it. Imagine if your family & friends were involved in it, always put yourself in other peoples' situations, it will open your mind. On topic, I think it is absurd that in 2018, such stupidity can exist, there were many people that didn't even know where the fire was or even if there was a fire, and they were staying inside their houses till the last moment. The local authorities are responsible for not informing them to go away to the shore. It's also ridiculous how people can drown, flip their boat over, and not being able to stay afloat. And of course the ones that put the fire, every year it's the same here, usually they have something to gain, like space to erect buildings where it was not legal before. They should die a slow and painful death.
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