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Everything posted by sepultribe
Datacenters that are renting you a (proxy) server have better routing to the internet than you through your internet provider. It doen't always result in less latency and it's not the same for everyone. If your routing to the proxy server is bad, then it might negate any benefits it will give from proxy to the server itself.
Help Adding a Proxy to my dedicated
sepultribe replied to dead-end's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
have you checked Eressea's topic about setting up an l2off with 3 proxies? you need an auth server capable of expecting more than 1 ip address per server. anyway a proxy is nothing more than a machine receiving packets and then forwarding them to the true destination after modifying headers. it's not a difficult concept -
L2FileEdit update to GloryDays
sepultribe replied to sakaszli's topic in Client Development Discussion
you can get a client file editor that works till GC for ddfs and decodes up to the latest update here or just go to this link and browse to client modding: https://mega.nz/#F!GWBSjAKK!u1hRLGHdvQooUTAVRXE4jQ -
you can download the NA client and use that for dev mode :P ps: what's the current update in korea atm?
Since the 2 lines that are responsible for enabling the dev mode are completely missing from your l2.ini (I had to add them manually) IsL2NetLogin=False IsL2Console=False it's very possible that in the korean client the functionality has been removed, at least through the ini, maybe it can be done through an exe modification.
forgot to tell u, in notepad make sure to save as ANSI not unicode or anything else
;OPENTEST [URL] Protocol=unreal ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=Entry.unr Host= Portal= Port= MapExt=unr EXEName=l2.exe SaveExt=usa Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter IsL2NetLogin=False IsL2Console=False IsL2Seamless=True IsL2Projector=True ISL2Mark=2 ForceAspectRatio=False AspectRatio=1.334 IsDefaultShaodw=False IsUnderWaterEffect=False IsUseCommand=True L2VersionCheck=false IsL2MemLog=False L2ThreadFilter=1 L2TestServer=true EnablePurgeLevel=True SharedSky=True L2MaxPawnResourceLoad=1.0 L2UseKeyCrypt=true L2UseReplayManager=true EnableSecondWindow=true EnablePremiumMultiWindow=true IsUseXMLUI=True L2ShaderPath=..\system\ bUse24Hz=true ReplayFileVersion=13 UseNG=true UseNewPetition=true L2HomeURL=http://lineage2.plaync.com/main/game/weblink L2ClassicHomeURL=http://lineage2.plaync.com/classic/ L224HzHomeURL=http://www.24hz.com/#/main/intro/player?from=l2 ;GamePointURL=https://cp.4game.ru/add_balance.html NetSendHardWare=true L2InGameBrowserPetitionURL=https://gcsweblin2.plaync.com/home L2InGameBrowserNoticeURL=http://lineage2.plaync.com/board/ingamenotice/view UseWebPetition=true NPLoginWebURL=https://mlogin.plaync.com/login [Auth] UseAuthUserData=true ServerAddr= ; NP( Next Platform ) E-Mail Account CliGateAddr= UseEMailAccount=true NPAppID=C387F81D-58E3-9097-940A-104BCBB06E55 PlayNCAppID=206A130F-BF96-667A-4E4B-FE1A62583117 NPProgramID=1103 ; in-Game Secondary( Character ) Password UseSecondaryAuth=true BusyUserCnt=2000 NormalUserCnt=1500 ; Russia External( Cmdline ) Login ExternalLogin=false CmdLineLogin=false ; FreeUserTwoClient=True [Collision] UseCollisionCheckInSiege=false [L2UI] UseTopping=true Minimap=L2WorldMap.Minimap.Worldmap [L2WaterEffect] ColorReference=(A=180,R=38,G=56,B=64,RR=150) EffectResolution=512 [LanguageSet] Language=0 [FontSet] ;Font=L2Font.Japan ;Glyph=Japan.gly Font=L2Font.gulim Glyph=gulim.gly [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=1000 [ClippingRange] PawnMax=3.0 PawnMin=1.5 AntiPortal=1.5 Terrain=8.0 StaticMesh=4.0 Projector=0.2 StaticMeshLod=5.0 Pawn=2.0 Actor=4.0 [AutoLogOn] IsL2AutoLogOn=Ture L2ID=zodiac L2Passwd=zodiac L2Slot=7 [FirstRun] FirstRun=2110 [Engine.Engine] RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=Engine.NullRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice AudioDevice=ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem ;AudioDevice=XboxAudio.XboxAudioSubsystem NetworkDevice=IpDrv.TcpNetDriver DemoRecordingDevice=Engine.DemoRecDriver Console=Engine.Console DefaultPlayerMenu=UDebugMenu.UDebugRootWindow Language=int GameEngine=Engine.GameEngine EditorEngine=Editor.EditorEngine GUIController=Engine.BaseGUIController ;DefaultGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame ;DefaultServerGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame DefaultGame=Engine.GameInfo DefaultServerGame=Engine.GameInfo ViewportManager=WinDrv.WindowsClient ;ViewportManager=XboxDrv.XboxClient ;ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient Render=Render.Render Input=Engine.Input Canvas=Engine.Canvas DefaultPlayerController=Engine.LineagePlayerController L2NetHandler=Engine.NetHandler L2Console=NWindow.ConsoleWnd L2Font=NWindow.L2Font [Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 SavePath=../Save CachePath=../Cache CacheExt=.uxx Paths=../System/*.u Paths=../StaticMeshes/*.usx Paths=../Textures/*.utx Paths=../Sounds/*.uax Paths=../Voice/*.uax Paths=../Maps/*.unr ;Paths=../Music/*.umx Paths=../Animations/*.ukx Paths=../Animations/*.uix Paths=../SysTextures/*.utx Paths=../Animations/*.usk Paths=../Saves/*.uvx Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp [Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=32 UseSound=True ;ServerActors=IpDrv.UdpBeacon ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900 ;ServerActors=UWeb.WebServer ServerPackages=AmbientCreatures ;ServerPackages=WarEffects ;ServerPackages=Decorations ServerPackages=GamePlay ServerPackages=UnrealGame ;ServerPackages=WarfareGame ;ServerPackages=WarClassLight ;ServerPackages=WarClassHeavy ;ServerPackages=WarClassMisc ;ServerPackages=Pickups [WinDrv.WindowsClient] WindowedViewportX=1024 WindowedViewportY=768 FullscreenViewportX=1024 FullscreenViewportY=768 MenuViewportX=640 MenuViewportY=480 Brightness=0.800000 Contrast=0.700000 Gamma=0.800000 UseJoystick=True CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False UseWindowFrame=True ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Higher TextureDetailTerrain=Higher TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Higher TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Higher TextureDetailWorld=Higher TextureDetailRenderMap=Higher TextureDetailLightmap=Higher NoFractalAnim=False ScaleHUDX=0.0 [SDLDrv.SDLClient] WindowedViewportX=1024 WindowedViewportY=768 FullscreenViewportX=1024 FullscreenViewportY=768 MenuViewportX=640 MenuViewportY=480 Brightness=0.800000 Contrast=0.700000 Gamma=0.800000 UseJoystick=False JoystickNumber=0 IgnoreHat=False JoystickHatNumber=0 CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=true ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Normal TextureDetailTerrain=Normal TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Normal TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Normal TextureDetailWorld=Normal TextureDetailRenderMap=Normal TextureDetailLightmap=UltraHigh NoFractalAnim=False [Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=10000 ConfiguredLanSpeed=20000 [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] UseEAX=False Use3DSound=False UseDefaultDriver=True CompatibilityMode=False UsePrecache=True ReverseStereo=false Channels=48 MusicVolume=0.1 AmbientVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 DopplerFactor=1.0 TimeBetweenHWUpdates=15 DisablePitch=False LowQualitySound=False [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] AllowDownloads=True ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=0.2 MaxClientRate=20000 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=20 