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Everything posted by sepultribe

  1. why do we have to post nonsense in order to see a guide?
  2. this constant white flashing ads really hurt the eyes, u r forcing people to adblock them
  3. I don't want to undermine your work but I would love to see people design things in the spirit of pre-Kamael chronicles and this futuristic star wars type style to stop. Your armor is really good but for another game imo, not a medieval MMORPG like what lineage2 used to be. Now for post-GoD chronicles of course this would fit in just fine, because the art style took a whole other direction by then.
  4. yeah share it if u can RBs/(CH)Siege NPCs time of death gets written in the db, probably because of a different way to calculate respawns between the normal npcmaker and npcmaker_ex and the need to reestablish a RB/(CH)siege after a server crash and continue where it was left at. dbname should be about what value to put in the id column of the db table responsible for keeping that kind of info and the dbsaving should be about what data to save about that npc, the ones I've seen are time of death, position and a generic parameters thing which I don't have a live server running atm to check what is about (PC name that killed that NPC could be one param, HP/MP values of the NPC another, etc),
  5. you could make a new discord channel for l2 modding enthusiasts
  6. οσο εισαι και εσυ :P μπα απλα γουσταρει την κατια το παιδι, αλλα ειναι σατανιστης σιγουρα.
  7. εδω ειναι το greek section γιατι μιλας αγγλικα?
  8. anyone selling vanganth's GF extender source? also if anyone has any of the IL extender addons (for example stack sub) source code, I'm interested in that too.
  9. LF the tools needed to play with the client UI configuration for interlude/gf/hf if anyone has any info about which ones are out there, price, etc plz post ty
  10. 17008 and 17009 also have that redundant semicolon in the end };}, I am pretty certain that is just a mistake on their part, in all other cases the npc_ai closes with }} btw anyone has any idea what the sm in myself.sm might refer to in AI? static/super member/method?
  11. NPC_NAME:NPC_AI:WEIGHT_POINT:RESPAWN_TIME WEIGHT_POINT should be something similar to weight values in statistics, a bigger number should mean a bigger influence on the hate generated, it gets multiplied with variables like damage and others and gets inserted into mob attack methods. @eressea might know more about it.
  12. very nice, cant upvote now, will do later
  13. 1) from what I know vanganth's server executables were patched for WS2k8 so yeah it should work. 2) no I dont think so 3) don't think u can get a WS2k3 that is not running inside a VM nowadays, for many reasons, hardware support is one, too many security vulnerabilities is another one 4) yes u could run a linux OS and virtualize 2003 or 2008 inside it and it would perform very good as long as the machine is decent
  14. this is great man, you are not getting much of a response because the scene is pretty dead atm, don't let that discourage you.
  15. I'll say it again, you guys just leap frogged the whole UI dev scene, you did what 3dfx did with voodoo to the graphics industry when it came out. It's all an amazing piece of work and great innovation you brought. do you mean "client" or does it store the config server-side?
  16. It's not similar to this forum, it's their localized community forums, where they only speak spanish. Following a rule blindly is what programs/bots do, I expected more from a human being.
  17. It's always cool to find lovers of the old chronicles :)
  18. anyone? @jornik did you find the news archive inside that rar? I can't locate it :(
  19. very nice, is this from a german prelude server of yours?
  20. pws proteineis to smartguard meta apo to skandalo pou apodeixthke h synergasia tou me ton developer tou adrenaline, kai ta xiliadyo pou exoun akoustei gia backdoors kai oti mporoun na sou traviksoun server files?
  21. This is not a spanish speaking forum, you have **** for that. You can at least use google translate when posting. To answer your question, this is a standalone program written in .net, you can't embed it inside the client.
  22. [GR] εγώ βλέπω WS2012 & WS2016 και η εγκατάσταση αλλου ειναι 29 αλλου 40 και αλλου και παραπανω, δεν εχω καμια σχεση μαζι τους και δεν τους υπερασπιζομαι απλα αυτα που ειπες δεν ειναι ακριβως αληθεια
  23. this will be the 3rd post trying to explain to you how it's done, hope it gets thru Each npc has a number for identification, find it either thru shift clicking or searching for its name if it is unique. After you find this number you can easily find the corresponding htmls that are used for interacting with it thru dialogs. Inside those htmls you will find a number followed by a multisell keyword, that number is the name of the corresponding xml containing the multisell configuration. Ingredients are what the npc takes and production is what the npc gives back for each entry in the multisell window. They told you the paths those files exist in so you can't complain it is hard.
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