LanServerMaxTickRate=35 DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload [IpDrv.HTTPDownload] RedirectToURL= ProxyServerHost= ProxyServerPort=3128 UseCompression=True [Engine.DemoRecDriver] DemoSpectatorClass=Warriors.CHSpectator MaxClientRate=25000 ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=1.0 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=60 LanServerMaxTickRate=60 [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=Another Unreal Server ShortName=Unreal Server [IpDrv.TcpipConnection] SimPacketLoss=0 SimLatency=0 [IpServer.UdpServerQuery] GameName=ut [IpDrv.UdpBeacon] DoBeacon=True BeaconTime=0.50 BeaconTimeout=5.0 BeaconProduct=ut [XboxDrv.XboxClient] TextureDetail=Medium SkinDetail=Medium LightmapDetail=High TextureMinLOD=6 TextureMaxLOD=9 Brightness=0.8 Contrast=0.7 Gamma=0.8 NoFractalAnim=True [XBoxAudio.XBoxAudioSubsystem] ReverseStereo=False Channels=32 MusicVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 AmbientFactor=1.0 UsePrecache=True [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseTrilinear=True AdapterNumber=-1 ReduceMouseLag=True UseTripleBuffering=False UseHardwareTL=True UseHardwareVS=True UseCubemaps=True DesiredRefreshRate=60 UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=True Use16bit=False Use16bitTextures=False MaxPixelShaderVersion=255 UseVSync=False LevelOfAnisotropy=1 DetailTexMipBias=0.8 DefaultTexMipBias=-0.5 UseNPatches=False TesselationFactor=1.0 CheckForOverflow=False [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseTrilinear=True UseStencil=False MaxTextureUnits=8 VARSize=32 ReduceMouseLag=False [Engine.NullRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=False [Editor.EditorEngine] UseSound=True CacheSizeMegs=32 GridEnabled=True SnapVertices=False SnapDistance=10.000000 GridSize=(X=16.000000,Y=16.000000,Z=16.000000) RotGridEnabled=True RotGridSize=(Pitch=1024,Yaw=1024,Roll=1024) GameCommandLine=-log FovAngleDegrees=90.000000 GodMode=True AutoSave=True AutoSaveTimeMinutes=5 AutoSaveIndex=6 UseAxisIndicator=True MatineeCurveDetail=0.1 LoadEntirePackageWhenSaving=0 EditPackages=Core EditPackages=Engine EditPackages=Fire EditPackages=Editor EditPackages=UWindow EditPackages=UnrealEd ;EditPackages=IpDrv EditPackages=GamePlay EditPackages=CameraEffectInfo EditPackages=LineageEffect EditPackages=LineageEffect2 EditPackages=LineageEffect_Br EditPackages=LineageWarrior EditPackages=LineageNpc EditPackages=LineageNpc2 EditPackages=LineageNpc3 EditPackages=LineageNpc4 EditPackages=LineageNpc5 EditPackages=LineageNpcEv EditPackages=LineageNpc_br EditPackages=LineageMonster EditPackages=LineageMonster2 EditPackages=LineageMonster3 EditPackages=LineageMonster4 EditPackages=LineageMonster5 EditPackages=LineageMonster6 EditPackages=LineageMonster7 EditPackages=LineageMonster8 EditPackages=LineageMonster9 EditPackages=LineageMonster10 EditPackages=LineageMonster11 EditPackages=LineageMonster12 EditPackages=LineageMonster13 EditPackages=LineageMonster99 EditPackages=LineageVehicle EditPackages=LineageDeco EditPackages=LineageSceneInfo EditPackages=LineageSkillEffect EditPackages=LineageGameplay EditPackages=UDebugMenu EditPackages=NWindow ;EditPackages=LineageCreature ;EditPackages=WarEffects ;EditPackages=Decorations ;EditPackages=WarfareGame ;EditPackages=IHVDemoContent ;EditPackages=Pickups ;EditPackages=WarClassLight ;EditPackages=WarClassHeavy ;EditPackages=WarClassMisc ;EditPackages=AmbientCreatures ;EditPackages=Vehicles ;EditPackages=UPreview [UMenu.UnrealConsole] RootWindow=UMenu.UMenuRootWindow UWindowKey=IK_Esc ShowDesktop=True [UMenu.UMenuMenuBar] ShowHelp=True GameUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTGameMenu MultiplayerUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTMultiplayerMenu OptionsUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTOptionsMenu [Engine.GameInfo] bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False [UWeb.WebServer] ;Applications[0]=UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin ;ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin ;Applications[1]=UTServerAdmin.UTImageServer ;ApplicationPaths[1]=/images DefaultApplication=0 bEnabled=False [Engine.LevelInfo] PhysicsDetailLevel=PDL_Medium [Engine.Console] ConsoleKey=9 [WindowPositions] GameLog=(X=0,Y=0,XL=512,YL=256) ;;branch [Frost] FrostModule=false [PrimeShop] UsePrimeShop=false UseGoodsInventory=true [Localize] UseLectureMark=false UseJapanMinigame1=false UseTeleportFlag=false UsePCBangPoint=true UsePremiumHennaSlot=false UsePathToAwakening=false UseVIPAttendanceClassic=false UseVIPAttendanceLive=false UseAttendanceAuthModify=true UseClassicJewelEnchantBtn=true UseToDoListClassic=true UseToDoListArena=true UseAutoSoulShotLive=true UseAutoSoulShotClassic=true UsePledgeBonusClassic=true UsePledgePenaltyEventMsgClassic=true UsePledgePenaltyEventMsgLive=false UsePledgeV2Live=true UsePledgeV2Classic=false ;;end of branch [CrashReport] L2CrashReportURL=http://erreport.lineage2.co.kr/L2ClientError/L2CrashReport.aspx L2CRVersion=OT WithCrashDump=True [L2PawnViewer] ST_HEAD=0 ST_RHAND=0 ST_LHAND=0 ST_GLOVES=0 ST_CHEST=0 ST_LEGS=0 ST_FEET=0 ST_BACK=13074 ST_RLHAND=14463 [IngameWeb_Classic] main=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/home notice=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/board/notice/list update=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/board/update/list ranking_exp=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/ranking/grow ranking_monster_battlefield=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/ranking/monsterArena ranking_pledge=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/ranking/pledge ranking_world_olympiad=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/ranking/worldOlympiad hero_status=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/classic/ranking/worldOlympiad/heroStatusLayer obs_remote=http://op.nctv.plaync.com:30052/twitch/index nshop=http://g.lineage2nshop.plaync.com/lineage2/classic/ [IngameWeb_Live] main=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/home notice=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/board/notice/list update=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/board/update/list ranking_exp=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/ranking/grow ranking_pledge=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/ranking/pledge ranking_world_olympiad=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/ranking/worldOlympiad_live?menu=1 hero_status=http://g.lineage2.plaync.com/live/ranking/worldOlympiad/heroStatusLayer obs_remote=http://op.nctv.plaync.com:30052/twitch/index nshop=http://g.lineage2nshop.plaync.com/lineage2/ save this inside your system folder as l2_dev.ini now create a batch file, for example l2.bat and put the following inside: @echo off ECHO Renaming l2.bin to l2.exe ren l2.bin l2.exe>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto TERMINATE ECHO Done. ECHO. ECHO Backing up l2.ini to l2_backup.ini copy l2.ini l2_backup.ini>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto TERMINATE ECHO Done. ECHO. ECHO Starting Lineage2 start l2.exe -INI=l2_dev.ini ping -n 15 >nul ECHO. ECHO Press any key to restore l2.ini and l2.bin after L2 terminates PAUSE>nul copy l2_backup.ini l2.ini>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto TERMINATE ECHO l2.ini restored ren l2.exe l2.bin>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto TERMINATE ECHO l2.bin restored ECHO. ECHO Press any key to exit PAUSE>nul EXIT :TERMINATE ECHO. ECHO Error occured, exiting... pause>nul when you want to use the developer mode, just run the batch file, and after you exit l2, just press any key while the batch is active to restore the files.
Help EnchantItemOptions.xml
sepultribe replied to InFocus's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Oh so there is a built-in way to add custom effects based on the enchant value. So as @SilverShadow said, you have to add a fourth option to olf's shirt, but first you must modify the xsd in order for it to be expected to exist. From the xsd you can see that level, option1 and id have the "required" parameter which means that they are always there for all entries, option2 and option3 don't have it so they are optional. You will need to create an option4 that resembles the latter then. add this after option3 in the data/xsd/enchantItemOptions.xsd <xs:attribute name="option4"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"> <xs:minInclusive value="1" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="65535" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> then in the data/stats/options/24900-24999.xml you need to create the option to be used <option id="id_here" name="name_here"> <for> <add stat="STR" val="1" /> <add stat="INT" val="1" /> <add stat="CON" val="1" /> <add stat="DEX" val="1" /> <!--etc...--> </for> </option> finally you will add the new parameter to olf's shirt in data/enchantItemOptions.xml <item id="21580"> <!-- Olf's T-shirt --> <options level="0" option1="24965" /> <options level="1" option1="24966" /> <options level="2" option1="24967" /> <options level="3" option1="24968" /> <options level="4" option1="24969" option2="24975" /> <options level="5" option1="24970" option2="24976" /> <options level="6" option1="24971" option2="24977" /> <options level="7" option1="24972" option2="24978" option3="24982" /> <options level="8" option1="24973" option2="24979" option3="24982" /> <options level="9" option1="24974" option2="24980" option3="24983" /> <options level="10" option1="24984" option2="24985" option3="24983" /> <options level="11" option1="24984" option2="24985" option3="24983" option4="id_here"/> </item> -
can you post the l2.ini of your korean client? atm dev mode works just fine in NA Salvation client, the changes you must make are really easy after you decrypt the config file.
<!-- Olf's T-shirt Enchant Scroll --> <enchant id="21581" maxEnchant="10"> <item id="21580" /> <!-- Olf's T-shirt --> <item id="21706" /> <!-- Olf's T-shirt (Event) --> </enchant> <!-- Blessed Olf's T-shirt Enchant Scroll --> <enchant id="21582" maxEnchant="10"> <item id="21580" /> <!-- Olf's T-shirt --> <item id="21706" /> <!-- Olf's T-shirt (Event) --> </enchant> <!-- Blessed Olf's T-shirt Enchant Scroll - Event --> <enchant id="21707" maxEnchant="10"> <item id="21580" /> <!-- Olf's T-shirt --> <item id="21706" /> <!-- Olf's T-shirt (Event) --> </enchant> from enchantItemData.xml change the max enchant on the scrolls you want to change behavior for adding custom stats on each level of enchant someone else has to tell you, the functionality probably doesn't exist out of the box and will need additional coding, but try adding/changing the <enchant val='XX' order='0xYY' stat='ZZ'/> for the olf shirt in the items xml stat = STR|CON|DEX|INT|WIT|MEN order = try 0x40 or 0x10 val = try increasing it in small amounts and see how it behaves
Discussion What to know before opening l2j private server
sepultribe replied to John566's topic in General Discussion [English]
1) any moderately priced linux dedicated will do the job, start with a smaller one if you know how many players to expect at start, better than using vps that tends to get severely oversold by the hosts in the majority of the cases. 2) none, those that you can afford are crap, the ones that will make a difference charge a premium and not for the average joe 3) depends what people can donate on, you can do a simple multiplication by yourself 4) depends on if it's a low or high rate 5) if you rely on publicly sold protections they don't do nothing, have to make your own 6) please not another pay2win, high-rate l2j, make the difference -
gracia epilogue ct2.4 [L2J] PlayINERA - Resurgence
sepultribe replied to PlayINERA's topic in Private Servers
wow what can I say :) bravo, well done! you must be one of the top if not The top UI modder around atm (Y) -
u can use the search function or google first for such simple things. have you taken a look at those item xmls of your l2j datapack? there is no grade parameter inside because it's client related, you have to edit the appropriate .dat, depends on if it's a weapon, armor, etc. and set the crystal_type
For someone who does not understand the English language at all, you certainly write quite good in it, if we just disregard fan =/= fun. Cos google translate would never get that wrong. Anyway you must be a genius! Although I feel kind of stupid and sad now that I think that what I just wrote will go to waste, since you can't read English at all. Thanks for making me laugh on a Monday afternoon
Help Stats for Items/Skill
sepultribe replied to InFocus's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
I hope you are joking, this is math even 5 year olds would get right. Subtract 1 and multiply with 100 to get the percentage increase for any given multiplier. You should reconsider trying to administer a server if your comprehension of such basic things is so bad, no offense, but this is ridiculous. -
Help Code improvement
sepultribe replied to vampir's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
what's wrong with k-pop? orange caramel ftw -
gracia epilogue ct2.4 [L2J] PlayINERA - Resurgence
sepultribe replied to PlayINERA's topic in Private Servers
This is a phenomenal piece of work as far as mid rate private servers go. I like you even more cos you know your Cowboy Bebop (Faye Valentine) and your DnD (Kain Do Urden) ;) Higher rates, BBS teleports/buffs, autoloot/autoskills and other custom stuff you have implemented are not my cup of tea, my vision of L2 revolves around lower rates and other kind of needed changes in mechanics, but what you have done is top notch, for example the Ability Tree is really well made. I'm not sure if you have upgraded a pre-GoD or downgraded a GoD+ client, but if you have coded the on-screen damage yourself then congratulations for your feat. That is really WoWish and looks bad on L2 imo, but coding it (if you did) must have been hard. Nonetheless, you are easily 10 times above the rest of the l2j servers out there, if not more. I might join in on the beta test if I have time to provide some constructive criticism. Good luck and I hope your project will help in making all those crappy l2js disappear at least for a while. -
you need to set a valid username and password for it to connect to the database, that also means you have to have a database running, an account with enough privileges created and the necessary tables created/imported. have u done all of the above?
Help L2 Classic 2.0 Client localhost
sepultribe replied to koolshen's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
you are, of course, right ;) just threw a stupid idea out there, very small chance of it working -
Guide L2OFF C1-C6 Skilldata.txt Documentation
sepultribe replied to sepultribe's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2OFF]
Updated second post with some GF stuff I was looking at today, will post more the following days. Still waiting on knowledgeable people to help clarify blurry areas mentioned in the first post. -
Help L2 Classic 2.0 Client localhost
sepultribe replied to koolshen's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
what about the old L2J way, hosts file editing, tried it yet? -
Help How to hide that i am using Virtualbox?
sepultribe replied to SQL Developer's topic in Request Hacks & Cheats [English]
VM detection can be done in so many ways, looking at processes, files, registry, drivers, devices and other things, google how malware detect VMs and u can see for yourself. Without reversing the l2.exe u cannot know. It could be as simple as looking at the name of your emulated graphics/sound/mobo chip, but could also be something more complex. -
Discussion Knowledge and History postpacific
sepultribe replied to anivix's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2OFF]
what kind of donate options did that server run? 100k is absurd for 3 months. and they say l2 is dead? or maybe that kind of money can only be made in russia, im guessing the server was a ru localization. wtf was their opening online numbers?